Cut Off The Fruit Of Green Bull, And Turn Into A Buddha On The Top Of The Valley Of The Gods

Chapter 62: Luo Mu is dead?! The fruit awakens! He is undefeated!

Between electric and flint.

CPO captain Kachisky didn't know when he appeared behind Luo Mu, and he directly trapped Luo Mu with his body.

Released the return of life form.

The dark blue blood vessels on the body burst out, and the most powerful strength in the whole body burst out in an instant!

His eyes were splitting and he roared.

"Sengoku! 39

The voice falls!

Sengoku was already prepared, and the only finger he stretched out was already aimed at Luo Mu, and the golden Buddha light all over his body poured onto that finger like a tide.

"The Greatest Wheel - Buddha's Punishment of Evil!"


At the moment when Sengoku roared, the sky and the earth were dark, and only that finger was as bright as a star.

It's not golden anymore.

It's a luscious color mixed with glaze!

Then Sengoku's entire arm suddenly lifted and pointed at him, thinking that Luo Mu, who was tied up by the CPO captain, shot him with a bang.

There are hundreds of meters between Sengoku and Luo Mu.

But in the eyes of everyone, this color of colored glass appeared in front of Luo Mu without leaving any trace in the air.

Anyone can see the horror of this attack!

Luo Mu, who was trapped and could not escape immediately, suddenly looked up at the glazed light.

The thoughts in the brain flew fast, and the eyes were extremely calm.

A thought moves.

"Wizard Wood Expulsion Ghost Face.

As Luo Mu's voice fell, this time not only the wooden dragon, but also Wooden Golem turned into a mask with green faces and fangs.


At the moment when Wood Expulsion's ghostly face appeared, the glazed light slammed into it.


At the moment of this encounter, the entire space in front of the ghost face suddenly showed a terrifying distortion, turning into a huge Uzumaki.


A crisp sound.

Countless slender white cracks immediately appeared in the center of the ghost face and in the space, and the terrifying power of destruction contained in it.

Just looking at it is enough to make your scalp tingle and your whole body shiver.

These changes are complicated.

But in fact, it was only one thousandth of a second before and after.


The glazed light suddenly penetrated the ghost face, dimmed a little and continued to bombard forward!

Luo Mu's eyes snapped, only to feel his body sinking suddenly, and then his whole body became numb for a moment, and even his consciousness seemed to have a brief stagnation.

14 And this time.

Whitebeard, Kaido, and other members of the Luo Mu squad just shouted out what they wanted to remind.

“Luo Mu!”

"Damn! Captain Luo Mu!

"Be careful!!

the next moment.

Under everyone's horrified eyes, Luo Mu and the CPO behind him shot back as if they had been hit by a planet, "Boom! Boom! Boom...." After the hill smashed into the ground.

The rocks crumbled, the dust clouded the sky.

at the same time.


Sengoku, who had returned to his normal form, fell directly from the air uncontrollably, making a small movement.

But no one paid attention to him, all of them had protruding eyes and big mouths, staring at the billowing smoke like a statue.

"Cough cough..."

Coughing up two mouthfuls of blood, Sengoku raised his arm tremblingly and was about to wipe it.

But then, two mouthfuls of blood spurted out, the whole person swayed, and the blackness in front of him directly collapsed to the ground.


Garp in the distance was the first to wake up, and the others immediately jumped here and helped Sengoku with a paper-colored face.

Cold sweat covered his dark skin.

"Sengoku! Sengoku! 35

Shaking vigorously while shouting.

Even though Sengoku just pressed his head directly on the floor, the relationship between the two is very good, and it is not too much to say that they are close friends.

"Cough cough..."

"Garp, slow down..."

Sengoku opened his eyes with difficulty and quickly persuaded Garp.

He was already extremely exhausted and exhausted, and his whole body was numb, and when he was shaken by Garp like this, he felt like his bones were about to disintegrate.

Then stopped Garp, who was happily wandering around.

Shen Sheng asked.

"Where's Luo Mu? Is he still alive?"

Garp didn't have Kaidō, just twisted Sengoku's body to the front of the giant pit, and then patted Sengoku on the shoulder.

He praised in a loud voice.


"I didn't expect you to hide your hand, then Luo Mu is still lying in the pit."

As a result, he didn't pay attention, and Sengoku spat out another mouthful of blood.


Sengoku groaned inwardly, his eyes bloodshot.

I was not beaten to death by Luo Mu, but was beaten by Garp.

But suddenly!

His eyebrows gradually stretched, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly.

Only in the field.

The Armament Haki on the trees in the Flower Tree World gradually receded, and the movement slowed down, and finally all stopped.

Luo Mu is dead!

Sengoku's shoulders sank suddenly, and a trace of turbid air that was still in his chest immediately spit out.

Shen said.

"This is the arrangement of the Five Elders.

"They asserted before the Valley of Gods that Luo Mu was the second threat besides Rocks, and it was their plan that I came to fight against Luo Mu, as was the CPO who physically restrained Luo Mu.

"It now appears that their guess is correct, Luo Mu is a huge threat."

"Unfortunately.... a CPO died. 99

Seeing the mission accomplished.

Sengoku also no longer concealed, and directly told Garp the secret mission that the Five Elders arranged for him in advance.

Garp directly raised his head and laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha.....

"That kind of spy will die if he dies, in short, Luo Mu will just die!

"Ha ha ha ha.....

He doesn't care about CPCPO at all, he has long been disgusted by those guys, and he smiled and patted Sengoku on the shoulder habitually.

But this time Sengoku was already prepared and successfully dodged.

in the blink of an eye.

Rocks and Luo Mu, who were the most powerful in the fight, were all defeated.

The entire battlefield was instantly silent.

In addition to the sound of the wind, there was only Garp's strong laughter.

far away.

The people watching the battle on the deserted island were all speechless, and after a few minutes they began to discuss in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect.... Rocks Pirate was destroyed so quickly."

"Sure enough, Marine and World ZF are the most terrifying forces in this world. Rocks and Luo Mu are so strong, it doesn't help."

"Damn.... The damn pirate traitors of the Roger Pirates, if they hadn't been dogs, how could Rocks Pirate be so easily defeated by Marine and World ZF!"

"That's right, at the beginning Rocks were fighting against Kong and Garp. As long as Luo Mu exhausted Sengoku to the point of exhaustion, it's hard to say who wins and who loses."5

"Alas, it's a pity there is no if. Rocks.... is defeated after all.

"Yeah, the two people in Rocks Pirate who had the most influence on the battle were defeated, and the rest of Newgate, Shiki and the others were useless."

"Is this the victory of justice?"

"Just a woolly thread, in order to kill Luo Mu, he didn't even spare his own people, I can only say that Marine and the World ZF are ruthless.

"It's a pity.... This is the most promising battle in history to overthrow the world order.

Seeing that Rocks was first defeated by Kong, Garp, and Roger, and then Luo Mu was defeated by Sengoku and CPO's "human bomb" attack, the onlookers were shocked.

There are those who shocked the destruction of Rocks, and there are those who scolded Roger pirate traitor, scolded Marine, and the world ZF was vicious and vicious.

But no matter what kind of attitude, in my heart, I think that the Valley of the Gods battle, the Rocks Pirate side has already gone.

After all, the two who fought the hardest were defeated, so what else is there to say.

On the other hand, Redfield narrowed his eyes, and his eyes fell on one of the Roger Pirates.

"What would you choose to do next, Roger?

battlefield center.

Everyone stopped fighting.


"Are we going to withdraw now?

Rayleigh put away his blade, walked slowly to Roger and asked.


Jabba and Battelle also stood behind Roger, waiting for Roger's instructions.


Roger didn't answer, just took a long breath, clutching his still bleeding stomach, and his eyes stopped for a while at the pothole in Rocks.

Following Roger's gaze, Rayleigh also looked over.


"It was really too dangerous just now."

"If his Haki blade had been lifted a little further, the battle would have continued..."

"Rocks, he is the undisputed master of the sea."

Roger nodded.

There was indeed some undisguised excitement on his face.

"We are today."

"Subvert an era!!

Has it turned an era upside down?

Hearing this sentence, Rayleigh, Jabba, and Battle were startled at the same time, and a majestic aura filled their chests.

But somehow.

After seeing the surrounding Marines and the people of ZF in the world, I couldn't be happy, and the majestic spirit was gradually replaced by a heavy feeling called "the death of a rabbit and a fox".

Roger patted the shoulders of several people and forced a smile.

"rest assured."

Then he turned his attention to Luo Mu's pothole less than 100 meters away.

“Luo Mu…”

"He shouldn't have died, he is different from Rocks, he not only has the spirit of dominance, but also has the spirit of a king.""

"If he can live, maybe he can find a way that the world can bear to change the world..."

There was undisguised pity in the tone.

While the Roger Pirates and others were sighing with emotion, the faces of the elite pirates of Rocks Pirate were ashen.

"Dead.... Captain and Captain Luo Mu are really dead..."

"It's over..."

"On the Marine and World ZF side, only one of the top fighting forces was killed, and Roger and Sengoku were only slightly injured. We lost."

"Not only lost, but we will all die here... 39

Thousands of pirates are unwilling to believe that Rocks and Luo Mu have failed completely.

But ten minutes have passed.

Whether it was Captain Rocks or Captain Luo Mu, the core points of the two battlefields did not respond at all, and they all lay quietly in the terrifying potholes dozens of meters deep.

This made them have to admit that the two were indeed defeated.

at the same time.

A cruel reality confronted them.

They will all die here.

The spiritual support has fallen, and the hope of life is gone.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant these pirates are on weekdays, now they are all dull-looking, as if they have lost their souls.


All the weapons in the hands of the pirates fell to the ground.

There is no longer the scene of swinging a knife and drinking when setting sail from Hachinosu.

Each is like a funeral.

Not only these little pirates, but even the faces of the squad leaders are extremely ugly.

Whitebeard slashed the cloud in his hand into the rock, his eyes fixed on Luo Mu's pothole in the distance.

"I drink two taels."

"Drink with you."


The words Luo Mu and himself had said when they first drank suddenly sounded in his ears.

Immediately after.

The two never knew each other from the bar, and the scenes of each other in Hachinosu flashed through my mind like a movie.


He has long regarded Luo Mu as his best friend, so he will find Luo Mu on the eve of the Battle of the Valley of God.

Tell him "inside information" and tell him to live.


Whitebeard sniffed, absentmindedly.

“Luo Mu…”

"I haven't had enough fun with you yet.


Shiki's facial muscles tensed, and he also looked in the direction of Luo Mu's pothole.


Actually 507 bit the cigar in his mouth directly.

He gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Luo Mu!

"Why did you die!!

"Who should wash my Shiki's shame now!!!"

He is not at all worried about the safety of his life, instead he is thinking that if Luo Mu dies, then his defeat cannot be changed. . . .

"Damn! It's over!"

"I'll just say the Valley of the Gods is a trap to destroy us! Damn Rocks! What kind of treasure is this?!

'Stop the fucking treasure and figure out how to escape!!'

"Escape?? Kong, Garp, Zephyr, and a bunch of CP agents, where to escape?! Wait to die! 99

John, Ochoku, and Silver Axe scolded and regretted that they would come to this burial place.

It was as if the sky was falling.

The heart is cold and cold.

The reactions of the pirates were all seen by the Marines and ZF people in the world nearby, and they all burst into cheers like a tsunami in a short time.

"Victory! We are victorious!

"Justice shall prevail!

"Victory is ours!"


One by one, they raised their weapons and raised their arms and shouted, and some even patted their chests like an orangutan because they were too excited.

at this time.

Sengoku, who had regained some stamina, roared.


"Pick up the weapon in your hand and clear the battlefield in the name of absolute justice!!


Immediately, countless Marines, like taking stimulants, waved their weapons and began to encircle and slaughter the lost pirates in front of them.

Blood splattered all over for a while, and the Marines were all red-eyed, and even looked a little crazy.

Rocks and Luo Mu put too much pressure on them.

Whether it is the former 1V3, or the latter's "battlefield meat grinder" like the flower tree world, this non-human force is tormenting their nerves all the time.

Now suddenly tell them victory, both monsters are dead.

This huge contrast like a vertical roller coaster makes a normal person crazy.

Their current killing spree is actually releasing the fear of Rocks, Luo Mu and others. …

Kong and the others shook their heads and sighed.

They naturally understood this truth, but they didn't say anything. After all, if the fear is not released, it will affect these subordinates for a lifetime.

"All right.

"Just in case, go check the bodies of Rocks and Luo Mu."

Kong said solemnly.

Garp and the others nodded silently, and the soldiers walked towards the two potholes in two separate ways.

But just before Sengoku and cp0 came to Luo Mu's pit, a roar suddenly came out.

"Impossible! Captain Luo Mu is impossible to lose! He is undefeated! 35

"You all get out of my way!

Immediately after.


A loud dragon roar resounded through the sky.


At this time, because of Luo Mu, the fruit awakening was completed!!

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