Cut Off The Fruit Of Green Bull, And Turn Into A Buddha On The Top Of The Valley Of The Gods

Chapter 80: Erase History? The Valley of the Gods event continues to ferment! Arrive at Wanokuni!!

Pan Ancient City.

Looking at Im, who was high above and hidden in the shadows, the Five Elders were still kneeling on the ground, daring not to show any disrespect.

It's just that they didn't even realize it. After seeing Luo Mu's last blow burst out with the aura of "God", Im's sense of mystery in their hearts seems to have weakened a bit.

"Master Im.

"We have ordered the World ZF to completely block the God's Valley incident, and the impact will be eliminated!

The old man in the black suit said respectfully.

"Please rest assured, Lord Yimu, we will definitely erase Luo Mu's name from the history-text!""

The other four also spoke in unison.

"You said.... Luo Mu is he really dead?"

Hearing the words of the five, Yimu asked a question to himself.

The expressions of the few people in the audience changed greatly in an instant, but before they could speak, Yimu's slightly illusory voice rang again.

"Go down."

"Things in the historical text are handled more beautifully."


The five of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and bowed deeply towards Yimu.

"Yes! Lord Im!!""

Immediately, he got up and walked out slowly.

Ignoring the five people who had left, Yimu raised his hand and sucked in the air, sucking a bounty on the ground into his hand.

The person above is wearing gray half-sleeves and wide-leg pants. It is the 1.5 billion Bailey bounty that Luo Mu had previously killed after killing Celestial Dragons!


"I thought you could make waves.


As soon as his thoughts moved, the reward order seemed to be scorched by an invisible flame, and was completely swallowed by the void in a moment.


In the spacious office, Kong sat at the top, while Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr and Sakazuki sat on either side of the large desk.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed solemn.

Obviously, being reprimanded by the Five Elders is very unpleasant.

Kong rested his chin on his hands and glanced over at several people, but his expression didn't change much.

He's been through so many things like this.

"Cough cough..."

After coughing twice to break the silence, Kong said in a deep voice.

"Although we Marines don't have to deal with the blocking of news, the post-war mess still needs to be sorted out.


"Tell me about the changes in the situation these days.""


Sengoku pondered for a while and said slowly.

"This time the battle has a great impact, and the pattern has changed in many places, but the biggest change is naturally Rocks Pirate.""

"According to intelligence.

"The day after the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, Hachinosu fell apart.

"Newgate, Shiki, Charlotte Linlin, John, Ochoku, Silver Axe and other squad leaders, including Luo Mu's subordinate Kaido, all announced their withdrawal from the Rocks Pirates and led their respective squad members to leave Hachinosu. "

"It seems that they are all looking for their new residence."

Speaking of which.

Sengoku paused, rubbed the frog glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said quite seriously.

"That is to say.

"Although the 'terrorist organization Rocks Pirate' that dominates the sea has been completely disbanded and has become history."

"However, the severe situation at sea has not changed in the slightest. Even because all these powerful pirates have poured out, there have been more pirate activities in various sea areas."5

"and also."

"Although Luo Mu died, his influence has not weakened in the slightest. He has become the spiritual leader of many anti-ZF organizations, and their activities are becoming more and more frequent..."

Hearing Sengoku's report, Kong's eyebrows also wrinkled into the word "Chuan".

Drop your arms.

But it diverted the topic.

"How's the crane?"

The voice fell.

Sengoku, Garp, and Sengoku were all stunned for a moment, and the expressions on their faces were extremely solemn.

"The trauma is no longer a serious problem, I just don't know when I will wake up.""

Zephyr glanced at his severed arm and responded in a deep voice.

"Follow my orders."

"After a one-month rest, they began to conduct shock and awe voyages in various sea areas at the same time, and at the same time raised the bounty of the officers of Rocks Pirate.

Time passed quickly, and days passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period.

The CP troops of the World ZF acted aggressively and frantically suppressed the news about the "Valley of God Incident", which annoyed them.

This time is different.

The events in the Valley of the Gods cannot be blocked at all, and there is a tendency to intensify.

In just a few days, the news of the Valley of the Gods Marine, the defeat of World ZF, the death of Rocks, and the disbandment of Rocks Pirate has spread to every corner of the world.

In particular, the name "Luo Mu" has completely caused an uproar in the whole world.

Eight hundred years.

How tyrannical and terrifying the forces of Marine and World ZF are, it is almost engraved in everyone's heart.

However, now there is the shocking news that someone single-handedly defeated him and returned, which is undoubtedly an earth-shattering event for everyone in the world.

Mercury Island.

In a pirate bar.

The terrifying-looking strong men were eating meat and drinking, clinking glasses and shouting constantly, making the whole bar noisy and noisy.

But one of the tables was very quiet.

Four people were seated around the table, three of them in a row, all with the same skull mark tattooed on their bare arms.

It looks like they belong to the same pirate group.

Opposite them, sat a small man wearing a black leather cap and a black cloth covering his face.


"Be quiet! The group of spies in World ZF are like mad dogs now, who knows if there are any nearby. 99

The little man said in a low voice.

At the same time, he also looked around from time to time, for fear that someone from the world would suddenly appear.

"Looking at you, is there really a recorded video of the Battle of the Valley of the Gods?"

Opposite the little one, the one-eyed pirate, the eldest of the three pirates, narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice.

"Why did I lie to you!?"

"High-definition uncensored recording! And it's still the full version! Especially the battle between Luo Mu and the mysterious Thirteen Knights at the end, it's all there!

Saw a few people interested.

The little man hurriedly started selling while the iron was hot.

"How to sell?"

The one-eyed pirate asked.

"A thousand Baileys!

The little man stretched out his fingers to compare one by one, and whispered.

"make a deal.""

The one-eyed pirate nodded, and as he spoke, he took out a bulging money bag from his arms.


"We are pirates!

Beside him, the two younger brothers spoke out at the same time, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

But the one-eyed pirate shook his head to signal the two not to speak, then threw the money bag on the table and said.

"Delivery. 35

"Refreshing! 95

The little man hurriedly took out a Sky Island specialty "Image Shell" from his robe and handed it to several people, and at the same time opened the money bag on the table.

When he saw Huang Chengcheng's Bailey, his eyes immediately turned into the shape of Bailey.

Heart secretly said.

"I posted it! I really want to thank this Luo Mu! After a few days, I made hundreds of thousands of Baileys in blood!! 55

Can be sudden.

On the forehead there was a sensible hard touch.


The little man's heart stopped suddenly, and he slowly raised his head. The one-eyed pirate was holding an oversized golden revolver against his forehead with one hand.

His mouth grinned, revealing a large golden tooth.

"Don't be nervous.



The little man swallowed hard, but he never imagined that someone would dare to rob this bar.

"Gluck cluck...

Teeth chattering, the little man re-tied the bag tremblingly and handed it back to a few people.

But the golden revolver on the forehead still did not mean to move.

"Oh shit...."

The little man cursed inwardly, but with a smile on his face, he handed over all the Baileys on him.


The one-eyed golden-toothed pirate nodded with satisfaction and slowly put away the revolver.


The little man ran away immediately.

"As expected of you, boss!!

"Hahaha, you have earned 40,000 to 50,000 Baileys without spending a cent. Boss, you are amazing!"

The two younger brothers squinted their eyes with laughter, counting Bailey's flattery to the boss in the middle.


"Being a pirate also requires professionalism. 35

The one-eyed golden-toothed pirate old god was on the road, and at the same time played with the image shell in his hand, his eyes flashed with scorching heat.

"did not expect."

"You can still harvest such treasures here."

Hearing this, the two younger brothers who were busy counting Bailey asked casually.

"Boss, isn't it just a video? What's so precious?

"Yeah, this Bailey is the real baby!"


The one-eyed golden-toothed pirate shook his head and said to himself.

"This is the battle image of the 'God of Pirates' Luo Mu, which is extremely precious, and this image can be sold for at least 500,000 Berry in the underground world.

"It's still worthless.


A video is worth half a million baileys?!

The eyes of the two little thieves who had just embarked on the pirate tour popped out. The tens of thousands of baileys on the table were enough for them to have fun for a few days.

Seeing the dull expressions of the two newcomers, the one-eyed golden-toothed pirate smiled disdainfully.

"In addition to the continuous blockade of the World ZF, the information and influence related to the Valley of God and Luo Mu will soon be destroyed. At that time, this video will be 'history', do you know what is history?

Hearing the boss's question, the two younger brothers were still confused and shook their heads.


The one-eyed golden-toothed pirate "Bang Bang" scolded the two of them after giving each of them a brain break.

"Uneducated fool.

Say it.

He just stopped paying attention to the two subordinates, dragged Yingbei in his hand and watched it seriously, as if he was looking at a most precious treasure.

"Make a price."

"I bought this image.


A deep voice sounded behind him, and the one-eyed golden-toothed pirate quickly put away Yingbei and turned to look behind him.

ask for flowers

Two people.

One was wearing a crimson pirate hat, a gold-red robe, a white scarf, and a thick beard under his nose.

A dagger-style saber hangs from his waist.

The other had short blond hair, a pair of round-rimmed glasses, and a white robe that looked shabby.

"Roger! Rayleigh!!"

The one-eyed golden-toothed pirate froze for a moment and called out the names of the two in surprise.


After a while, as the voice of the one-eyed golden-toothed pirate fell, the entire pirate bar became quiet, and all the excitement stopped their movements and turned their heads to look at Roger and Rayleigh.

The eyes were shocked at first, but soon mixed with a trace of undisguised contempt.

The brief silence was also broken by a sarcastic shout.

"Yo, isn't this Roger, Rayleigh, captain and co-captain of the Marine Roger Pirates? 99

"Why don't you go to Marineford instead of our hideous pirate bar? 35

"Damn pirate traitor! Marine's lackey!"

"It's a shame for us pirates to show up at a pirate bar! 99

Staring at Roger and Rayleigh, the pirates spoke disdainfully.

In the past, this was impossible. Both of them were super big pirates with a bounty of over one billion, but after the battle in the Valley of the Gods, the reputation of the Roger Pirates was completely stinky.

In the eyes of the pirates, they are shameless traitors, Marine's lackeys.


An egg burst out on Roger's face, and his face was immediately covered with shadows, and Rayleigh beside him even narrowed his eyes, and his aura suddenly increased.


Feeling the terrifying aura coming from Rayleigh, a layer of cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the pirates, subconsciously widened their eyes and stepped back in horror.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Everyone knows the strength of these two people quite well, and just now, they just had a fever and had just been addicted to their mouths.


With a gloomy face, Roger raised his right arm and stopped in front of Rayleigh, then continued to stare at the one-eyed gold-toothed pirate.

"Make a price."


This time, the one-eyed golden-toothed pirate's teeth trembled.

He lowered his head, raised his hands sharply, and handed Yingbei to Roger.

Shen said.


Seeing this scene, the little man in black robe who had been robbed by him in the dark clenched his hands tightly, and there was a sense of revenge in his heart.

Looking at Roger with admiration.

Roger did not reply, wiped the frangipani from his face, and silently took out a bulging bag from his arms and placed it on the table.

Then he picked up the image shell from the one-eyed pirate, turned around and walked out of the bar.

Waiting out of the bar.

Roger raised his hand and looked at Yingbei, stunned in place.

Rayleigh frowned and said in a deep voice.


"We should now consider how to find the legendary final island, instead of sinking in the past."

There was some disappointment in his tone.

He felt that after meeting Luo Mu, his captain seemed to be a different person, and his behavioral decision completely lost his original decisiveness.

Especially after the Valley of the Gods incident.

It feels like he is starting to worry about gains and losses, and he still looks like a pirate.

Put away the image.

Roger turned his eyes to the direction of the sea, and spoke after a long silence.

"you're right.

But his heart was dark.

"Luo Mu.

"Are you really dead..."

Right now.

A figure jumped out of the shadows and stopped in front of Roger, it was the little man in the bar just now.


He took off his mask, revealing a very immature face.

A spherical red nose above is particularly striking.


"You are Roger! 35

"My name is Buggy, and I want to get on your ship and be your crew member!!

at the same time.

Somewhere in the sea where Wanokuni meets the outside world, hundreds of samurai in kimono are patrolling with knives.

This is a powerful country in the New World, and it is also a closed country. It never accepts outsiders, does not join the World ZF, and even Marine warships cannot enter.

On weekdays.

Although the sea area that is connected with the outside world is closely guarded, there are only dozens of people at most. The sudden increase in manpower is due to the "Valley of God Incident"


The daimyo here were afraid of being affected, so they increased their staff tenfold.

"Have you heard? There is a pirate in the outside world who actually defeated ZF and Marine in the world!

"I must have heard of it. There are such powerful pirates.


in the watchtower.

The two guards chatted with each other, although they were closed to the country, they still knew this kind of news around the world.


One of the sentinels frowned, pushed his neck forward a bit, and muttered.

"Hey hey hey. 35

"Come and see how there is a coffin floating in the sea over there..."


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