Cut Off The Fruit Of Green Bull, And Turn Into A Buddha On The Top Of The Valley Of The Gods

Chapter 84: The Empress's first experience of love. Rise again!

Amazon Lily Kingdom. (Daughter Country)

Deep in the palace.

A very tall woman sat on the throne.

His jet-black hair was combed into a Ji hairstyle, his forehead was smooth and flat, and his eyes were a rare dark blue.

She is tall and slender, and her cheongsam-style clothing perfectly complements her figure.

no one else.

It is the Empress Boya Hancock.

Unlike the usual indifference, she was even a little shy on the phone now.


"The leader called his concubine's name directly again!"

Luo Mu's voice in the phone bug made the cold empress instantly melt, and she couldn't help blushing.

But she knew that this was reporting a serious matter, so she quickly forcibly stabilized her mind and said in a clear voice.


"As you might expect, Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard regiment, lost the match against Blackbeard and has now been handed over to Marine by Blackbeard."

over the phone.

After hearing the Empress' report, Luo Mu didn't reply directly, but tapped rhythmically on the table next to him, falling into contemplation.

"Sure enough, we still lost to Blackbeard.

Forty years have passed since the Battle of the Valley of the Gods.

During this period.

In order not to arouse Yimu's reaction, he chose to completely hide behind the scenes. Except for a few confidants, the rest did not know that Luo Mu was still alive.

As for the development of the world during the period, Luo Mu 580 did not interfere too much, and generally proceeded in an orderly manner according to the original world line.

Rocks Pirate fell apart.

Roger reached the final island to see the historical text, turned himself in and was publicly executed the following year.

Before dying, the "Great Pirate Age" started

Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Shanks become the Four Emperors.

King Luffy goes to sea.

Then came the changes in Marine.

Sengoku becomes the marshal, Garp becomes the Marine hero, Sakazuki, Polsalino and Kuzan become the new three Admiral, Black Arm Zephyr "defects" due to the collapse of faith


However, during this period, Luo Mu did not do nothing.

Tianyue, who was deceived by human traffickers to Jiuli, did not meet Kozuki Oden, but was rescued by herself and became a "big wife" logically.

Then there is Boa Hancock.

Luo Mu took him with him during his childhood. Naturally, there is no such thing as being caught by Celestial Dragons and printed with "Dragon's Hoof".

However, through various means, he still got the Paramecia Sweet Fruit and let it obtain the original petrification ability.

And when she became an adult, she was sent back to the daughter country, making her the queen of the original world line.

(bede) "Chief ∼"

Seeing that Luo Mu didn't respond for a long time, Boa Hancock couldn't help but called out softly.

This means that the person on the opposite side is Luo Mu. If it was someone else, she would have been furious and hung up the phone.


With this call, Luo Mu also woke up from his memory and responded.


"You should have received an invitation from Marine in the near future to go to Marineford to watch Ace's public execution, don't say no, agree to them.

Without explaining why, Luo Mu directly ordered.

"Follow your orders, chief.

Hearing Luo Mu calling herself Hancock again, the Empress couldn't help but feel a burst of heartbreak.

"Any thing else?"

Luo Mu asked.

"'s alright.

Boa Hancock said intermittently.

"Okay, then..."

Hearing that the Empress said it was fine, Luo Mu was about to hang up the phone. The Summit War was coming, and he had a lot of things to prepare for.

But just before he hung up the phone, a hasty voice mixed with shyness rang quickly.

"When will you be a concubine again... oh no! Come here!!

The voice fell.

The queen's face instantly turned into a red apple, and her ears felt extremely hot. She didn't expect that she would say the word "concubine body" smoothly!

"It's over, it's over...

"He won't hate me, the leader!!"

She was not only remorseful in her heart, but also had a hint of shyness and anticipation at the same time.


A strange throbbing flashed in Luo Mu's heart, and he suddenly realized that the empress was no longer the "clunky little loli" who had been following her all the time.

"It seems that it is time to relax after the Dingshan War."

Think about it here.

The corners of Luo Mu's mouth were lightly raised, and he was quite playful towards the microphone.

"Don't talk about subordinates in the future."

The voice was very soft, but Boa Hancock on the other side of the phone seemed to be hit hard.

"What does the leader mean.... let me call his concubine in front of him in the future?!

"Could it be..."

"Leading him..."

A bold idea suddenly flashed in her heart, and her soft fingers trembled slightly, almost unable to hold the receiver in her hand.

"Are you okay Hancock?

Seeing that there was no movement from the Empress, Luo Mu asked.


"Subordinates are here! 35

The queen responded repeatedly, for fear that Luo Mu would hang up.


Luo Mu's familiar voice came over the phone.

"Yes... it's my concubine~"

The Empress's teeth bit her lip and responded glutinously.

"Well. 35

"That's right.

Luo Mu answered and hung up the phone. Except for a little joy, his mood didn't change much, but the Empress seemed to be in a state of collapse.


In response, Luo Mu hung up the phone, and the empress, who was already soft and weak, fell to the ground in a daze.

He kept mumbling in his mouth.


"He made me call myself a concubine..."

No wonder the Empress reacted like this.

She followed Luo Mu around ten years old, and was attracted by Luo Mu's ability and character, and regarded him as her "king".

And with Luo Mu.

Naturally it is impossible to have any thoughts about other men.

Therefore, she who looks cold and cold actually has no experience of interacting with the opposite sex at all. Today, she blundered and said her heartfelt voice and was admitted by Luo Mu. The huge stimulation directly caused this "Flower of Gao Ling" to sink. Entered the delusional world of fantasy.

And let's talk about Luo Mu's side.

He didn't have too many reactions, after all, he already had the existence of Tianyueshi, and his immunity to this kind of thing was already good.

"It's time to see those old guys again.

With a soft murmur, Luo Mu moved the Empress' phone bug and picked up another phone bug made of gold.

at the same time.

In the office of the head of Guran Tezzolo, the world's largest entertainment city, a phone bug rang at the highest point.

"Poro Poro..."

Seeing the phone worm ringing, the expression of a gray-green middle-aged man covered in large gold chains changed.

After tidying up his tie, he answered the phone directly.


"I'm Tezzolo, do you have any orders?

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