Pirate World

Chambord Islands

Draco laughed wantonly.

“See? Slaves, the guys who challenged the gods were doomed from the beginning! ”

“What are you expecting?”

“Look, that pile of scrap iron doesn’t even have ashes left, hahaha~”

“As for that Rick… Even more stupid garbage! ”


Headquarters of the Navy

The originally crowded room was left with only Karp, Sengoku, Tsuru and others.

The rest of the top officials were sent around the world to suppress the riots.

“The incident has been temporarily controlled, but…”, Lieutenant General Tsuru’s voice stopped talking.

“It’s okay, just say it,” Sengoku said with a pained brow.

“This riot is obviously caused by the video, but the real trouble is in the end…”


“Everyone is repressed, the riot is just a moment of calm before the storm, a real riot… Will be at the end of the video… Thoroughly hit”


Hokage World

“Victory with death…”

“This world, and that world…”

“It’s all wrong… People need to feel the pain, they need to understand the pain”



Game Life Zero

“Is this your game consciousness?”

“… It’s just a pile of scrap iron!!! ”

“Will make you wait until the end, let you monkeys know what despair is!”

The attack that is enough to destroy the entire planet stands quietly in the void, and with one blow, all human beings will turn into ashes.

But they are waiting, waiting to give them endless despair!


[In the deep darkness, Rick leans on huge chess].

[Even once… Why can’t you just let him win once…].

[He has lost nothing, why, why].

“If that’s the case, why give me your heart!!! Bandage-wrapped hands slowly bleeding

[Rick no longer knows what pain is, what is sadness].

[Because the heart is full of… That’s all…].

【… If you don’t give your heart to yourself… Hubby would not have sought the existence of the heart from him…].

“Hubie won’t know him…].

[Hubby… Nor will it die…].

[It’s myself, it’s myself who hurt Hubie…].

“That’s right… If Hughby died… The game was lost, and I was able to go with Hubie…”

[The chess chess grip slowly released his hand… The boy is really tired…].

[What exactly is this meaningless war for… Obviously so many people have died, but they still refuse to stop…].

[Really… So tired…].


[“Rick the Will the One”, like a call into the abyss, the machine that carries Hubby’s will calls Rick’s name. 】

The boy slowly opened his eyes, and the ridiculous ring was resting in the palm of his hand. 】

[The girl’s body was destroyed, but only this ring remained… How… How ridiculous…].

[If she can go with Hughby in this way, the girl will be very happy, so that she can live for the rest of her life… Accompany Huby. 】

[But… The next moment… A familiar voice that made the boy sad sounded

[“This game… Rick is not defeated”].

[“The second rule, no one is allowed to die…”


“Hubby, not a person… Just objects, so Rick… Will definitely win! “】


[“Hmm! … Hubie, we… We will definitely win”].



Game Life Zero


“What a victory…”

“A world without Hubie…”

“What happens if you win”

“This game… From the moment he lost Hubie…”

“It’s already lost!”


“Hubby, I’ll definitely be with Rick all the time… Forever”


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