[The sky is pierced by a bright light, as if it is composed of an illusory world, and the starlight shines through the universe and spreads on the entire earth…].

[Rick watched the Star Cup slowly appear in the center of space… Star Cup… It’s that holy].

[The figure of the young man looked at the star cup in front of him a little stunned… How much did they pay for it].

[Countless machine wreckage… Floating in the air with nowhere to go…].

[How much do you have left…].

[The wind blows through the boy’s hair, and the wind at the top of the mountain is really strong…].

[It’s just a star cup, what is it for… To cause such a war, killing countless living beings…].

[Is it to gain power?] Is it to obtain the title of the only god…].

[The boy can’t figure out why, for this moment…].

[The star cup is close at hand, if you get it, you will gain supreme power and become the only god].

[Won yourself?] The fact is clear that themselves… Where did you win…].

[Even the beloved has been lost…].

[It’s not a win at all…].

[Can be counted… Draw… Is it…].


[“What a tie! “】

[The bandaged hand reaches out to the star cup, immediately, as long as it touches, it will end…].


[But… The young man’s hand turned into starlight at the moment of contact…].

[The brilliant ring stagnated in the air, and the figure of the young man seemed to be fixed… staring blankly at the scene in front of you…].

[That… The holy star cup seems to be disgusting this world, this human filth, this palm full of dirt and blood

[Slowly rising in the dazzling starry sky, unwilling to let himself fall into this darkness…].

[But… But… It’s the war it brings! 】

[It is he who destroys everyone’s home, he who separates people from yin and yang, and he who can only make people lose their beloved ones for peace in this game].

[What the hell is it disgusting!!! 】

【… War! God! Star Cup! 】

“A bunch of bastards…”


[“Put … Put my Hugh … Give it back to me!!! “】


[Weak crying, the figure of the teenager is really almost unable to hold on, again and again…].

[Not once…] Just this time…].

[They’ve all paid with their lives, can’t they…].

[Please… Whoever will take it, whoever will take it…].

[End this war, the war is raging, the planet is shattered…. It is already unknown how many unprovoked people died…].

[How long do you want such days to last!] 】

[Do they deserve to die!] Is the meaning of human existence to be killed by your game…].

[Who will take it…]

[The unrecognized boy’s body is slowly dissipating… Maybe even the Star Cup didn’t expect that in the end, even the humans of the Elven Corridor would win this game…].

[In the quiet starry sky, the boy fell to his knees weakly… Tears slipped down one by one…].

[Gave everything… But now they refuse to give even the last hope…].

[There is a scene with Hubby…].

[“For this moment… Hughby and how many of his companions are dead… Don’t hesitate to lie to yourself… Even taking advantage of Hubby’s feelings…”

[“Why… Still refusing…”

“I still won’t let this end…”].

[This moment… Darkness seems to overshadow the light… Will miracles really exist…].

[Still… There are no miracles at all…].


[In the dark, a ripple gently spread, some petite figures appeared, the body slowly walked towards the star cup, gently protected, the star cup did not repel…].

[It’s a god! ] It’s not the Star Cup that Rick got…].


[The boy’s eyes widened, and then he showed a touch of relief…].

[“It really exists…”


[That’s the god of games…].

[Never heard of, weak, ridiculous god…].

[That is…]

【… Only for himself and Hughby… God! 】

[That is the god created by them…]

[“This war… Finally… OK… It’s over”].

[The boy’s figure began to turn into beautiful starlight and gradually dissipated… Limbs… Body… Head… Tears…].

“I will definitely win next time, and Hughby… together”



“Sa, from today onwards, there will be no more war! Let’s play the game! “】

[On this day, the rules of the world have completely changed…].


Game Life Zero

The glory of the end fell to earth

… Naw… It’s the gods who are afraid….


What happens if something is already changed?

Huby, Rick is dead, and there will be thousands more.

This game….

Who exactly won….


The ruins of ruins are where the two first met….

The boy hugged the girl tightly and refused to let go, but Hubby gently pushed the boy away, holding the boy’s cheek with his small hand.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of the boy’s eyes, the girl’s breathing was a little rapid….

“Whew… Naw, Rick”


The eyes are close, and the distance between the two is getting smaller and smaller.

The girl wiped the tears from her face and raised a smile.

“Rick you know what… It was as if Hubie had a dream, the day she first met Rick… Rick looks so fierce…”

“But… It was Rick who helped Hubie find his heart and find the meaning of Huby’s existence…”

“Hubie was really happy to meet Rick… Also married to Rick…”

“… Hubby… Being able to meet Rick really… It’s really great…”


“Please don’t cry… Hughby’s favorite… Rick…”



The glow of the sky pronounces the declaration of doom, allowing the light to devour everyone… But no one is afraid, because of this love, this feeling….

Until now, we are alive because the people we care about are still in the world….


At the end of the day, I can spend time with my loved ones… We have been satisfied….

Maybe we didn’t puff up our chests at the last minute and say we won….

But it doesn’t matter anymore….

In this world where humans are like dust… Although the ending is not perfect, it is enough….


… The god Sama … The moment we lost our family….

It’s already… I’m not scared anymore….

The brilliance of doom flashed, and what was taken away….

There is no despair and fear….

Some are just a faint sense of relief….

“People have always thought of this as a game… Because there will be no death in the game… Detachment].

[The gods also treat it as a game… Because in their eyes life is so cheap…].


“Sa, starting today, the world begins to change! Let’s start the game and swear to the covenant! “】


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