“Hey, hey, loli, loli from another world!”

“What is it!”

“So interesting!”


[Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 500,000 emotional points].


The voice of the system echoed in his mind, Su Mo’s face remained unchanged, the chess pieces in his hand fell, and the situation on the chessboard had become a foregone conclusion.

“Lost again…”, sitting in front of Su Mo were Rick and Hubi, looking at the lost chess pieces The two were a little disappointed, but then smiled softly.

Is it really because they are husband and wife


It’s strong, but you can’t win all the time.

“Hehe, hey, did Su Mo win again! I really didn’t pick the wrong person! ”

The infantile Gipriel ran to Su Mo’s side and spoke.

That’s right, it was Gipriel who made the crazy voice just now.

After trading with the original world’s special map, he actually obtained the qualification to apply for this world.

And Su Mo did not refuse, out of the principle of curiosity, let Ji Pril enter this world.

So, after a series of gambling agreements….

Gipriel lost… Knowledge… Power….

In the end, he also lost to Su Mo.

This is why the current Gipriel looks juvenile.

“Rick… Hubby… Lord Su Mo, it’s time to eat.”

A small head appeared behind everyone, and he looked at Su Mo timidly and said softly.

It was the little girl with purple hair, who looked a little less mature than before, but more gentle and childlike…

Before the death of relatives had to be strong, now that relatives are by their side, there is no need for girls to arm themselves with hypocritical faces.

“Well, got it,” Huby replied Rubie and Rick, looking at their sister in the distance to help.

Only Su Mo and the little girl were left, and as for Gipriel, he went to ‘scourge’ Cui and the others.

“Master Su Mo, please over here”, although she knew that Su Mo was their lifesaver, but due to the unknown, or the fear before the war, the girl’s appearance was still particularly restrained.

“This is for you”, looking at the girl’s restrained appearance, like a kitten that survives alone in the wild, but has not yet been weaned, Su Mo gently took the girl’s small hand and handed over a few milk candies.

After all, in the eyes of children, Su Mo thinks that candy is still relatively popular.

“Thank you…”, looking at the milk candy in her hand, the girl’s expression was stunned, hesitated again and again, or stretched out her hand to take it timidly, tangled several times, the girl gently smelled.

Different from the smell of breast milk, the smell of milk that has never been smelled, the girl’s originally calm little face showed a hint of hesitation, and subconsciously swallowed saliva.

There was never this in the food of the Great War….

“Tear the bag open and eat”

“Hmm…” The restrained little hand gently tore open the package, as if afraid of falling, the girl squatted down, looked at the milky white candy exposed inside, hesitated, or swallowed it in her mouth.

Then in Su Mo’s line of sight, the girl’s lilac eyes widened slightly, her eyes revealed a faint sense of surprise and happiness, and her soft face was no longer restrained, but a smile appeared.

“There are many more, just like to eat by yourself.”

Looking at the expression on the girl’s face as if she had encountered something unbelievable, the little one was stunned in place and motionless, Su Mo showed a faint smile, slowly squatted down, touched the girl’s head and said softly.

The girl did not respond, and her restrained little face had long been washed away by happiness….



The smiling face left tears on his face….

“… Thank you really Lord Su Mo… It’s you… It’s you”, it seems that there are too many things to say, tears keep slipping, the girl hugs Su Mo hard, and the choked voice attracts everyone’s attention.

Tears were wiped away over and over again….

Trying to bring back tears… But the tears that welled up like a fountain refused to stop

“If you want to cry, cry…”, Su Mo gently hugged the girl.

Sometimes, as a bystander, he can also feel this sadness.

“… Woo-huh…”, finally the girl couldn’t hold back any longer.

This beauty, this happiness….

Everything is real now….

But… Why is it so unbelievable….

Shouldn’t they go to hell after they die to experience a disaster with their families….


Why is everything so unreal now….

If it’s a dream….

Wish… Never wake up….

“Sue… Lord Su Mo… I want to know who you really are”, a thousand words of thanks came to her lips, but the girl finally asked.


If it’s a dream….

She didn’t want to remember such a beautiful scene….

Just want to… Just want to… Remember as much of this wonderful person as possible….


“Just like you, I’m just an ordinary person… Ordinary people who like sentimentality…”


The pitch-black picture flashed with multicolored colors again….

Everyone stared at the picture….

[Death Scene: Glory…].

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