[Screen continues].

[The screen flashed, no longer the previous scene, in the corpse mountain and sea of blood, Qianshou Shixia was covered in blood, an arm was torn off, the back was against the huge stone pillar, and in front of him were the corpses of countless gastric animals lying down, it was obvious that you could see how fierce the previous battle was, the girl leaned against the stone pillar lonely, as if quietly waiting for death].

“Save this kid! Who will save her! Luffy’s eyes widened as he swallowed a piece of roasted meat and shouted madly.

“Stupid, don’t be noisy, no one will hear you even if you call,” Nami said nervously, staring at the screen.

The rest of the crowd was also staring at the screen, waiting for a miracle.

[Satomi Rentaro picked up the gun on the ground, showed a look of disbelief in his eyes, and ran towards Senju Shinatsu].

“Okay, hurry up and save her!” , Naruto shouted excitedly when he saw Satomi Rentaro rushing in.


“It’s not that simple…”, Lieutenant General Tsuru fell silent as he looked at Rentaro Satomi who arrived on the screen.

Although only two different pictures appear, the content of these girls can be seen.

The main combat power of the brutal battle is actually these little girls, who are close to death without the slightest fear of death in their eyes.

Even those sea thieves who shook the world can face death head-on.


[Standing in front of the girl, Satomi Rentaro asked, “Why didn’t you run away, don’t you say that you will run away once you fall into a disadvantage?] “, Satomi Rentaro knew the girl’s situation from the beginning. 】

[Without answering, Senju Shinatsu quietly asked, “Satomi-san, where is Mr. Shoya?] “。 – “He’s okay”].

[After getting the safety of his partner, Senju Shinatsu’s heart also relaxed, and slowly looked at the crazy surging cells on the left arm, “Mr. Satomi, I…”, Rentaro Satomi calmed down with a look of disbelief on his face, “Well, that’s right, the erosion rate has exceeded 50%”


[Senju Shixia, who got the answer, did not panic and calmly spoke, “Please let me die as a human being”].


“What are you talking about! What in a human posture, what dies! Why not save her!!! “, Konoha, Naruto looked at the girl and shouted hysterically, “It must be urgent to go to the hospital now!” Why, why not go and save her…”

“So it is… Infected with some unknown virus, gaining power, but after reaching a certain limit, will you become the same monster as before… What a pity”, Orochimaru lowered his head, his gloomy voice echoing in the laboratory.


“Bastard, where is this, I’m going to save this girl!” , On the pirate ship, Luffy, who was already about to explode, was pulled by everyone and shouted on the ship.


[The bloodstained face did not have half a wave, Senju Shixia said calmly, “You affirmed my existence, I didn’t want you to die, so I tried my best, although it was very hard, but it was great that I could live, now my heart is full of gratitude, thank you”, the girl’s eyes flashed with tears, as if she was lamenting the encounter at the time of parting, but she couldn’t bear to break this last glimmer of beauty, tears rolled in her eyes, but they didn’t drip for a long time].

[The sky is gradually brightening, the horizon is far away and a round of gold is rising, the sun quietly rises and tears the night sky, and the scattered clouds are reflected dazzlingly].

[Satomi Rentaro’s hand trembled and he felt the gun from his back, and the gun was shaking].

[Senju Shinatsu, who was targeted by the gun, had a smile on his face, breaking the remaining black curtain in the night sky, and the sunlight slowly shone on the girl’s face, “Mr. Satomi doesn’t have any friends, I’ll be your friend.] – “Well, thank you, you are my irreplaceable friend”


[The position of the sun slowly rises, a blond hair glittered in the sun, and the girl’s smile was even brighter than the sun, “Mr. Satomi, if you are lost in the darkness in the future, please follow your inner compass, go in the direction of light, and save the world…”, at the last moment, the tears in the girl’s eyes could no longer be held back, and they slipped down like a spring…].

[“Peng! Gunshots rang out, and sinful and holy bullets pierced the girl’s body

[At the end of the picture, the blue sky that symbolizes hope and the

dazzling sun].


Pirate World

Sengoku stared blankly at the screen

“In the direction of light, save the world…, it is hard to imagine that a child should have such enlightenment!” How nice it would be if it were in our world.”

Inside the office, there was silence, everyone bowed their heads, as if mourning, only smoke slowly drifted above the crowd…


“Is this the will of other worlds, how similar to the will of fire to save the world…”, the silent Tsunade closed his eyes and said in a deep voice in the inn.

As the most famous medical ninja, she is not sure if she can save the girl if she is there, but she will.


Moon World

In the golden ripples, a golden wine glass slowly emerged, swaying the wine glass, and the scarlet liquid swayed in the glass.

“Interesting, really interesting, in the body mixed with garbage and cow dung, the spiritual flame in the heart is burning, whether the flame burns the body first or the flame is swallowed by filth, it really makes me look forward to it.”

“If you are in this world, it may not be impossible to become a heroic spirit, it is really more and more interesting”



“Would you also kill a concubine like this…”, the bright red blood stains on the screen seemed to splash on her face, and Yanzhu retreated uneasily.

“… Hmm”



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