[At the last minute…].

[A figure jerked Pikachu in his arms… Behind him is a cliff, and the only one who can hold Pikachu is… One person… Ash].

[“Boom! “, there was a violent explosion behind him, the huge impact made the teenager fly out violently, the smoke dispersed, the teenager was covered in blood, and the back had been blurred by the huge impact….].

[The body has been shattered and scarred… The distance between him and it… It’s so far away…].

[One person… An elf, crawling towards each other with the last of its strength…].

[Energy light waves appeared in the mouth of the controlled elf behind him… The boy took out the Poké Ball from his backpack, “Pikachu, go to the Poké Ball!” “】

[The young man’s voice is firm and cannot be refused…].

[Because he knows… Pikachu never liked getting inside the Pokéball… For some reason… I have always refused…].

[But, this time… Please be obedient, okay].

[If you go in now, there may be hope…].

[The Poké Ball slowly rolled to Pikachu’s side, Pikachu is no longer able to fight after many battles, and even moving is so difficult…].

[The light behind him emerges… It’s not hopeful… It is the light that brings death…].

[The boy stood up and blocked in front of Pikachu…].

[The hat is reversed, and the eyes are full of indescribable firmness, “… Do you know who I am! “】

[“I am Ash of True New Town, and I will become the master of the world’s number one Pokémon in the future! I will never lose to you.”

[Very middle two….].

[But the hands that firmly protect Pikachu behind him are so firm…].

[Maybe to give yourself the atmosphere… Maybe it’s refueling… Maybe it’s to encourage yourself to face death head-on…].

[Maybe just for… Protect the behind… Partner…].

[Huge energy bombs violently hit the boy… Death was so close, but the figure of the teenager did not retreat by half a point…].

[Just to keep Pikachu alive…].


[You’re willing to guard it so much… How could it abandon you…].

[“Pika” In the shocked eyes of the teenager, Pikachu endured severe pain, jumped up and chose to share the burden with the teenager…].

[But in the end, he was held tightly in his arms by the teenager…].

[“Boom!!! “The pillar of light that rushed into the sky bombarded violently, and a huge amount of dust rose above the mountaintop…].

[“Pickup…”, a sharp gasp… The boy snuggled Pikachu in his arms…].

“Pikachu, why don’t you hide in the ball…”, the boy’s voice was so heavy… I can’t even hear other emotions…].

[But… Ash knows… I’m angry…].


[Why is it so disobedient…].

[I’ve known each other for so long and haven’t forced you to score a goal…].

[How about just this once…].


[Why are you so disobedient!!! 】

[The boy’s eyelids are getting heavier… I haven’t become the number one in the world yet… I also failed to protect my partner…].

[“All the time… All the time….”

“Because I’ve always wanted to talk to you… Together…”, with a crystal light flowing in his eyes, gently rubbing the boy’s cheek… Pikachu… For the first time, he spoke to Ash…].

【“… Pikachu… You…”


[It turns out that this is the reason…].

[The boy’s eyes widened, and there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes, and he forcibly withdrew Pikachu from the Pokeball].

【… This is the first time… And for the last time! 】

[Countless waves of energy light enveloped the boy… The explosion reflected in the sky…].

[In place, only the figure of the teenager turned his back to the attack… Firmly put the Poké Ball in his arms and carefully guarded it…].

[“Pikachu… Meet you… I’m really lucky…”

[“Boom!!! “】

[The smoke has cleared… Situ… This… All that was left was a Poké Ball and a cap…].


[In the dark mountain fog, there is a pain that cannot be resolved…].

[The Pokeball shakes… Pikachu appears on the ground… The stunned expression didn’t seem to have reacted yet…].

[The hat on my head is so familiar…].

[Despair… Terrified… Sadness… Can’t believe it… Pikachu looked at the familiar hat and sniffed it… Bean-sized tears slipped from the corners of their eyes….].

[Pikachu eagerly looking for the figure of the teenager…].

[In the dark… Nothing can be seen under the oppressive clouds… But a little starlight in the distance… turned into the only light…].

[The boy’s body turned into a little starlight and slowly dissipated…].

[The hat falls gently… The scattered starlight did not stand in the way… The hat is covered with nothing…].

[Maybe Pikachu feels… It’s just a joke…].


【… What about people…].

【“… Pickup”].


Pirate World

“That’s a partner!” , It should have been time to eat and eat a big meal.

But at this time, Luffy burst into tears and couldn’t eat anything.

This most authentic friendship is what Luffy has always pursued, and it is also what Luffy has.

How could Luffy, who had just experienced the parting of his companions, not feel that pain…

That unforgettable pain….


Fairy tail

“That’s the companion! This is a partner that can be trusted for a lifetime! The flames on Natsu’s body burst out uncontrollably and roared.

Hokage World

Under the cloak, a pair of chakra eyes gently turned….

“… Sasuke… I hope you will forgive me…”


Pokémon world

“I’m sorry… Pikachu…”

With a heavy gasp, the teenager desperately found Pikachu, who was hiding deep in the corner.

Tears are flowing silently….

The same goes for Pikachu….

“Forever… Don’t separate…”



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