“Yes… Ei Liyi…”, the black-haired boy lay on the bed and watched the girl in the video widen his eyes.

Lu Mingfei looked at the familiar girl in the picture.

Long dark red hair, golden pupils, delicate face… Everything was exactly the same as when we first met.

It is precisely because of this that I mistake the girl for Nono….

He hugged the girl without hesitation in the sea, and even went shopping with Eri after that….

But in his own eyes, this girl who can’t speak is the same as himself….

It’s a monster….


[A beautiful dress with a blue-purple coat of black tulle, Roman shoes with high heels, and long hair tied up with a white headband.] The matching clothes make the girl look like a princess who walked out of an 18th-century portrait. 】

[Soft and smooth red hair, round forehead, long eyelashes, deep rose red eyes, swan-like neck, clear butterfly bone, delicate and soft skin, exquisite calves, slender ankles, slender body, even flesh and bones, can be called perfect, the deficiency is the lack of agility between the eyebrows, the girl is the owner of the blouse! ] She is the most noble princess in Neon Underworld! 】

[In the restaurant, the girl sat silently, next to Lu Mingfei, who was a little cramped, at this time the girl sat quietly at the table, allowing the manager to personally pour wine, cut beef bones and spread napkins for her].

[The girl’s face is not half uncomfortable, on the contrary, the girl’s face is like frost, and the corners of her eyebrows and eyes bring a majestic aura, this is the existence of the head of the Uesugi family! ] 】

[“Buzz! “, a huge roar sounded on the street, Lu Mingfei looked at the group of cars in front of him and wanted to pull the girl away, it was obvious that the other party was not good, but the girl who had always been very obedient


[The girl’s eyes showed a burning crimson gold, daunting, looking at the cars on the street, the girl crossed the road Mingfei to the opposite side, a trace of anger appeared in the girl’s eyes, and then the clear voice resounded in the street…].

[Unclear language spit out of the girl’s mouth, but the boy understood it, it was like the language of the primeval existence… The meaning is…”Death! “】

[It’s not that the girl can’t speak, it’s just because…. The girl’s bloodline purity is too high and she was born to use dragon script, but…. It is that kind of language can only be used to give orders to cause others to die, so the girl rarely speaks, because if she does, someone will die…

[The girl waved her hand gently, but the five fingers left five parallel arcs in the air, and everything was torn apart where the end of the fingers passed. 】

Everyone close to her fell apart the moment she waved her hand, they felt a sharp pain in their chest or neck, but they didn’t understand what was going on, and in an instant they cracked along the scar, and a huge amount of plasma burst out, as if huge blood-colored flowers bloomed around the girl. 】

[Then the girl’s figure jumped up slightly, past the boy to the opposite sports body, and then the girl grabbed the supercar alive with both hands, raised it high over the top, and threw it towards the riders who were getting closer.] 】

[The vehicle tumbled and burned in midair, and the fire illuminated the girl’s defiant figure, she was as mighty as a king and as fierce as a ghost, and she said the ancient word again, and the voice like metal sounded again, “Death! “】

[This order was given to everyone on this street, except Lu Mingfei and herself. 】

[Vehicles tumbled and disintegrated, sharp debris stained with fuel and burned, and these bright, arrow-like debris swept the street like a horizontal rainstorm.] 】

[Dozens of motorcycles and their riders were affected by this storm of steel and flames, and dense explosions resounded in the northwest corner of Ebisu Garden, each burning motorcycle was a huge spark].

[These sparks lined up along the long street, and the boy watched the riders wriggle in pain in the flames, the lucky ones died a few seconds later by the explosion of the fuel tank, and the unfortunate ones struggled and rolled in the flames as if tortured by hell…].

[Girls never show mercy… The blood-soaked ground is the best evidence

[In the blood and fire, the hideous human figure with horns walked towards Lu Mingfei, casually cutting those who were dying and not dying, her skirt flew upside down, the slender calves that had made Lu Mingze unrelenting were covered with pale scales, and the muscles slowly rose and fell under the scales, and the girl walked towards Lu Mingfei like a monster at this time…].

[On this day… It was raining so hard in the sky…].

[The other party is a monster…. Why not the boy himself? The wounds on Lu Mingfei’s body were healing at a high speed, and the scales on the girl’s body that were close to her body were clasped one by one, making a crisp sound, and the raindrops fell on these two hot bodies, evaporating and turning into white fog and dispersing with the wind. 】

[The two are so close… The girl was still wearing that beautiful dress with a blue-purple coat and black gauze… Gently smell the rain, the boy can even smell the faint fragrance coming from the other party…].

[In the golden eyes… Reflecting the boy’s figure… The eyes are full of love for boys…].

[But… In the eyes of the boy … It’s a monster-like existence…].


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