Chapter 0064 [“Let’s start the final battle of this Divine Generation World!!! “】!!

[Above Senbai fangs, as long as there are loopholes, the soldiers on the front line will hurry to remedy and repair them]

[Looking into the distance, the entire world has been swallowed scarlet and pitch black, and the only thing that exists is this place protected by the tooth of Nabistin, the oldest city-state! ] 】

[Man and god fight, completely kicked off! ] 】

[In the crowd, even if death is close at hand, people do not feel afraid, people are cheering, and under the eyes of the people, Gilgamesh slowly walks to the temple and looks up at the sky]

[So, have you finally come this far?”

[“In the past half a year, King Ben has been waiting with his anger…”

[Outside the window, raise the smoke billowing after the war… This… Is it the slaughter of the gods? 】

[“The mother of the primordial beasts, the mother of the beasts, Tiamat! “】

[Under the setting sun, Gilgamesh’s figure was infinitely elongated, slowly opening his arms, as if to embrace the world…]

[“The next thing is that this king has not been able to meet the battle of mythology, and it is you who devour the world…”

[“Or human beings are enough to expand this world…”

[“It’s time to give an answer to this farce…”]



[“Let’s start the last battle in this god world!!! “】

[God Slaughter? No! Who loses and who wins is not necessarily!!! 】

The yellow ape of the pirate world sat on the side, sitting in a straight posture, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. Next to him is a gloomy face Sengoku.



Sengoku clenched his fists tightly, and without knocking, the huge round table in the conference room was already torn apart. Enough is enough!

Wouldn’t it work to let him rest!

It didn’t take long for the yellow ape to go out, and the Holy Land died a Draco, or was killed by slaves! The five old stars called directly to the headquarters of the Navy!

Scold him, although the Warring States don’t like these Draco, but if these open-faced creators keep dying, the whole world will be in chaos!

There is no doubt that as a naval marshal and a warring state, no matter how much you maintain the world government, the history of 800 years ago is inevitable, and once it breaks out again, the whole world will restart again.

Draco dies? Then change the ground dragon man, the water dragon man.

The purpose of the five old stars is just to control this world and prevent dissidents.

In the eyes of the Warring States, there is only one reason why the world government has not taken action now, and that is that the video has not ended.

By the end of the video, the whole world will be completely shuffled.


Exhaled a heavy breath of turbid air, the infinite exhaustion in the heart of the Warring States.

Although I don’t know exactly what happened 800 years ago, what is happening now is no less than it was back then.

Maybe many years later, when people talk about it again, they will not mention 800 years ago, but what absurd things have happened in their time period now.

This would be another period of unrecrimination. Maybe they won’t die, but…

Dressed in justice, they will cause the greatest killing in the world…

His gaze glanced at the pensive yellow ape on the side.

“, is so serious, maybe the yellow ape has already thought of it. Feeling that hot gaze, the yellow ape couldn’t help but feel a little numb in his scalp, why did he come back.”

Speaking of it, it was because after the death of the Draco who was killed, although the entire Holy Land was furious and vowed to kill all the slaves.

However, for various reasons, some Tenryu refused to hand over their toys, so only a small number of slaves were executed.

Karp should have been punished by the responsibility of protecting the Navy headquarters, but because a Tenryu manpower continued to stay there, and he was also fine, he returned to the Navy headquarters again. This trip, back and forth, the yellow ape was also unable to say tired in his heart. The time has long been to the restaurant, and the aroma of food wafts outside the window.

Although so many things happened, because of the invasion of Kaido, some of the troops were transferred back to guard the naval headquarters, and where there were people, they needed to eat.

The same is true of the yellow ape who has worked hard for a day, quietly Mimi raised his head, the yellow ape is ready to take a look at what the Warring States thinks, he does not believe that the Warring States are not hungry!


Looking at each other, for a moment, the atmosphere of the conference room was extremely quiet.

Raising his head, the yellow ape saw that the thinking eyes stayed on his body.

Under the huge palm was already slapped cracks all over the table, the yellow ape swallowed hard spit, at this time, he still felt that it was better to take the initiative to attack.

“Ha, marshal you don’t…”

Simple words, the yellow ape just wants to express, it’s time to get off work, it’s time to eat. But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Warring States.

“Yellow Ape, what do you think of the marshal?”

, Sengoku gently tapped the table and said in a deep voice.


“It’s just you and me here, rest assured yellow ape:”.what do you think?” ”

How else to look, anyway, he is now sitting and watching.

“Ahem, I think the marshal is the commander of the army, in every aspect has taken care of the overall situation at the same time, but also pay attention to every detail, now although the world is in turmoil, but in the naval management side is always in order, military hearts are gathered, it can be said that every person I know in the yellow ape can be compared to the marshal you.”

The yellow ape opened his mouth and said, although he is usually very out of tune, but in order to increase his salary, he has practiced some skills……… Flower.

Moreover, he also told the truth, the Marshal of the Warring States, known as the “Warring States of Buddha”,

“Wise General Warring States”, the animal line is a person with the ability to form a big Buddha with a three-color domineering genius.

After those videos are broadcast, they are analyzed, judged as soon as possible, and there are corresponding methods. And the navy of management is also in order, nothing went wrong, and the military heart is always condensed. This is the yellow ape evaluation of the Warring States.

Navy Restaurant, a short stature, fat and textureless, with pink hair, winter melon face, wearing round glasses, gulping down dinner.


“Hahaha, how to Kebi, it won’t be too much training to get sick.”

, looking at the almost planted near the pot of Rickby, the navy on the side laughed.

This new little navy, looking thin and weak, can be blown down by a gust of wind, but when training, he is fierce to himself, and he is still a particularly kind boy, which can’t help but quickly accept Kebi Speed to join…

“It’s not! Surely some of you spoke ill of me! Bastard! ”

Already familiar with Kebi nature without mercy.



Resisting the urge to sneeze, the yellow ape waited for Sengoku to answer. The smell of food outside the window had almost ticked him out.

He vowed that if he came again, he would come back eating out and eating anything, or replace the pheasant or red dog.

Green pheasant he doesn’t know, but the red dog is quite a marshal That’s a certainty, come back, don’t you want a marshal?

“You know, that’s not what I’m talking about…”

“Needless to say, Marshal! As a senior admiral, when this world riots, my task is to bring the world criminals and pirates to justice! ”

Interrupting the Warring States, the yellow ape utters the words of the red dog symbol.

“Hmm… Well! Pirates of the World! ”

Suddenly seemed to think of something, Sengoku’s eyes widened, and then he took out the map report in his hand and carefully examined it.

The map depicts several red dots and countless blue dots and yellow dots. That’s the latest pirate move.

Because of the World Conference, the world government and the navy joined hands and sent countless people to monitor all the movements of the four seas.

Anything on the list is included in the observations.

Sengoku put on his glasses and carefully watched all the pirates’ movements, and finally his fingers stayed in one place.

“Advancing the!!! of the city”

“Borusalino! Hurry up and push the city!!! ”

Almost shouted out towards the yellow ape.

That group of pirates!!!

The purpose of this time is definitely to advance the city!!!

The yellow ape who wants to eat: “…”

…… In.

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