Chapter 0067 – The Underworld That Belongs to Her… Blossom…!!

[“Then what else can be done…”, in the video, Fujimaru Tachika asked with some silence. 】



[Suddenly a voice came from underground, not the voice of anyone present, among which Ishtar reacted the strongest, so familiar…”This voice…”]

[“Snapping Gilgamesh’s fingers snapped his fingers, the ground rippled with cash, a mirror emerged, and a beautiful back appeared in the mirror]

“Souls continue to pour over, because of this, the entire underworld is now in chaos, and in order to take care of the soul, I can’t wait to borrow the crocodile’s tail to help…”

The beautiful goddess in the mirror chattered in pieces, dissatisfied [opening her mouth to tell about this heavy work]

[For… Take care of… The souls of the dead people…]

[“Eleshga Kiel? Seeing the goddess of the underworld appear, the orange-haired girl couldn’t help but shout with her eyes lit up. 】


“… Woo! Fujimaru! ”

Obviously, the goddess did not realize that she had appeared in front of everyone, straightened up, slowly retreated, and in the stunned eyes of everyone, the goddess changed her makeup,

“The goddess of the underworld, Eleshga Kiel, gorgeous appearance!”

[The dark red cloak flutters, and the long golden hair flutters in the wind… This goddess of the underworld…]

[The first appearance in front of everyone is so beautiful…]

The people of Goddai Uruk Uruk looked at the video and the goddess of the underworld Ereshki Gale were stunned.

In the video I introduced, as well as the surrounding environment, everyone can be sure that it is the goddess of the underworld.

The Mesopotamian goddess, the mistress of the underworld, the ruler of the dead and the undead, and the goddess of Venus, Ishtar, are sisters, although they are both Mesopotamian mother goddesses, but the younger sister Ishtar is the mistress of heaven, and the sister Eleshkigal is the mistress of Hades.

But their true enshrinement has always been the goddess of Venus, who rules over harvest and love.

Even the people who existed in Uruk never worshipped the goddess of the underworld, and the construction of the temple was only a decoration.

There is no other reason…

Death… Unknown… Disaster…

This is the symbol of this god, and legend has it that this goddess is terrifying and has a fierce temperament. But…

The girl who appears in the video is like Uruk’s youthful child, beautiful… Chaste… Why is this…

Why did this goddess of the underworld appear here…

And also… What does Lord Goddess mean by taking care of the soul… The originally cheerful crowd fell silent at once…

Not only the Uruk people, but even the people in the ten thousand worlds, could not help but be a little shocked, as we all know, the goddess of the underworld represents death, disaster!!!

“Since you use this mirror, why are you looking for me?” King Uruk. ”

The girl raised one slender arm, the other was inserted at the waist, posed sings, and spoke, but… Moment…

[The girl’s painting style, has changed, looks a little… Dumb silly? 】

[“It’s useless for me, it’s you yourself who reported that this ancient king had died of overwork and went to the underworld a long time ago, and then was resurrected because of the grace of the goddess of the underworld. 】

“It’s great to see you in such spirit.”

When Fujimaru Rika saw Ai Lei, she couldn’t help but be happy!

[“That… What you said just now…” Matthew’s eyes were a little nervous, worried and spoke, that, the soul you just said is…”

“The people of Uruk…”】


“Now Tiamat is advancing towards Uruk in full force, and if it does not hit him, Uruk will be completely destroyed.”

Gilgamesh walked over to Elai and said.

“Well, it seems to be.”

“But as long as there is life on earth, Tiamat will not die, and he will be stuck here now.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t help either.”

, the girl spread her hands, indicating that she had no way.

[Ishtar on the side listened to his sister’s voice and did not dare to turn his head, because of this gold star]

The goddess was careless, broke into the underworld, and then was accidentally taken by Ai Lei, stripped naked, and directly stabbed to death, plus the front end time has just been to the underworld, so Yi Tier looks particularly honest at this time, but there is still a trace of stubbornness in the scarlet eyes, can’t help it, to,

“You’d better think about it.”

Ai Cao sighed deeply and turned the mirror surface.

“I said, as you can see, the underworld is now full of souls, busy turning the sky 72.1.”

“It shouldn’t have been so lively…”

[Dark underground, full of the breath of death, no blue sky, no warm sun, no life. 】

[There is just a bleak cold wind, and that burning soul fire. ] 】

[The girl turned her figure over, unable to see her expression, but her voice was full of unknown emotions. ] 】

[Maybe it’s joy. 】

【After all】

[As the goddess of the underworld, she……… In people’s eyes……… Isn’t it the one who likes to bring killing and death to others? 】

[“It’s the opposite of the situation in Uruk…”, looking at the underworld, crowded with souls, Fujimaru, Tateka and Matthew couldn’t help but leave a trace of cold sweat. 】

“Even so, the underworld is the resting place of the souls of the dead, and these rays of light……… They have passed away, and the countless soul fires on the slow long road slowly burn, like flames……… It will be extinguished…”



, suddenly remembered something, Fujimaru Rika looked at Gilgamesh on the side in surprise.

“It’s actually the same as what King Ben thinks, it’s hateful, it’s okay, say it!”

[“Hmm! Eleshkigal, I would like to ask you for a favor! ”

[“Hmm! “】

“I want Tiamat to fall into the underworld!”] “, the girl walked into the mirror step by step, breathing out the heat to make the mirror slightly blurry, but also made the goddess of the underworld stunned for a moment, and her head unconsciously tilted to the side, huh?” 】

[“Huh? ×2, worthy of being sisters, in an instant, Elle and Ishtar’s expressions collapsed at the same time]

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.


Gilgamesh looks at the two goddesses in the picture, as well as Rin Tosaka nearby. This king, at this moment, felt three times more joy!

[“Since she doesn’t know what death is in the world of life, let her fall into the lifeless world! “】

“In the underworld, Tiamat is the only life! Just like that, you can hit Tiamat! ”

, Fujimaru Tachika added Gilgamesh, and although this idea is a little crazy, it is also recognized by everyone.

“You said let her fall. Down? ”

, the girl in the shot is sweating, you must know that it is Tiamat! O Creator God! The underworld will definitely be destroyed…

[“Elushkakiel, command you in the name of the king! Open the gates of the underworld to the whole territory of Uruk! Bind the beast of calamity, which is falsely called the god Tiamat, to the ground! “】

[Shot a mountain, the full picture of Uruk appeared in the shot, in the distance, a huge figure appeared in the dark clouds soaked in blood rain, Gilgamesh pointed to Eleshkigar and said. ] 】

[The goddess of the underworld didn’t need to pay attention to this rude request, but…”

[“This is your mission as the Three Goddess Alliance to do all the bad things, the only way to atone for your sins! “】

[The king didn’t say much, but seemed to recount the crime of Ereshkigal, one of the three goddesses who had attempted to destroy mankind, in just a few words]

“Alright! All right! ”

, I don’t know why and why……… This goddess of the underworld promised………

[Not really. Mesopotamia. Isn’t it just perishing…]

[“But covering the cave of death in the entire territory of Uruk is not so simple to prepare, the girl turned around and spoke. How long does it take? “】

“Originally, even if it took ten years, it was reluctant…”

, Hearing such words, everyone could not help but feel cold, ten years Tiamat is only able to arrive today from Uruk, so the only road is also blocked…

[“Angstrom? Originally? When everyone was lost, the orange-haired girl was stunned and found Hua Dian! 】


“Actually… I’ve always held a grudge against Uruk, I planned it this way for a long time, it only takes three days,” Elle said as she rubbed her little hands restlessly and stretched out three fingers at random.

“Huh! That’s awesome, Miss Ashkigal! ”

, purple eyes showed admiration and admiration, Matthew said happily.1

“Yes. Is there any.”

[It seems that everyone is not used to praise, the girl proudly raised her smooth chin, and said a little shyly. ] 】

[“Hahaha, three days…”, Gilgamesh couldn’t help but marvel at Ereshkigal’s speed, laughing with satisfaction. 】

[] King Ben will have to talk to you afterwards.” ”


Shindai Uruk.

“Is that the goddess of the underworld…”

Unlike the cheerful atmosphere in the video, the residents of Jindai Uruk were a little stunned at this time… A project that takes ten years to complete only takes three days…

That is to say, now that the goddess of the underworld has hollowed out most of Uruk?

As soon as a hole is dug, without exception, the consequence of this is that all the people of Uruk will die… It should have been an extremely angry thing, but why can’t you feel any angry picture of what the goddess wants to do. The crowd does not understand, but…

They can feel the truth from within.

Inadvertently, a thin figure ran towards the temple in the distance.

“Goddess Ellie must be trying to protect me.”

In the dark and dark space of the underworld.

“Abominable! It’s so abominable! That video owner! It’s so abominable! ”

The girl sat alone on the cold stone slab, her little feet swayed, her beautiful Qiong nose was slightly wrinkled, her slender little hand held the blade and carefully carved the stone flower in her hand, muttering loudly, venting her dissatisfaction.

“Who would show that expression, who would say something like that!”

, Although she said so, a blush appeared on the girl’s face…

Carefully carving herself into the stone wall on the side, into the soil, after shyness, Ai Lei regained her calm, pointing to the stone flower in her hand, a little dissatisfied,

“Quickly turn me into a real flower!”

It seems that she also knows that this is stupid, the girl sighed slightly, turned around and walked to the gun cage behind her, although she was discovered, but since it was also said in the video that she still relied on herself in the end.

“Hmph, it’s not yet for this goddess.”

Then go for it!

The girl stretched out her hand, unconsciously crossed her waist, raised her smooth chin, and cheered herself up. However, the girl was immediately stunned, her figure paused, and she looked at the height in disbelief…

That’s the Uruk direction… Someone is believing in her…

“Na, na, really, isn’t it too tired lately, there will be such an illusion.”

The girl smiled wryly and waved her hand.

How can it be…

She is the goddess of the underworld, an existence that everyone hates, how can anyone believe in herself.

Especially after the video is played, if it were not for the fact that human beings can only enter the underworld after death, I am afraid that they would have been crusaded by now.

“Don’t think too much, try to complete today’s task!”

The blonde hair flickered…

The figure of the girl disappeared into the darkness…

Pitch black, dead silence, the underworld plunged into darkness again…



The sound of water droplets falling sounded in the empty ground…

146 A faint golden light appeared in the distance…

A touch of… Two wipes… Three wipes…

That strange stone flower… Emits a faint golden light… Solitary space. Mad.

Exudes a golden glow…

If the girl was still here, she would be surprised and stunned in place… Because…

Her underworld…

The underworld that belongs only to her… Flowering…

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