Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 227 Iris, who expresses deep sympathy

Sometimes it seems that the other party is like a person full of many stories. Of course, this is just Alan's own feeling, and Alan didn't think much about it.

After all, in the United States, no matter what time it is, the employment problem is very difficult. Even if she is as beautiful as her own mother, she is also working as a shopping guide in a luxury store. Compared with the two, she may not be as good as Aunt Serena This kind of cafeteria aunt with a stable career establishment.

After all, compared to a luxury brand that may change at any time or even be eliminated, a job at a local school that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years is very popular.

Betty, who heard Alan's strange brain circuit at the side, couldn't help being stunned, and then thought carefully about Aunt Serena's appearance in her own memory. It seemed that this was indeed the case.

"Huh? It seems to be true. Aunt Serena still looks quite young, and her skin looks really good." So Betty said in agreement, especially when she remembered that Serena was no different from herself. Even more so after the skin tenderness.

"I don't think Uncle John is too old. This is called a beautiful and mature uncle. Isn't this kind of thing popular now?"

Seeing that both of them were saying 'bad things' about Uncle John, Peter couldn't help standing up and defending Uncle John's image.

"Really? In that case, Sister Betty, I think you probably have to consider the current trend, hehe."

After hearing what his brother said, Allen couldn't help rolling his small eyes, and then encouraged Sister Betty to say with a smirk.

"Well... Thinking about it this way, it seems to be the same!! Little brother Alan, I think your proposal is very good."

Seeing Alan's smirk, Betty understood it all at once, and then touched her chin with her slender hand, wrinkled Joan's nose, and after pretending to think about it, she seemed to have figured it out. Patted Allen's small palm, and said in agreement.

"Hey??? Hey!!!"!!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ

Looking at this at this moment, they were obviously talking about Uncle John and Aunt Serena being together, but they suddenly turned their finger on him.

And after his stupid younger brother made such absurd suggestion, Betty accepted it with pleasure. Peter couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at all this in disbelief, hesitating in his mouth but he didn't know how to explain it. .

"Huh?!" Seeing Peter's dumbfounded reaction, Betty couldn't help snorting coldly, then turned around and walked away quickly with her hands behind her back. Behind him, there was a happy smile on his face.

Although this established boyfriend may be dumb sometimes, but this kind of appearance has a different cuteness, and the most important thing is that Peter can always give her a sense of security. Thinking of this, Betty laughed more and more I was happy, humming a little tune along the way and bouncing into the school gate.

"Brother?!" Seeing that the elder brother beside him was standing there in a daze, and then staring blankly at Betty who had gone far away, Allen couldn't help but blinked, and bumped into him in a daze with his small body. Peter, and then asked.

The small book booth that book lovers used before has been hung up, and now they are basically using \\Mi\\Mi\\reading\\app\\\\.

After all, others are just playing a fun game of lovers. Why does my brother react so suddenly? It's impossible. Some people's brain circuits are so straight that they can't even see this obviously ironic way of acting like a baby, right? Impossible, impossible?

Ignoring the complicated inner activities in Alan's heart at this moment, at this moment, Peter only felt that the girlfriend he was finally chasing after was disturbed by Alan himself, a bear brother, and it was all over, so he didn't want to think about those things. Like adults, being single for twenty or thirty years or even a lifetime.

"Alan!!!┭┮﹏┭┮" Thinking that in the future, I may only have my right hand to accompany me,

Peter couldn't help but looked at Allen with grief and indignation and said.

"Uh, brother, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first!!!"

Seeing the grief and resentment on the elder brother's expression, wishing to sacrifice himself to heaven on the spot, Allen said decisively, and then ran away without a trace.

"┭┮﹏┭┮my girlfriend!"

Seeing that the person he liked ran away, and the culprit also ran away, Peter suddenly felt ashamed, and couldn't help crying while walking towards the school gate.


"Good morning, Alice."

On this side, Alan, who was trotting, couldn't help but stop when he passed by Alice with long golden hair, and greeted happily, but Alan always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with him just before he left. Nothing was said.

"Morning, classmate Alan, what's the matter with you running in such a hurry?"

Looking at Alan who stopped beside her, because she was running in a hurry and stopped, she also brought a gust of wind and blew it on her face, and Alice couldn't help but asked Alan suspiciously.

After all, although this point is not early, it is definitely not too late. There is no need to rush to class, not to mention that they don't have homework that is only available in senior grades, so Alice can't help but feel a little anxious about Alan's rush. curious.

"Uh, haha... Actually, that's it, there's nothing to say."

After hearing Alice's question, Allen couldn't help but scratched his head and said embarrassingly.

After all, if you really want to talk about it in detail, then you must tell Yilisi about your brother's sadness. This is undoubtedly consuming your brother and putting him on the fire. He, Allen, is a partner of justice. How could it be possible? To do such a thing, so...

After two minutes.

"Pfft, hahaha... Alan, you are so bad, your brother probably hates you this time."

After listening to Alan's specific story, Yilisi couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then said to Alan.

Although Yilisi had known for a long time that her handsome-looking classmate could be very bad sometimes, she never thought that Alan would even cheat her brother when he became so ruthless.

Iris couldn't help expressing deep sympathy for Alan's elder brother who had never met, but only from this experience, he could deeply imagine the other party's life in dire straits in the past few years.

Meeting such a younger brother can't help but be a great helplessness in life. Even Yilisi's idea of ​​encouraging her parents to give her a cute and cute younger brother was manipulated by Alan's teasing , What was extinguished could never be ignited again.

After all, younger brothers are at risk, so you need to be cautious when you are born. If you are a cute and well-behaved younger brother like your little sister, it will be fine, but if you meet a younger brother like her classmate Allen, then Yilisi can imagine her future. How miserable.

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