Rimuru has returned home with Momonga and Albedo. Momonga is wearing slippers and looking at the layout of the room. It seems that Rimuru was also a person who loved life before he came to his place.

But the balcony is a little empty. It would be better if there were some flowers and plants.

"Xiao Wen? Xiao Wen? ? Well, it seems she is not here, probably she went out to buy groceries." Rimuru called out the name he gave to Mosquito Girl twice, but no one responded, so he simply pulled Momonga and Albedo to sit on the sofa.

"Lord Rimuru, who is this Xiaowen?"When Albedo heard this name, her heart skipped a beat. It sounded like a girl's name. Could it be that Lord Rimuru already had a partner?...

"Oh, I picked up a weirdo and made her my maid. She usually helps me and the old bald man cook, clean the house, etc.

Rimuru stretched himself and slumped on the sofa, speaking to Albedo in an extremely lazy tone.

"Oh, by the way, you guys should stay in the guest room for the next two days. I remember there are two empty rooms."Rimuru used telekinesis to get a banana from a plate on the side and first gave it to Momonga, who waved his hand to refuse. He didn't like the taste of bananas very much, so he seldom ate them.

Albedo blinked his big eyes and looked at the yellow boomerang-like thing in Rimuru's hand. He was very curious. What was it?

Rimuru also noticed Albedo's gaze. Oh, yes, there seemed to be no such fruit as bananas in the other world. Then he peeled off the banana peel, revealing the white flesh inside, and fed it to Albedo. to his mouth.

Albedo looked at what Rimuru fed to her, her face blushed, she opened her mouth and took a bite of the banana. Even if she didn't know it, as long as Lord Rimuru fed it to her, she would eat it even if it was poison.

Albedo thought so while chewing the banana. After swallowing the banana, her mouth was full of the taste of that fruit. Albedo couldn't tell whether it tasted good or not, but it was definitely not bad.

While Rimuru was feeding Albedo, he wanted to pick up the remote control to see if there were any cartoons, and the phone in this world suddenly rang.

"Hello? Who is this?" After answering the call, he tilted his head and clamped the phone between his shoulders, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV to change the TV programs. At the same time, he used telekinesis to get the fruit plate and put it in Feishu's arms, letting Feishu eat grapes. I remember that Feishu seemed to like eating this thing.

"I am Tornado, Rimuru, you are back, right? Where are you now? I will go find you. Tornado's voice was accompanied by the whistling sound of the wind, and it seemed that she was flying at high speed.

"Tornado, I'm at home, do you want to come and play with me? Come on."

Just when Rimuru and Tornado were on the phone, Albedo had already finished eating the banana in Rimuru's hand. Her face turned a little redder. Looking at the pink little hand in front of her, she bravely stretched out her tongue and gently licked Rimuru's fingertips.

But Rimuru was on the phone, so there was no reaction. After Rimuru chatted with Tornado for a few more words, he hung up the phone and felt his fingers itchy. He turned his head and found that Albedo was licking his fingers.

Albedo also felt Rimuru's gaze and immediately turned his head away, looking innocent as if he had done nothing. Rimuru shook his head helplessly and asked Momonga to sit here with Albedo while he went to his room to change clothes. Momonga nodded, took the remote control from Rimuru's hand, and watched with interest a TV series that was being played on TV, which Rimuru called a bloody love story.

Anyway, there is no such thing in the other world, and Momonga feels it is quite novel, so he will take a look.

After returning to the room, Rimuru , he took off his ancient costume, hung it on the hanger beside him, and changed into home-made Gusha doll pajamas.

Well, this was also bought by Rimuru from Zile.

There is no Gusha in this world.

The pajamas are also short-sleeved summer styles, with arms and thighs all exposed.

After changing his clothes, Rimuru lay on the bed and opened the Zile Mall that he had not opened for a long time.

He flipped through it, trying to see if there was anything useful, or fun skills like the Grip of the Nine Li.

After all, sixteen years have passed in Saiki K.'s world, and he rarely uses Lum coins to buy things, so the number of Lum coins has reached a terrifying 580,000.

But unfortunately, there is nothing fun about the skills. It seems that skills like the Grip of the Nine Li are not common, and can even be said to be very rare.

Forget it, then go and replace the elemental dragon heart and dragon soul. Rimuru thought so and opened the column of dragon heart and dragon soul. However, as soon as he opened it, he saw an interesting

【Dragon Mother Tiamat】

Seeing this, Rimuru immediately sat up from the bed and read the following introduction with interest.

From the world of [Fate], one of the gods of creation. (Just take a look at this, don't delve too deeply into it, the author has not studied it)

"Dragon Mother, this is interesting, but there are too few related introductions. I don’t seem to know much about that world. Is it a game? Forget it, just buy it and eat it up and you will know."

Rimuru said to himself, wanting to buy Tiamat, but after seeing the price, he felt bad instantly. Three hundred thousand of my money, it’s so expensive.

The dragon heart and dragon soul together are only 180,000. I can buy two sets with a little more. I hope the ability you give me is worthy of this price.

I bought this with great reluctance, and added the water dragon soul and dragon heart from the six dragons of creation. Now my elemental ability lacks this item. After the purchase, 480,000 Lum coins were directly spent, and now there are only 100,000 left. I feel sad.

He absorbed the power of Tiamat's soul and placed the soul in the space of the sea of consciousness. After all, she was pretty and he couldn't bear to eat it all.

His body was analyzed, as well as the water dragon soul and the water dragon heart.

It seemed that he had eaten too much at once, and Rimuru couldn't bear it. His body felt hot and uncomfortable, and he fell into a deep sleep.

He didn't know how long it had been, but Rimuru slowly opened his eyes.

Just when he wanted to see if there was any change in himself, he heard a quarrel outside and sat up straight,"Oh!

I forgot that the old bald guy didn't recognize Momonga and Albedo!

" He did n't have time to see what he had obtained, and immediately went out of the room.

He just happened to see Momonga stretching out his hand to protect Albedo, with a defensive look, and it seemed that he didn't want to fight.

Tornado was aggressive, with Fubuki and Mosquito Girl standing beside him.

It seemed that the old bald guy hadn't come back yet.

""Tornado, they are my friends, I brought them back, don't be like that." Rimuru's sudden words eased the awkward situation.

Momonga was relieved to see Rimuru come out. He really didn't want to fight in Rimuru's house, and the little guy in front of him looked like Rimuru's friend, so he didn't want to fight even more, so he acted defensively.

After Rimuru introduced Momonga and Albedo to Tornado, he sat on the sofa, separated the people on both sides, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I just slept for a while, why did you start to quarrel?" Rimuru pressed his nose bridge with some discomfort.

Tornado saw that Rimuru looked like he had a headache, and just as he let Rimuru lie on his legs, he saw that the woman named Albedo took the lead to let Rimuru lie on her legs, and helped Rimuru massage his temples. The little face swelled up like a bun, and her face was full of dissatisfaction. Damn, this woman!! What does she mean? And Rimuru too, why didn't he refuse! Unhappy!

Tornado stared at Rimuru, thinking so in his heart. As he looked at it, he suddenly found that Rimuru's face seemed to have some changes, but it seemed that there was no change, which was really strange.

They finally stopped quarreling, and she also pretended to have a headache and looked at what she had gained.

"The individual named Rimuru devoured the Water Dragon Heart and Water Dragon Soul of the Six Creation Dragons and gained the skill [Water Control]. It is learned that Rimuru has gained the ability to control multiple elements, and has satisfied the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth, and has now evolved into [Element Control].

Devoured the soul power of the Dragon Mother Tiamat and gained [Sea of Life] (unplaced). Gained the ability [Control Water Flow] (has been integrated into Water Control, now called Element Control). At the same time, because of the soul, the luck of the individual Rimuru has been enhanced again

【Sea of Life】This ocean can have infinite magic power (already converted into magic elements by default). It can be transformed, evolved, degenerated, etc. by the creatures swallowed into the Sea of Life. At the same time, the Sea of Life is infinite space.���, so theoretically it can store an unlimited amount of things, and the time in between stops.

Devour the body of Dragon Mother Tiamat, merge her features, enhance her physical fitness, enhance her strength, and gain two new mimicry forms."

Rimuru was shocked after reading what abilities he had gained, what a powerful ability!...Is this the power of the God of Creation?

Compared to transformation, the infinite storage space seems a bit useless, and he also has the infinite space of the system space, but it doesn't matter, it's better to have it than not.

After gaining the ability, Rimuru finally knew what the three words"God of Creation" in the introduction meant.

But what does"not placed" mean? Do I have to find a place to put it? Should I put it in this world? No, I'm not just in this world.

Space... Space... Rimuru suddenly thought of something, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

As for the changes in appearance, Rimuru had ignored them gorgeously.

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