The Rimuru clone with the sand armor on his body was knocked away and lying on the sand. It melted into a ball of light blue slime gel. The cracked sand armor on his body fell to the ground. The gel flew towards Rimuru and finally merged into his body.

""Rimuru, when did you release your clone? Why didn't I see it?" Saitama looked at Rimuru with some confusion, and while asking, he patted the sand off his tights.

"Just when the sand armor was released."Rimuru said, and then began to explain to Saitama what had just happened.

Rimuru knew very well that Saitama, the bald old man, would definitely not be beaten like that by the Eighty Gods Air Attack. Apart from himself, Rimuru knew his physical fitness best, so Rimuru would never believe it. He also deliberately made a lot of noise to let the sand adhere to his body, and took the opportunity to throw out a ball of gel, transforming into his own appearance. He then restrained all the breath on his body and used teleportation to appear not far behind Saitama.

As Rimuru guessed, Saitama was just pretending, acting. After all, he didn't even break the tights on his body. As the bald devil, how could Saitama faint? It can only be said that his old man level is still not high.

"Didn't I fool you? I thought I was a good disguise." Saitama touched his chin,"But it was fun, let's do it again next time! I will definitely surpass you, Rimuru!"

Saitama suddenly said something that only the protagonist in a hot-blooded comic would say, and Rimuru rolled his eyes at Saitama in disgust.

"You'd better not come to fight with me.

I'm not interested.

Can't I sleep a little longer if I have that time? Can't I read more comics? Can't I watch two more episodes of Super Sentai? Really.

" Rimuru complained to Saitama one after another, and took off his light blue chakra coat, revealing the one-piece doll pajamas he was wearing inside, and his peach pink reincarnation eye returned to its original amber color.

He waved his hand again, and brought Genos on the sand dunes in the distance over.

He pointed at the feet of the two people, and a black hole appeared under their feet again.

After a period of free fall, the two returned to the previous place.

"You two can do whatever you want. Don't bother me. I'm going to eat." Rimuru waved his hands at the two of them as if to drive away flies, and then he put his hand to his mouth and covered it, yawned loudly, and walked towards home, ready to change clothes and take Mosquito Girl out for dinner.

Genos and Saitama were completely left there by Rimuru.

"Oh, it is indeed the most comfortable to stay at home."Rimuru was lying on the sofa, his head resting on the long legs of the mosquito girl wrapped in black stockings, enjoying the snacks fed by the mosquito girl while flipping through comic books. His daily life was simply wonderful.

Three or four days had passed since the last battle, and nothing interesting had happened in these days. If there was anything to say, it was that Genos had also moved here to live.

Actually, Saitama was not going to agree at first, but when Genos took out a large stack of daily living money, Rimuru roughly calculated that it was about 10 million.

Saitama wanted to agree directly at first, but thinking that the ownership of the house seemed to belong to Rimuru now, so...

"No problem for me, give me half of the money, and Genos will also do the usual housework."After Rimuru felt Saitama's gaze, he waved his hand without thinking, indicating his agreement. It's good to take the money for free, and it can help reduce the burden on Mosquito Girl. However, what Rimuru didn't know was that Mosquito Girl was not responsible for much.

It was just cooking, cleaning the living room, kitchen and cleaning Rimuru's room. The most she did was to follow Rimuru's instructions, let Rimuru lie on her lap and feed her snacks. Saitama always cleaned his room himself. The small sign hanging on the door of Genos's room was also a Q version image, also It matches Genos very well, it's a small robot, also made by Rimuru.

Just like the one that Mosquito Girl had last time, Rimuru got it from Zile's mall.

Rimuru was enjoying it when the phone from the Hero Association suddenly rang. Rimuru put down the comic book in his hand, clamped it with a maple leaf bookmark, and then reached out to pick up the phone.

This phone is a special phone that only A-level and above have. It doesn't make any noise at ordinary times. It will only ring when heroes of B-level and below are unable to handle things.

Ah....It was sent by the Hero Association. What a hassle. Rimuru glanced at the content on his phone and immediately felt that it was a hassle.

The headquarters of the Hero Association sent a message, asking Rimuru to explore the ghost town in Z City. In fact, they wanted to send someone else, but the headquarters found that Rimuru was the closest to the place and was also a newcomer, so they wanted her to try.

In fact, the ghost town is simply the outer town where Rimuru and Saitama live now. There are still people in the central area of Z City, but Rimuru has always been too lazy to go there. If he wants to go, wouldn’t it be better to go directly to the more prosperous A City?

After Rimuru replied with a message"I refuse this mission", he threw the phone on the table. To be honest, she didn't really want to go. Rimuru had asked before whether he would be expelled from the Hero Association if he often refused missions. However, the answer given by the upper level was that this condition was only valid for heroes of B level and below.

A-level heroes can refuse missions at will, but generally few A-level heroes will refuse missions, because the missions that A-level heroes can take over are all difficult ones. Although they are more dangerous, the monetary rewards are also higher.

However, what the Hero Association did not expect was that Rimuru, a freak who had no shortage of money and did not want to be a hero, appeared.

Rimuru had just put down his phone when it suddenly rang. This time it was not a message, but a call.

"Tsk, that's annoying." Rimuru smacked his lips and complained with some disdain, but he still reached out to answer the phone.

"Hello? I refuse the mission, don't call me anymore." After Rimuru answered the phone, he didn't ask who the other party was, but just said this, which confused Tornado on the other end of the phone. My goodness, a mere 37th-ranked A-level rookie actually has more personality than her, the second-ranked S-level.

"I am S...."Just as Tornado said this, Rimuru hung up the phone. Tornado in the Hero Association looked at the hung up phone and felt very upset. She wanted to hit someone.

However, due to Rimuru's special personality, Tornado suppressed her dissatisfaction and called Rimuru again. After Rimuru answered the phone this time, Tornado spoke before Rimuru.

"I am the second-ranked S-class hero Tornado, and you are the 37th-ranked A-class hero Rimuru Tempest, right? Go and complete that mission, and I will personally reward you."

"Reward? First, I don't lack money. Second, I don't worship any heroes. Let alone you being the second Tornado, even if you are the first, you have no attraction to me. In this case, what reward can you give me?"

Rimuru listened to the cute voice coming from the phone and suddenly became interested. Oh, the tsundere loli Tornado, just tease her.

With this idea in mind, Rimuru replied like that.

"I'll give you a condition. As long as it doesn't violate my moral bottom line or something I hate, I can do it for you. I can even have dinner with you. How about that? Are you motivated?"

That is, Rimuru's registered gender at the Hero Association is female. If he was a man, Tornado would fly directly to Rimuru's house and give her a meteorite. How could he talk to her so kindly?

"It seems a bit attractive. OK, I'll take it. Oh, by the way, don't think about regretting it. I've recorded it."Rimuru hung up the phone right after he finished speaking. He took a look at the location of the mission. Isn't it near his home? Just take a look.

After hanging up the phone, he returned to the room to change into a sweatshirt and knee-length shorts, put on sneakers, took his keys, waved to the mosquito girl, said"I'm going out." and started wandering around his home. He wore the mask of Miss Jing on his face, put his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt in front of his lower abdomen, and looked around.

In fact, this mission was not only given to Rimuru, but also to other heroes of the Hero Association. However, since they have been given to other heroes, why did Tornado let Rimuru do this? The answer to this question���I guess no one knows except Tornado herself.

Tornado looked at the phone that was hung up again, feeling angry and amused. She destroyed things within a certain range of the Hero Association. After letting out her anger, she floated in the air and left the Hero Association, leaving only the senior staff of the Hero Association with a wry smile on their faces.

They immediately asked people to count what Tornado had destroyed. Soon, the results came out. Fortunately, they were not important things. They were broken, so they just had to buy them back.

Due to Tornado's special attitude towards Rimuru, the senior staff also felt a little strange, and immediately asked people to investigate all the information about Rimuru.

The senior staff also wanted to know how this A-level newcomer could please Tornado, or how he could interest him.

Rimuru was strolling around, thinking about going home after a while, when he suddenly heard the sound of a battle. He immediately felt curious about why there was a battle here, and walked slowly towards the direction where the sound came from.

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