No wonder the group was not there. It turned out that the nanny had gone home to visit her family. Another ninja, Blade, went to pick her up and had been waiting at the entrance of the dungeon in advance.

The nanny's name was Lydia. She looked about the same height as Lamy. She always had a gentle smile on her face and a soft temperament. If you have to compare her to someone, it would be the Fluttershy in My Little Pony, who was similar to her, but without the Fluttershy form. She was a pure nanny and a pure auxiliary. Unlike the auxiliary on a certain Taixu Mountain, who would kill anyone secretly (wu) and kill all the enemies, and then the teammates would be safe.

They all got to know each other, with the heavy-armored warrior Nashan leading the way, followed by Rimuru, and then Fina and Lydia. Blade was the last one, and Lamy followed the two of them to prevent some monsters that would suddenly appear and attack.

The six of them were advancing at a fast pace, but from the time they entered the dungeon until now, when they were about to pass the first floor, not a single monster had come out. Something was wrong. Nine out of ten things were wrong. (Director Tuo's voice)

As expected, just when the group was about to reach the passage to the lower floor, a large group of blood-winged bats flew towards them, emitting sound waves to disturb everyone present.

If this was a group of ordinary adventurers, they might have been defeated by these six bats, but unfortunately, there was a slime in the team that was not a human being, and had extremely outrageous values.

Just when everyone else looked uncomfortable, Rimuru also pretended to be very uncomfortable, reluctantly pulling out his Tang sword, his hand holding the sword trembling slightly, and resisting the discomfort, he threw out three arc-shaped frost blue sword qi, instantly killing many blood-winged bats, and the corpses and dark green blood fell to the ground like rain.

Because many blood-winged bats were killed, the sound waves were not so harsh, and the others also reacted. Fina released the fireball spell, and Renliu and Rami threw darts to clear out the few remaining bats.

While the others were clearing out the bats, Rimuru took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to him and the cave was dark, and released a steel wire to pull over a blood-winged bat, and then used the predator to swallow it. After the great sage analyzed it, he only upgraded his [sound wave] skill to [ultrasound wave], and there was no other improvement. After clearing out all the bats, rest on the spot

"Fortunately, Rimuru is here, otherwise we might have died here. I didn't expect that this group of guys would actually get together for a sneak attack."Everyone was sitting in front of a fire, and Fina spoke.

Renliu and Rami were both silent.

After all, one of the jobs of the ninja or assassin in the whole team is to ensure the exploration of the surroundings.

It was they who did not do a good job of exploration.

Rimuru waved his hand, indicating that it was okay, after all, they were all teammates.

Then he took out some bread from the space and handed it to the people sitting around the fire.

But there was no portion for himself, so he just leaned against the wall, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fina glanced at Rimuru, sighed more than once in her heart, and stopped saying anything. Anyway, it would definitely be a waste of words. She gave everyone a look and ate quietly.

Seeing Fina's eyes, the others all lowered their heads and ate. In the Flying Star Adventure Group, Nashan is the leader and Fina is the deputy leader

"Is that enough? I have more here." Seeing that those people had finished eating the bread, Rimuru took out some more from the space and put them in Fina's hand.

But this time he did not sit aside by himself, but sat in front of the fire. He picked up a small wooden stick from somewhere and stirred the small piece of wood that was burned red by the flames.

At the same time, a purple-brown gourd with gold specially made into a cloud pattern appeared in Rimuru's hand. He slightly raised his mask to reveal his mouth, unplugged the gourd, put it to his mouth and drank a few sips. After drinking, he put on the mask again, sat there, and waited for Nashan to say to continue moving forward.

After all, you have joined someone else's adventure group, and you still have to listen to orders. Just after finishing drinking the water, before he put away the purple gold gourd, he saw the message sent to him by Feishu.

"I've already taken care of things in Kahn Village. You should be careful outside and don't let anything go wrong. Do you want me to send Diablo or Miss Jing to you? I'll feel more at ease with them around."

"Let's not do that. If Big Pineapple comes, I will be very distressed. Besides, nothing will happen on my side. I will go back in about three or four days. Don't worry. I have told you that if I want to run, no one can catch me. And let me tell you, Flying Squirrel, I found out yesterday that I can still use the boss skills that I swallowed in the game before."

After seeing the message from Rimuru, Momonga lost his composure instantly. The green light of forced calm flashed several times before Momonga's uneasy mood returned to calm.

The reason why Momonga was shocked was just because he remembered the boss with time and space skills, [Time Knight], who was conquered by forty-two players together during the heyday of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

This boss not only left a deep impression on Momonga, but even if you randomly find a person who has quit the game for three or four years, except for Momonga and Rimuru, any of the other forty Supremes will instantly think of this boss. It's just because this event boss is too buggy. Although his damage is extremely high, his health is also very thick, and even his armor and magic resistance are all ridiculously high, these are not the reasons for making a deep impression. It's because the

Time Knight has two skills. One is [Death Rewind], which will be triggered at the moment when the health value reaches zero. At the same time as the status is restored to full, the health, attack, armor, and magic resistance are all improved.���Twice the value before death.

As for the second one, the skill name is [Time Passes Like Light], and the triggering condition is that after [Death Rewind] is triggered, when the health of the Space Knight drops to 20%, it will be automatically triggered.

All the lost health of the Space Knight will be instantly restored, and at the same time, a real instant kill damage of [999999] will be burst to all enemies within a hundred yards around the Space Knight.

At the beginning, it was extremely difficult to fight this boss.

No matter how hard you fight, you can't kill it.

In the end, Rimuru activated the racial talent skill when the health of the Space Knight dropped to 20%, swallowed it into his body, and defeated it.

The advantage is that the Great Tomb of Nazarick has obtained a lot of precious materials because of the Space Knight, resulting in the ability of all NPCs created by players in the Great Tomb to rise by more than a little.

Similarly, Rimuru also obtained all his skills by repeatedly brushing the Space Knight, including the two most important skills of [Death Rewind] and [Time Passes Like Light]. As for some other small skills, although they are not as conspicuous as these two skills, they are also very powerful.

After all, Rimuru asked Zile to teleport him directly into the game to experience it firsthand. The advantage is that he will get a lot of abnormal skills, but the disadvantage is that he can't get souls.

As for krypton gold and so on, with Zile here, Rimuru is only responsible for having fun.

Momonga finished his recollection, with endless emotion in his heart, and recalled the excitement when everyone was online before. Rimuru saw that Momonga didn't reply to her message, and it was read but not replied again, but she didn't feel anything this time, because she could probably guess that Momonga must have remembered the happy time playing games with friends.

In fact, even Rimuru missed it very much. After all, he started playing games with Momonga and the others from the beginning. Now there are only him and Momonga left, and he also felt a lot of emotion. He sighed in his heart and closed the chat box. At the same time, he also heard Nashan say that he was going to the next floor after the rest.

Rimuru stood up, patted the dirt on his pants, and took another sip of the water in the purple gold gourd before leaving.

Then he put away the purple gold gourd, watched Fina throw out the water ball, extinguished the burning flame, and once again stood in the position when he came in, and went to the second floor of the dungeon together, or the first floor of the underground city, because the room where Rimuru and his friends were now could only be regarded as the same as the horizon, not the real dungeon.

Although the two ninjas' faces were covered by masks, they could feel that they no longer felt as relaxed as when they first came in.

The vigilance of the two was also useful.

After all, this was still the passage to the next floor, and there were no less than five waves of venom slimes.

Rimuru also tried to use the predator secretly, but it did not improve himself at all.

It was probably because the acid erosion skill that the three heads had improved for him in the One Punch Man world was too high, so it had not been improved.

And he didn't even give himself a soul.

In this case, Rimuru was too lazy to take action, and he just had to be a light-armored warrior protecting the back row.

He can also slack off at the same time, which is really good.

However, Rimuru didn't know that because of his slacking off, Fina and Nashan admired Rimuru even more. He didn't attack casually, protected the back row, and only attacked when it was most dangerous. He had such high combat quality. It turned out that asking Rimuru to conquer the dungeon together was the right choice.

This was also Nashan's idea more than once.

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