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Rimuru was lying on the sofa in a beauty position with an impatient look on his face, his hands were pulling at his gorgeous and beautiful dress, his long straight silver-blue hair was also made into more flamboyant big waves. His cute little face was slightly made up, but in fact it was just some earth-colored eyeshadow at the corners of his eyes, and some cherry-colored lip gloss on his delicate lips.

"Damn Momonga! Why do you let me play the role of a young lady!! There are so many beautiful maids in the great tomb, why not just call any one? Why do you have to make me like this?" The impatience on Rimuru's face has gradually turned into dissatisfaction, and his fists are hard, and he wants to hit someone.

Suddenly, a dark purple vortex portal appeared on the other side of the sofa, and then Momonga, Miss Shizuka, Rain, Misali, Sebastian and Hamsuke walked out of the portal one by one.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Momonga's creepy skull face, but Rimuru didn't feel any fear, and even used [Time and Space Shuttle] to appear in front of Momonga, and directly hit him with an Inch Force·Open the Sky.

Momonga was instantly knocked out, and was once again knocked into the wall, and it was a bit difficult to get him down.

Hamsuke shouted with horror,"Master!!!""And ran to Momonga, just as he was about to stretch out his claws to help pull Momonga out, he heard Rimuru's devil-like voice."Hamshiro, I advise you not to move, otherwise I will eat you!"

Hearing Rimuru's words, Hamsuke didn't dare to move, and lay on the ground trembling, although he didn't know who Hamshiro Rimuru was calling.

Miss Jing and the others all stood there watching, and their eyes fell on Rimuru, who had just used teleportation to fly up and punched Momonga away, and because he was wearing high heels, he fell to the ground and almost sprained his ankle. Sure enough, Rimuru is very suitable for wearing women's clothing, and it looks very good.

When Momonga struggled to pull himself out of the wall, just when he was about to say something, he was kicked to the ground by Rimuru again, and was stepped on the chest by Rimuru in high heels, with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Wait wait wait wait!! Rimuru, listen to my explanation!!" Although Momonga looked calm on the surface, he was actually panicking inside. He used the fastest hand speed ever to send a private message to Rimuru. Rimuru stepped on Momonga's chest, staring at each other, but in fact, they were chatting with each other in private messages.

"You dog, I*****Why did you bring me here? You are a young lady! There are so many beautiful maids in the tomb, why don’t you find one? If you can’t tell me, I will kill you!!"

Rimuru’s mouth was filled with honey as soon as he opened his mouth, and he gave a very"cordial" greeting.

"Their statuses are not equal. With you, the Supreme Lord, here, how dare they call themselves ladies? What's more, you are coming with them. How dare they act as the Supreme Lord's sister? They knelt down immediately after hearing what I said. And Rimuru, you are very strong. I can rest assured that you are collecting intelligence in the capital. Besides, I have already sent you helpers, even Sebastian."

After sending the private message, Momonga immediately stretched out his hand tentatively to move Rimuru's feet away from him, but ended up getting kicked in the hand.

"Then you can just say I won't come, let them come, and then I can come secretly, right?!" Rimuru still glared at Momonga, and even Momonga could feel her anger from the text Rimuru sent.

"But they have all guessed it. How can they not know what kind of person you are from how you have been interacting with them in recent days?"After the flying squirrel finished speaking, he followed it with a sighing emoticon.

Now Rimuru had nothing to say, and could only angrily move his foot away from the flying squirrel. However, because he was really not used to the high heels on his feet, he almost fell. Fortunately, Rein acted quickly and caught Rimuru, otherwise he would probably fall to the ground. The clothes on Rimuru were actually carefully selected by the flying squirrel. The purple and black dress matched each other, making Rimuru look more noble.

The high heels on his feet were the same style as the dress, and there was a bow made of purple gauze above the heel. It was just that the heel seemed a little too thin and too long, and Rimuru had a little trouble controlling it.

The flying squirrel silently kept this in mind. When there is such an event next time, there will be no such shoes.

Rimuru lay in Rein's arms, rolled his eyes at the flying squirrel on the ground, then stood up, walked straight to the sofa and sat down. This time he controlled the high heels very well.

"All these people you brought here stay, get out of here, I don't want to see you for now, I'm going to get angry when I see you!" Rimuru said, and he pulled the pillow on the sofa next to him and threw it at Momonga.

But Rimuru didn't know that he looked like a little girl who was arguing with her boyfriend. Of course, Momonga wouldn't say it out loud, otherwise he might not see the sun tomorrow.

"Hamsuke, you stay here too, and be responsible for making Rimuru happy."After standing up from the ground, Momonga didn't even brush off the dust on his robe. He said something to the big hamster lying on the ground beside him, and immediately opened the portal and left, returning to the big tomb.

Hamsuke stood there with his mouth wide open. He turned his head and glanced at Rimuru who was sulking on the sofa. Hamsuke suddenly felt that he was abandoned by his master and that he would never see the sun again. He didn't even have a child, but he was going to die. Woo woo woo woo, it was too miserable.

While Hamsuke was thinking about it, Rimuru had already used telekinesis to move him from the wall to the sofa. , looking at her furry body, he lay on top of her directly, buried his face in the fur and rubbed it gently.

He immediately felt that he was healed. It turned out that the world needed these cute furry animals to repair this broken world.

Hamsuke was even more afraid to move now, for fear that Rimuru, who was lying on him, would eat him. Hamsuke missed Momonga more than ever before, and missed the horrible place of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, because there was an even more horrible Rimuru here!!!

And Rimuru was a supreme being of the same level as her master, wuwuwuwuwu...Isn’t the life of a hamster (lou) not a life?

"Rain, Misali, take your own safety as the most important principle of action, and collect as much information about martial arts and magic as possible in this world. Don't worry about the funds, as much as you want is available, understand?"

Rimuru lay on Hamsuke for a while, then sat on the sofa, with a serious expression on his little face, and began to give orders. The time for playing is over, and it's time to get down to business. At this moment, Rimuru is like a real high-ranking lady, giving orders to his subordinates.

""Yes, Lord Rimuru." The Blue Rain and the Green Misali bowed to Rimuru and said in unison.

They took the purse from Rimuru and put it in their own space. Then they left the luxurious mansion together.

"Sebastian, just act as the mansion's daily housekeeper. On your way to buy daily food, pay attention to the dark places in the town. Maybe you will find something."

"Yes, Lord Rimuru." Sebastian received Rimuru's order, put his right hand on his left chest, put his left hand behind his waist, bowed slightly to Rimuru, and then walked out of the room slowly.

"Hamsuke, tsk, what a crappy name. From now on you will be called Hamshiro. Go find a room in the mansion and live there by yourself. Try not to show up in the yard on weekdays, as it will make us a target of those who are interested."

Hamuse nodded, and left the room. He went to find a room by himself and collapsed on the bed with a comfortable expression. She didn't know if it was her illusion, but now Rimuru didn't seem so scary.

Now there were only Rimuru sitting on the sofa and Miss Shizuka standing silently on the right side behind Rimuru in the room. Rimuru raised his hand and used the recovery item on the damaged wall beside him. This was also drawn in the game at the beginning. It was in the same position as the life potion that Momonga took out before, and it was also a consolation prize of one every 500 days.

Although it is called a recovery scroll, it can only restore things like damaged furniture, and it is not even as useful as the blood bottle. As a result, many players gave all of them to the old man in the store after drawing this thing, in exchange for the pitiful one copper coin. The reason why Rimuru had this item was just because the attribute of hoarding rat broke out, and he habitually hoarded three or four hundred copies.

"ah...I'm so tired, Shizue."After issuing the order, Rimuru instantly collapsed on the sofa, speaking in a half-dead little noise.

Shizue also walked to Rimuru's side and sat down, gently placing Rimuru's head on her legs, and placed the middle fingers of both hands on Rimuru's temples, massaging gently, although she didn't know if this would work for Rimuru.

Rimuru buried his face in Shizue's lower abdomen and rubbed it gently. He wanted to take off the skirt and high heels he was wearing and throw them aside, but since he had promised Momonga to accept this identity, he could only endure it.

And it didn't seem to be a bad thing to think about it. It was just wearing women's clothes, which could keep him away from the noisy Juesi Jueming. With this calculation, it seemed that he had made a profit.

But Rimuru didn't seem to react yet. Even if she didn't wear women's clothes, ran out to play, and continued to be an adventurer, she could stay away from Juesi Jueming.

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