After the last incident, the relationship between Rimuru and Tsuruta Rumi improved, and Rimuru only found out at this time that Tsuruta Rumi was also in his class. Well, it seems that he really pays too little attention to the class, and all his attention is on Saiki K. and the others.

Although Rimuru still hasn't agreed to join the badminton club, he has been led by Tsuruta Rumi to be half a vice-chairman.

Because Rimuru's medical skills in the health room seemed quite impressive last time, he was pulled over to treat some abrasions and the like for the members of the badminton club.

(Isn't it just wiping with alcohol cotton and wrapping with gauze? How can it be considered a great medical skill?) (Don't worry about the comedy stuff, it's very complicated and you can't grasp it.


At the same time, he also helps Tsuruta Rumi manage the badminton club

"Hey, Rimuru-chan, a lot of people are dating recently, why don't you try to find someone?" Tsuruta Rumi stood beside Rimuru, leaning on his shoulder, looking at him with a smile, and talking to him in a teasing tone.

Saiki Kusuo, who was sitting in his seat, heard the conversation from Rimuru and immediately pricked up his ears to listen carefully, but on the surface he still looked like he didn't care about anything.

"Stop it, I don't want to fall in love, it's too much trouble." Rimuru waved his hands with a little disdain on his face, then put his cheek in the palm of his hand, propped his elbow on the table, tilted his head to look at Tsuruta Rumi who was leaning on his shoulder, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Let’s not talk about me first. Don’t you want to find someone? You are so beautiful, you have such a good figure, and you are also good at sports."

Saiki Kusuo, who was sitting next to him, didn’t care about what Rimuru asked Tsuruta Rumi. Anyway, he was relieved to get Rimuru’s answer.

If he knew who Rimuru was dating, he would probably take off the super power suppressor on his head and kill that guy instantly.

Dare to deceive his dear sister, die! Not only must he die, but his soul must not be left, all of them must be killed! Send him to see the King of Hell!

"Don't, don't joke with me like that." Tsuruta Rumi blushed a little after what Rimuru said, and then she inexplicably remembered the scene when Rimuru carried her back to the auditorium in a princess hug during the physical education class. Steam was already coming out of her head.

Rimuru stretched out his hand and poked Tsuruta Rumi who was stunned in the spot,"Hey, Rumi, do you think our school has a kyudo club? I want to learn archery, I think that's interesting"

""Ah? Ah? ? I didn't hear clearly, Rimuru-chan, please say it again, sorry, I was distracted." Tsuruta Rumi didn't hear what Rimuru said at all, blinking her eyes with an innocent expression.

Rimuru was a little helpless and repeated what he just said to Tsuruta Rumi again.

"Kyudo Club, I don't think there is one, but I'm not sure, wait for me to ask for you." Tsuruta Rumi searched her mind for memories about this, but didn't find anything useful, so she couldn't give an accurate answer, but she could ask for Rimuru.

"Well, I'll leave it to you, Rumi-chan." Rimuru said as he took out an apple from the table and broke it in half. He put one half in Rumi's hand and ate it while staring out the window in a daze. After being happy that Rimuru didn't look for a boyfriend, Saiki Kusuo also began to feel distressed because he heard the voice of Yumehara Chiyu, who was sitting at the table next to him, and learned that she liked him.

But Saiki was not ready to accept this relationship because in his eyes, except for Rimuru, everyone else looked like subcutaneous muscle tissue, so he didn't feel anything.

But why does Rimuru have such a strong superpower isolation? Even if... Even if he took off the two super power blockers on his head, he couldn't use his super power at all.

Reading minds, seeing through things, and even teleporting with Rimuru all didn't work. Teleporting would only make him move away, while Rimuru would still stand there.

Then Saiki countered all kinds of moves of Yumehara Chiyu, such as turning and bumping into each other, dropping a handkerchief on the ground, chasing a ball, and holding a pile of books to find someone to open the door.

All of them were perfectly avoided by Saiki Kusuo.

Our Rimuru also had a lot of fun watching,"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, this shot of Varudo and Black Tiger passing over the vulture directly confused the little girl.

Oh my, he is single by strength, and this telekinesis of object control can only be said to be awesome.

The ball that was being chased actually jumped back on its own initiative. I hope this little girl doesn't doubt her life.

Oh, worthy of being Saiki, he even has this trick, directly using super powers to call Matsuzaki over to open the door, awesome."

Rimuru looked out the window at the rain and shook his head slightly. Hmm, is the most common and even clichéd scene in romance dramas, an umbrella in the rain, going to appear? But unfortunately, if it were someone else, it might be successful, but for Saiki Kusuo, he directly started by overtaking and dispersed the dark clouds, forcing the rain to stop.

And the information about the archery club that Rimuru wanted to know was also brought by Tsuruta Rumi. Hmm, the school really didn't have this club. It seems that he has to find a time to go out and practice. After all, the weapon that comes with the armor is a longbow, and he must know how to use it.

Even if he is not always accurate, he must know a little bit.

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