After school in the evening, Kaito Shun finally changed out of his clothes cosplaying as Xiahou Dun, and put on another set, wearing sunglasses, a beret on his head, and carrying a schoolbag. He didn't look like a good person at first glance.

Following behind Randou, hiding in the alley, watching Randou gradually walking away. Saiki used teleportation to appear next to Kaito Shun, but did not hide his figure, but just stood next to Kaito Shun and watched.

At this moment, Rimuru jumped out from nowhere, tugged at Saiki Kusuo's sleeve, and asked,"Brother Kusuo, what are you doing?"

Kaito Shun also heard Rimuru's voice, blushed at first, and then coughed lightly,"Well, we found that Randou was a little bit abnormal today, so we went to take a look."

"Is that so? Then I'll follow, since I'm going to go home with Kusuo-san soon anyway." Rimuru said with a smile, while quietly repairing the road that he had damaged due to his poor control just now.

Fortunately, Saiki Kusuo didn't notice it, otherwise... there is a way to explain it, hey~

After Rendou walked away, Kaito Shun suddenly took out a piece of clothing, put it on, and made a card face to make the transformation gesture of number one. The beret on his head was also replaced with a black knitted hat. The only thing that didn't change was the sunglasses on his face.

But even with the change of clothes, he still didn't look like a good person at first glance.

Rimuru and the other two followed behind Rendou, and when they saw him move, they immediately hid in a small alley on the side,"Huh? What is that guy looking at?"

""Ah?!! He, he actually showed that kind of smile to a little girl! Let's call the police!" What the three saw was that Rendou Riki was looking at a little Lolita who was holding hands with her father with a bright smile on her face with a strange smile on his face.

Rimuru blinked his eyes and thought for a while. He seemed to vaguely remember this little plot. If he remembered correctly, it should be the story of Rendou going to visit his father's grave. He turned his head and glanced at Kaito Shun and Saiki Kusuo beside him, and decisively chose not to tell them. If he told them in advance, he would miss a lot of fun.

"Let's catch up! We can't just watch this guy make a mistake!"Haiteng Shun said, and rushed out directly, following behind, and hid again after a few steps.

"Hmm? What is he doing in the flower shop this time? Kaito Shun seemed to be asking a nonsense question.

"What else can you do in a flower shop? Of course you go to buy flowers! And there are too many obstacles along the way. Aren’t they specially made for Kaito Shun to track you?"

Rimuru looked at Kaito Shun hiding behind the wooden box with his half-moon eyes, and started to complain in his heart.

"He actually went to the flower shop, did he get a girlfriend?" Kaito Shun also realized that he had asked a nonsense question, and suddenly changed his words.

"No, it's impossible!" Kaito Shun and Saiki Kusuo said in unison in their hearts.

Not long after, Nendo came out of the flower shop with a bunch of blooming sunflowers in his hand. He walked straight towards the cemetery, followed by Saiki, Kaito Shun and Rimuru.

Not long after walking, Nendo stopped and looked at the little girl sitting on her father's shoulders. But why is it such a coincidence that they are all little girls?

"He's still watching?! Why don't we call the police first? We can't let him do anything wrong! Although he's annoying, he's also our friend!"

"No, we can't jump to conclusions so quickly. Let's just keep watching. Many people like sunflowers, and it's normal to smile at little girls."

Kaito Shun comforted himself in an instant, but just as he finished speaking, Rantang walked into another store. When he looked up, he found it was a cake shop.

"Cake = sweet = girls and children's favorite = girls + children = little girls!! This guy!! He must not be allowed to do anything wrong!!

Sunflowers, of course, must be given to someone, but that guy obviously didn't have anyone to give them to, and then he went to buy cakes, obviously to use them as bait, right! That guy must want to pretend to be a sunflower monster to abduct little girls!"

Kaito Shun spoke very quickly and"analyzed" the whole story. Rimuru, who was standing aside, was already trying hard to hold back his laughter, not letting himself laugh out loud. Sure enough, there was too much fun here.

"It's abnormal for a young girl to be kidnapped by someone like him." After listening to Kaito Shun's analysis, Saiki complained in his heart.

"What the hell, there is no fruit cake, but never mind, it is not for human consumption anyway." After coming out of the cake shop, Ran Tang said this while holding the cake, and then he showed an evil smile to the cake.

"Not for human consumption = bait = Kaito Shun's previous imagination was correct, no way, is this guy really going to abduct a young girl? ?"

Qi Mu listened to what Ren Tang said and couldn't help but think so in his heart

""Rantō!! I really misjudged you!" Kaito Shun shouted loudly, and when he turned around with a puzzled look on his face, he punched him, but the sound was"Puff Puff", like the punch of a puppet in anime.

"You actually want to attack a weak little girl!!"

"Wait, did you misunderstand?"After hearing Kaito Shun's shout, Ran Tang finally reacted and spoke. Kaito Shun, who heard Ran Tang's words, also stopped his actions and looked at Ran Tang with a puzzled look on his face.

Not long after, Ran Tang led a group of three people to the cemetery. First, he placed all the sunflowers and cakes in front of the tombstone without saying a word, and then lit three���Inserted in front of the tombstone, finished everything, and began to explain to Kaito Shun

"Tomb-sweeping? What about your sunflowers and cakes?..."Hai Teng listened to what Ran Tang said and once again asked nonsense questions.

"Of course it's offerings. Isn't it common sense to bring offerings when visiting graves?"Ran Tang said, taking out a rag from his trouser pocket and gently wiping the tombstone to remove all the dust.

"I didn't expect that there would be a day when I would hear common sense from Rendou's mouth. So he wasn't looking at a little girl with obscene eyes, but looking at fatherly love."

Qi Mu also suddenly reacted at this time, and then shook his head in his heart. His face really gave people a big misunderstanding.

When Rendou was telling Kaito Shun and Qi Mu when and why his father died, Rimuru was already standing in front of the grave, bowed to the tombstone with his hands clasped together, and also lit a stick of incense.

Qi Mu saw Rimuru's actions, although he didn't understand, he also imitated Rimuru's actions and did the same thing.

"Ah, Goddess Rimuru, you are following too. I never thought my father would be offered incense by the goddess. It is such an honor."Rendo was still carefree.

Rimuru just smiled and nodded to Rendo without saying anything. Anyway, in her eyes, a male spirit who looked exactly like Rendo, except that the scar was on the right side, which was exactly the opposite of Rendo, was sitting on the tombstone, eating the cake that Rendo brought.

"Oh, Aibo, don't just stand there." Rantang suddenly shouted to Saiki, who seemed to have seen something unbelievable, with his eyes wide open and a little dazed. After shouting at Saiki, he said to Rimuru,"Goddess Rimuru, do you want to come with us? Ramen is delicious!"

Rimuru naturally did not refuse. Anyway, that bowl of food was not enough to fill his stomach, so he ate it.

After eating, everyone went back to their homes, except Rimuru and Saiki Kusuo, because the two were from the same family. When they got home, it was already dark. The only lights left on the path were the street lamps that were still doing their job. Oh, there were also some that were not doing their job, such as the ones that were not on.

After reaching the door of his house, Saiki saw the letter in his mailbox. He took a look and found that it was written to him. Who would write a letter to himself?

After opening it, Saiki was stunned again. He was shocked twice in a row today and he really didn't know what to say.

Rimuru also leaned over to take a look. Oh, his cheap second brother's superpowers were discovered, that was not a big deal. Anyway, there seemed to be a few guys with superpowers in this animation, so he didn't need to care.

After watching it, he went straight home and waited for Kurumi's mother to call him for dinner.

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