Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1398: Mr. Little Tail

The waiter looked at the manager dumbfounded. I don’t know why the manager who is usually strict and stubborn has become like this. It is the largest private room in their KTV. The luxurious private room is not open at all. The only open is for KVT. The boss of Yan Guo is also the president of Yan Guo Group.

Only when Yan Qinghan brings people here will it be open, and it is not allowed to open at all.

The decoration level of that private room is very luxurious. It is the most expensive of all private rooms. The manager actually said that he would open it to the three people in front of him, and he also considered the price of the smallest package. What is going on?

Ignoring the appearance of the waiter, the manager spoke coldly and said, "What are you doing in a daze and quickly open the room and let the three distinguished guests come in? Or let the guests wait here?"

Seeing the manager look a little angry, the waiter quickly said: "Okay, okay, I see." After that, he quickly opened the room on the computer. I told the waiter next to her, and the waiter politely said, "The three, please follow me."

Guan Nuannuan, Ban Xiaonian and Feng Yiyuan also looked at each other a bit, wondering what was going on, why suddenly there was a room again? Moreover, the manager seemed to be loyal to them, and he looked a little strange.

But didn't think too much, Ban Xiaonian smiled and said, "Oh, it seems we are lucky. When we first arrived, we found that there was a private room. It was all right. Maybe we were lucky today, so let's go quickly."

Speaking of Ban Xiaonian happily, she pulled Guan Nuannuan and followed the waiter directly.

It was not until the waiter led them to the corridor and the shadows of these three people were gone. The manager turned his head and looked at the tall figure coming out of the corner very solemnly. He almost nodded and said, "President, I It's already done."

When he was working just now, he received a call from the president. In almost 20 seconds, he immediately got by the president's side. Hearing what the president did, he knew that he was required to give it to him quickly. The three people serving had a private room. Hearing such words, how could he dare not obey, so he went to arrange it immediately.

At this time, Yan Qinghan's face was a little faint, he said calmly, "Well, very good, I see."

Then, he looked at and nodded slightly, indicating that he could go busy, and he knew the room number. So just walked over.

It was not until he saw him walking past that the waiter dared to say: "Manager, it turns out that our boss asked you to do this. I said how can you let the guests take advantage of you in the usual way?"

The manager looked directly at the waiter and said, "This is our funder and our boss. Of course what he says is the imperial edict. How dare I not follow it? But you are too. Don't you know how to look at your eyes? I have to ask so much nonsense, right?"

The waiter shrank his neck a little, knowing he was wrong, the manager gave the waiter an angry look, and then walked away directly.

The rare president came here tonight. He thought that nothing should go wrong, otherwise he would have to walk around.

In the next time, he will definitely have 120,000 points of energy.

The waiter took Ban Xiaonian, Feng Yiyuan, and Guan Nuannuan into the private room together. When Ban Xiaonian and Guan Nuannuan entered the room, they were completely stunned. The waiter said very politely: "Then three I hope to have a good time here."

Then the waiter retired and closed the door. The three of them looked at the situation in a daze. Will this private room be a bit too big? Not only is it big, but it's a bit too gorgeous,

How could such a large private room charge such a small price today? The decoration in this private room feels very high-end atmosphere, and at first glance it is very valuable, it can accommodate dozens of people, but now I will stay for three of them.

But they didn't think about it, and Ban Xiaonian couldn't help exaggeratingly exclaimed: "This is too big, is our luck really so good? It's so happy to see such a private room."

When Guan Nuannuan was about to say something, the private room door was knocked open politely. At least two waiters brought in some snacks and some fruits. Ban Xiaonian looked at them and said, “We didn’t order these. ."

The waiter said politely: "This is included in your private room fee, it doesn't matter, these are free."

The waiter retired after speaking. Guan Nuannuan and Xiao Nian looked at each other. Is this okay? ?

Guan Nuannuan smiled and said, "It seems that I can hardly get a good luck."

Ban Xiaonian nodded again and again: "Yes, you are really lucky. From now on, I will take you out every day, OK? Maybe you can see good luck everywhere."

Guan Nuannuan smiled and didn't say anything. Even though it was so, if she wanted her to come out every day, then it was definitely unnecessary. She was forced to get better when she came out.

Feng Yiyuan's eyes were dull at this time, and his head was a little skeptical. He should probably guess what was the reason for this, but he did not say clearly. The two women in front of him seemed to be a little bit confused, but his onlookers were clear. , So I can basically know what's going on, there is no such a coincidence, it doesn't exist at all, only it may be the cause of Yan Qinghan.

Yan Qinghan had always been behind them, and now it is not surprising to arrange this, but seeing the happy two people in front of him, Feng Yiyuan didn't intend to puncture it.

That's it, Ban Xiaonian excitedly pulled Guan Nuannuan to order a song. In this private room, all the details are the most advanced. With the computer that ordered the song, Ban Xiaonian was still studying there for a long time.

At this moment, the door slowly opened, and a tall and tall figure walked in quietly, and then walked quietly on the sofa in a corner of the room and sat down, seemingly silent, with a cloak. It is estimated to be completely transparent.

Feng Yiyuan looked over with angrily. It wasn't Yan Qinghan or who he was.

Yan Qinghan sat there, her dark eyes faintly unable to see emotions.

Ban Xiaonian felt that the atmosphere became very embarrassing under Yan Qinghan's entry. She also guessed that Yan Qinghan would definitely come back. In order to ease the atmosphere, Ban Xiaonian smiled and said, "It turned out to be the warm little girl. Here comes the tail."

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