Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1410: Get certificate

Guan Nuannuan feels like her head is down. Where would she be willing? Which sentence did she say yes? Does this staff member have intermittent memory loss?

The staff directly ignored the panic of Guan Nuannuan and looked at Yan Qinghan with a smile: "So, President Yan...Uh, Yan Qinghan, are you willing to marry Guan Nuannuan?"

Yan Qinghan's thin lips smiled, then nodded, "Yes, I am willing."

When she heard Yan Qinghan's words, Guan Nuannuan felt a violent bump in her heart. Once, how much she wished to hear these words, but destiny made such a big joke.

Yan Qinghan looked at Guan Nuannuan and saw Guan Nuannuan's red eyes. There was a wave in his heart. He immediately looked at Guan Nuannuan with tenderness in his eyes, and then said in a gentle voice: " Nuannuan, you know, I have only identified you as a person in my life, do you know?"

Yan Qinghan's gaze was too soft, and his mouth was too gentle, making Guan Nuannuan look at him blankly, almost as if bewitched, looking at the bright stars in his eyes.

Guan Nuannuan was a little dazed, as if confused, until he heard a click and wanted to recover, it turned out that Yan Qinghan had already pulled Guan Nuannuan over and took the picture.

Guan Nuannuan was a little regained, and his clear eyes blinked at Yan Qinghan. At this moment, the feeling in his heart was complicated, but after knowing that he and Yan Qinghan received a marriage certificate, why did he feel a little bit in his heart? Suspicious warmth and sweet taste?

Guan Nuannuan once felt that there was only pain and sadness in her heart, and there would be no more emotions, but at this moment, she clearly felt that her emotions at this time were not painful.

The two of them stayed in the house like this until the staff took the two red little books and handed them over to them. They smiled and said, "Congratulations, you are already a husband and wife."

Yan Qinghan accepted it with a smile, and then said, "Thank you, your wife's position, I will quickly promote her to department manager in Yan Guo Group."

The man looked at Yan Qinghan with joy, and then smiled: "Really, thank you so much, President Yan."

Guan Nuannuan stared blankly at the situation in front of her, so it was still the case. He bought the staff and dared to drag her over to register directly, which means that it was unkind and willful at the beginning.

Looking at the little red notebook, Guan Nuannuan felt as if she had fallen into Yan Qinghan's trap.

Thinking of this, the sweet taste just disappeared all of a sudden, and I turned off the heating and walked directly out. The magic is that the door can be opened now.

Guan Nuannuan suddenly opened the door, and then saw Mengna's face with an awkward smile.

Guan Nuannuan coldly snorted, and then walked out angrily.

Guan Nuannuan walked directly out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and wanted to take a taxi to leave without thinking.

But at the moment of beckoning, Guan Nuannuan was taken into a very warm embrace.

Guan Nuannuan struggled immediately without even thinking about it, but Yan Qinghan's strength held her firmly!

Guan Nuannuan was angry and unwilling at this time. She felt wronged and her eyes were red. She really felt that she was so useless. Why should she be far away from Yan Qinghan, but at this moment, when Yan Qinghan pulled her When she came to register her marriage, Guan Nuannuan knew that she couldn't let him go.

The pain and struggle these days, the magical expression in Yan Qinghan's eyes faded away.

Guan Nuannuan was furious, watching Yan Qinghan hug and not let go, and directly bit Yan Qinghan's neck with one bite.

Yan Qinghan snorted, but he didn't struggle, he still hugged the soft body in his arms tightly.

Guan Nuannuan bit Yan Qinghan mercilessly, as if biting in all the resentment these days. It was this hateful man who brought so much pain to himself and made himself during that time. It's better to die than life!

Guan Nuannuan bit Yan Qinghan fiercely, until she tasted a strong smell of blood in her mouth, she was unwilling to let go.

The blood on Yan Qinghan’s neck has been constantly flowing down, but he looked down at Guan Nuannuan’s eyes but still was so focused and gentle. He looked at Guan Nuannuan, and then said lowly: “It’s okay, Nuannuan , If you think this can relieve your hatred, then you can bite hard, continue biting, it doesn’t matter."

Seeing Yan Qinghan's gaze just looking at herself like this, her gaze seemed to be gentle enough to pull herself in. She was not biting him, but instead, her eyes were full of tears, constantly streaming out.

Seeing her tears, Yan Qinghan felt very distressed. He stretched out his hand to wipe Guan Nuannuan's tears continuously: "Don't cry, Nuannuan, I will die of distress if you cry like this."

However, Guan Nuannuan waved Yan Qinghan's hand away, and then shouted: "I don't care about it!"

Then I turned off Nuannuan and ran away! !

But this time, Yan Qinghan didn't catch up. He sighed in sorrow and looked at the two red books in his hand.

Really, it's not easy... just to catch Nuannuan back.

Although Guan Nuannuan ran away angrily at this time, Yan Qinghan knew that Guan Nuannuan had finally seen her heart and could no longer escape it. From her eyes, she could see that she could not let it go. he.

That look is no longer the kind of ignorance or coldness, but full of emotion.

Then, at least it won't be too difficult.

Yan Qinghan let out a heavy sigh of relief, and then smiled sadly.

Maybe, I should really thank Feng Yiyuan.

If he hadn't told himself last night, maybe he would miss Guan Nuannuan forever.

Feng Yiyuan chose to use the last chance to tell him the truth and was willing to give him a chance, believing that he would take good care of Guan Nuannuan.

Knowing that Feng Yiyuan liked Guan Nuannuan, Yan Qinghan was indeed grateful.

He looked at the marriage certificate in his hand contentedly, it turned out that they were really married.

That's great.

When Ban Xiaonian was off work, she still saw Yan Qinghan standing downstairs in her house. She walked over as she used to, but found that today's Yan Qinghan seemed a little unusual.

Because it was almost when she came over to start, Yan Qinghan looked at her with a very gentle smile.

Ban Xiaonian was very suspicious, walked over, looked at Yan Qinghan and said, "President Yan, what are you so happy about?"

This Yan Qinghan wouldn't be waiting downstairs at her house every day, just waiting for Nuannuan to be silly.

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