Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1456: Yan Qingli arrested

He also completely turned Guan Nuannuan into his own home. He kept saying that this incident was dangerous, so he still had lingering fears. He only felt that it was when she was by his side. There is no problem!

Guan Nuannuan was somewhat semi-mandatory, so Yan Qinghan packed his luggage and sent him back to his home, so he returned to the same life as before.

It's just that if Guan Nuannuan now has more or less shadows, there will be some nightmares every night after going to bed, and it looks very lingering.

Every time I saw some cold sweat coming out of Guan Nuan Nuanmeng, Yan Qinghan felt particularly distressed. After all, it was because of him.

He could only caress Guan Nuannuan's cheek very gently, then put her into his arms, driving away Guan Nuannuan's dreams very gently.

Guan Nuannuan was really soothed magically in her sleep, and finally started to return to normal sleep.

Yan Qinghan smiled, he tried his best to catch Yan Qingli.

Only in the case of King Yan Qingli Luo will not bring any threat, and only after Yan Qingli is arrested, can he start a serious life with Guan Nuannuan without any worries.

It may be that the real effort paid off. Yan Qinghan fully cooperated with the police's investigation and work. He even invited Yufeng to help the police fully search for Yan Qingli's relationship.

Under the strong joint relationship, they quickly and easily caught both of them.

Missy was caught recently. She had been hiding for several days, and then she had no choice but to go abroad forcibly, but she was caught immediately when she was at the airport.

When he heard the news, Yan Qinghan breathed a sigh of relief. A crazy woman like Misie must also be completely caught, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

He has so much evidence, so if it were true that Missy was caught, she would not be able to come out so easily.

Yan Qinghan knew that now only Yan Qingli was left. He had to find him. He didn't want him to change any more or anything.

Even during the work, Yan Qinghan was very dedicated to cooperating with the police investigation, and also assisting the police investigation. It was really because of this that Yan Qingli was successfully arrested after a week!

When he was arrested, he was in a group rented house in an alley. It was extremely miserable. He had not gone out for several days. The house was filled with instant noodle boxes and some junk food bags that he could put away. He was caught. It was unkempt and almost embarrassed.

Watching these things come to an end, Yan Qinghan was completely relieved at this time. It was really like this. Only in this way can he live without worries with Nuan Nuan.

All people should have a path related to themselves, some are rewarded for what they give, and some are punished.

If Yan Qingli did such a thing, he had to completely accept the consequences of doing it.

When Yan Qingli was closed, Yan Qinghan thought for a while whether he should go see him, but after thinking about it, he gave up after all. He really didn’t want to see him since he was a child. The damage to him is definitely not a few.

At that time, Yan Qinghan was still very young. Yan Qingli knew that when he was constantly bullying him, he didn't have the power to fight back. At that time, his little caution had already buried an ambition to make himself stronger.

Yan Qinghan wouldn't be so stupid until later when he was able to.

Because he knows that many things, if you do not completely suppress them, then they can only become more and more powerful.

The old man of the Yan family also called him. When Yan Qinghan received the call, he was a little affirmed that although the old man of the Yan family was complicated, it was at least cost-effective to distinguish good from bad.

At least because of this appearance, he would give Yan Guo Group to Yan Qinghan's hands.

When Yan Qinghan carefully explained the situation to the old man, the old man of the Yan family only sighed lightly, as if expressing understanding, then he sighed, and then said: "It's okay to do this, karma This is the kind of person who must give something when they do something, and get some punishment. Otherwise, there is no way to remember, so let Yan Qingli be responsible for his own consequences like this, I should help He has already said all about it, and since that is the case, then I have no choice."

Elder Yan sighed with such helplessness.

Yan Qinghan also relaxed slightly. There was still a slight possibility that he would think that his father should just let him go and save Yan Qingli without any reason, but now it seems that the old man is still good, knowing Yan Qingli might have really gone too far in many things.

So for now, Yan Qinghan basically felt that there was no major hidden danger.

The remaining Yan Xuewei was not enough to cause trouble, because there was no such pillar as Yan Qingli. Maybe Yan Xuewei will become scared soon. Maybe she will converge to the dynamics she said in the fastest time. If the situation is good, she should show weakness to him.

There is no need to worry about this. What Yan Qinghan thinks like this is also completely relieved at this moment.

It seems that this matter has only had a result at this time for so many years. The result is really not simple, isn't it like this?

But this matter has been tossing for so long before and after, knowing that at this time Yan Qingli has finally been completely honest, and there will be no more troubles.

Yan Qinghan sighed in his heart for a long time. Over the years, he has been continuously managing the relationship with the Yan Guo Group, just to prevent Yan Qingli from touching himself. This wish at this moment. Is it achieved?

Although there are too many episodes and too many pains in the middle, the result is still the same, maybe it will be like this, there are many variables in the world, he has no way to control anything, he only knows Before things came, he wanted him to do his best.

He can manage not to let the people around him leave, and he will also minimize the losses and injuries he has suffered. Yan Qinghan thought this way, then smiled faintly, and soon began to enter the busy schedule. status.

Mengna next to her was still the same, constantly handing him all kinds of copywriting and planning to let him sign, Yan Qinghan was still very busy, but from the perspective of the heart, it was much better.

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