Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1471: Got an idea

Yan Qinghan said in a gloomy tone, "It's not going well."

Mengna asked Yan Qinghan, and then said, "What's wrong? What's the reason?"

Yan Qinghan said directly: "It's not Nunnuan, she is not happy at all, I can't take that!"

Listening to Yan Qinghan talking about the boudoir here, the assistant also felt very blushing, but she didn't think too much about Yan Qinghan's appearance, instead she directly encouraged her and said, "Don't worry. Mr. Yan, I think it’s better to do it slowly. If it doesn’t work for two days, I always feel that if you do it slowly, you will succeed in the end."

Yan Qinghan sighed. He didn't know if what Mengna said was true or what Guan Nuannuan meant. It seemed that it would be more difficult to infer from her stubborn personality.

Yan Qinghan felt a little distressed. Listening to Mengna's words of comforting herself, Yan Qinghan had to sigh. No matter what, he must insist. If Nuan Nuan disagrees, he must persist!

He must be entangled until Guan Nuannuan promises to marry the two!

Yan Qinghan thought this way, and then looked very vows, Mengna couldn't help but smile, thinking about the situation in front of her, Yan Qinghan and Guan Nuannuan had actually gone very well, and they had reached a very suitable one. It’s just that at the last step of thinking about it, Yan Qinghan might think that she wants to have her. This is a normal reaction, but thinking that the two of them have gone through so many hardships, they also feel that it is really very Not easy, Mengna thought about it for a while, and then smiled very relievedly.

Yan Qinghan only came to realize that the days passed by day by day, no matter how his relationship with Guan Nuannuan was getting better and better, even if it was like this, Nuannuan still couldn’t completely get herself pregnant. She always said to wait until the time was right, but she didn't say when the time was right.

Yan Qinghan really felt that there was no way at all. One day, when he was partying with other Jincheng Five Young Masters, Gu Xingchen, the most abdomen, listened to Yan Qinghan's distress, and then couldn't help being a little bit very sinister. He smiled and said, "Yan Qinghan, you are really stupid, do you know?"

Yan Qinghan looked at Gu Xingchen helplessly, and then said: "You are watching jokes on my side. Have you seen enough?"

Gu Xingchen immediately said, "Yan Qinghan, I didn't expect you to be so sophisticated in the business field. You are still really stupid here. You have to pay attention to methods and methods! Do you really don't know what methods and methods are?"

Yan Qinghan looked at Gu Xingchen and asked, "What do you mean? If she really doesn't want it, I can't force her!"

And Gu Xingchen immediately smiled, "She is not a question of willingness, but a question of method. Isn't it all you need to be a little trick?"

Listening to Gu Xingchen's words, it seemed that he was very capable, Yan Qinghan suddenly became interested, and then approached and kissed Gu Xingchen: "What are you talking about? You said."

Gu Xingchen smiled immediately, and said, "Of course..."

Gu Xingchen approached Yan Qinghan's ear, and then said a few words. After saying these words, Yan Qinghan suddenly felt Maosai suddenly start.

He looked at Gu Xingchen with a smile, and then said, "It turned out to be like this, this method is really great, I will use it when I go back!"

Several of her people saw Gu Xingchen whispering to Yan Qinghan, and they didn't understand what it meant.

But Yan Qinghan smiled very proudly, and this time he finally knew what method was the best.

Mu Beiting looked at Gu Xingchen and Yan Qinghan, who was laughing in the dark, and then said coolly, "You actually used Gu Xingchen's trick? Don't think about it, it must be a bad trick!"

Others nodded in agreement.

Gu Xingchen proudly said, "You don’t care about the moves, whether they are useful or not, let me tell you, don’t look down on my moves. When the time is right, you will ask me. It won’t be like that anymore."

When going back at night, Yan Qinghan took the advantage of Guan Nuan Nuanjiao to take a bath, and directly took out the **** from the drawer and looked at the direction of the bathroom with a guilty conscience. When he found that Guan Nuannuan did not find it, Yan Qing Han secretly poke a hole in the *** with a needle he had already prepared. Seeing that, he quickly put it back to its original place, looking very proud.

Like this, Guan Nuannuan won't have any doubts, haha.

Yan Qinghan suddenly felt that his damaging friends were still very useful for a certain period of time, at least they could help him directly at critical times.

Yan Qinghan smiled like this, and then leaned on the head of the bed solemnly, waiting for Guan Nuannuan to come out and take a shower, and then go to take a shower by himself.

When the two took a bath together, Yan Qinghan directly used all the sultry skills to control Guan Nuannuan's distractions. He didn't even know that Yan Qinghan moved his little hands and feet, and he couldn't find it.

Yan Qinghan smiled very proudly, and then entangled Guan Nuannuan fiercely. After time passed for a long time, Guan Nuannuan pushed Yan Qinghan a little exhausted and said, "No, I'm so tired, really tired. ."

But Yan Qinghan still looked very low and dumb. While constantly teasing Guan Nuannuan, he said, "Hey, let me want you."

Then he tossed like this for almost all night. When Guan Nuannuan was exhausted, he didn't see the triumphant smile in Yan Qinghan's eyes at all. Haha, he promised that Guan Nuannuan would be pregnant through tonight.

Thinking that his goal was finally achieved, Yan Qinghan didn't feel embarrassed at all, but still looked very triumphant.

He looked at Guan Nuannuan almost immediately falling asleep, but he was not tired at all, stroking Guan Nuannuan's silk-like hair, and then looking at her seriously, it felt like a long time ago. What he pursued finally got an affirmation.

This made Yan Qinghan feel very proud. Guan Nuannuan was his. He was particularly satisfied with Guan Nuannuan.

Yan Qinghan satisfactorily. The stars in the sky leaning on the screens were dense and busy. They were silent, but it seemed that the sky was lively. A combed moon looks like a girl who has not grown up, but she is not shy when she sees people. The light and outline are fresh and engraved, which gradually complements the night scene.

The woman in front of him with the night scene at the moment made Yan Qinghan feel complete.

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