Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 1508: Cloud foam?

Lexus jumped into the air because of the violent impact of the white Ferrari, over the bridge with the antique white carved railings, and fell into the surging river amidst a cry of exclamation.

Shock, pain, despair.

A brain surged to his mind, Xiang Qingshi watched the car crash into the river, his fingers stretched out the window, and a heart-piercing yell broke out.

"Yunmo, don't..."

The river flooded the car, together with the woman he loved most, in such a day that was originally full of joy and joy.

He finally lost her.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a sound in his ears, as if someone was knocking on the door. The man opened his eyes all of a sudden, his whole body was wet, and his eyes were in a dim bedroom.

It turned out that all the scenes just now were nothing but a dream. He was infected by the despair in the dream. His whole body was damp, and his face was moist. He didn't know if it was sweat or tears.

The man leaned against the soft head of the bed, panting slightly, calmed his emotions, and tried his best to pull his consciousness away from the real desperate dream.

It's been a long time. Maybe he hasn't dreamed of such a scene for a long time. He didn't expect that this time, the dream was so clear and complete.

Yunmo, where are you now? Did you really go to heaven?

"Boom boom boom."

The knock on the door continued, and even a low, respectful man's voice sounded at the door.

"President Xiang, have you had a nightmare again?"

"I'm fine, what's the matter?"

The man opened his eyes in a dimly lit room. The bedroom was very large. The windows were completely blocked by heavy dark purple curtains. Two antique palace carved rosewood chairs were leaning against the window, and the round pear wood table of the same color was placed. Holding a half glass of red wine.

Yes, he drank too much before going to sleep, but in his sleep he saw the girl who broke his soul again.

The slender arm stretched out from the quilt, and the man sat up, took off the silk pajamas that had been wet for a long time, and walked toward the bathroom.

"President Xiang, I have done what you ordered before. I found a girl, so I want to ask you to check it out. When do you want to see it?"

"Found it? Are you sure what you are looking for this time meets my requirements? Isn't it the same level as the last time?"

The man paused, his eyebrows raised slightly, and his tone of voice was a little dissatisfied. Indeed, this secretary has worked under his own hands for many years, and his work efficiency is very high, but he did not expect him to give such an important thing to him Last time I found myself one of that kind.

Xiang Qingshi couldn't help but shake his head when thinking of the girl he had seen. The girl had heavy makeup and exaggerated makeup. The eyelashes were over the legs of a fly, and the eyebrows were drawn like a fire stick. The lipstick seemed to have just been eaten. The raw chicken is the same.

It's disgusting at first sight.

Even if he is looking for a fake marriage to deal with his father, in the final analysis it is just to make his father fulfill his wish.

But his marriage partner in Xiang Qing should look alike, how could he find a woman like a princess in a KTV to be his wife?

"President Xiang, you can rest assured that this time is definitely not the same type as the last time. This girl is natural and pure. At first glance, she is a very simple girl, completely opposite to the last time."

The secretary hurriedly explained, his voice was a little rush, Xiang Qingshi closed the bathroom door and left a word.

"Then let her sit first, and I will go out to see her later."

The hot water gushes down from the puffy head, on his body, his face rushes unscrupulously, the man's handsome and three-dimensional face is silent and lonely in the hot water.

His fiancee is called Xia Yunmo, in his heart, that is the best girl in the world, but such a beautiful girl was kidnapped before the wedding, and fell into the river in front of her, and the fragrance disappeared. .

It was not that he had not been tracked down. He was so sad that he ordered people to search the river, but the river was surging and unfathomable. Even if he ordered people to search for three months, he did not find the whereabouts of Yunmo.

No one was born, no corpse was seen when he died, his cloud was actually gone without a trace, and he didn't even leave his last relic.

Over the years, he has been refusing to get married, and even ruthlessly rejected all the people who cared about him to introduce him, not because of other things, just because of Yunmo.

He is keeping a widow for her.

Also offering sacrifices to her dead soul.

But the father's body can no longer hold it. As his father's most beloved son, he certainly knows his father's last wish.

My father couldn't let go of himself. He was eager to see himself getting married and having children so that he could leave with confidence.

On one side is filial piety, on the other is desperate love. Knowing that he can no longer wait and sacrifice, he still chooses to find a temporary wife to marry himself and let his father feel at ease.

I just don't know what kind of woman the secretary found for herself this time.

Everyone is here, waiting outside, you should always meet.

He cleaned up briefly, wrapped in a bathrobe, his hair still wet, opened the door and walked out.

The respectful secretary Su Ran was waiting at the door, and when he saw him, she immediately greeted him.

"President Xiang, are you coming out? Miss Lin is waiting for you in the living room. Will you see her now?"

"Why, this is not possible?"

The man raised his eyebrows and glanced at Su Ran. Su Ran hurriedly put on a humble smile and bowed.

"Of course, Mr. Xiang, please first please."

Xiang Qingshi flicked his sleeves and walked out, pulling slippers under his feet, but his waist was very straight. Originally, he didn't need to be so formal. If he really wants to get married, he naturally has to accept that he is the most grounded. One-sided.

Walking slowly down the wooden stairs, his gaze had already floated out of the gap of the spiral staircase and fell on the thin partial figure in the living room.

Heart beats.

He is also tall, with a thin, distressed figure, and also with vertical black hair like noodles in broth.

He was a little eager to see the person's face.

Two minutes faster, Su Ran couldn't keep up behind him, Xiang Qingshi had already appeared in the living room.

The thin figure seemed to hear the sound of footsteps, and turned his head quickly, his face full of uneasy composure under strong pressure, and the slightly trembling fingertips.

However, when he saw that face clearly, the whole person seemed to have been poured from the head by a bucket of ice water and settled in place.

The light-colored eyebrows, the ink-colored eyes that move like water, and the eyelashes that are light as a fan.


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