Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 170: : Ye Mu's advice (plus more)

Ye Mu nodded, "Yes!"

"Then I'll hang up the phone first. Go ahead!" Ye Anxin was about to hang up, when Ye Mu on the other end of the phone suddenly said, "Wait...!"

Ye Anxin stopped her hand and put the phone back to her ear, "Huh? Mom, what else do you have?"

"You...!" Ye Mu stammered for a long time, trying to say but not saying it! After a while, he sighed slightly, and said helplessly: "Forget it, it's okay! From now on, stay away from the people in the Nan family! They are too fierce. When you meet them, I am afraid you will be hurt!"

Ye Anxin couldn't help but laughed out with a'poof', "Mom, what are you talking about? I can't get together with the Nan family, how could I meet them! They are the mothers of Mr. Huo's ex-wife People, if you want to meet, you will meet every month! Don't worry!"

"Anyway, no matter what, try to avoid the people from the Nan family in the future, have you heard it? Don't meet them head-on!" Ye Mu was not at ease, but her tone became a little anxious.

Ye Anxin only thought that his mother was scared, and didn't think too much. He smiled and comforted: "Well, well, I know, I will hide away from people from the Nan family in the future, so mom will always rest assured. !"

Hearing her assurance, Ye mother nodded with satisfaction, "Well! Mom is going to cook, hang up!"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin responded obediently, and then hung up the phone.

Hanging up with Ye Mu, Ye Anxin looked around in the lounge. After being bored, he went out to look for a book on the shelf.

What surprised her was that half of the books on this shelf were actually books she liked to read.

Why are there books she likes to read on the uncle's bookshelf?

It is impossible for the uncle to know in advance that she will come to him to set up a company to accompany him, so I have already prepared a book to relieve her boredom?

Without thinking about it, Ye Anxin pulled out a book and slumped on the sofa opposite the desk to read it seriously.

In fact, she is a complete nerd! The only hobby in life is reading!

Once, in order to finish reading a book, she got up in the morning and kept seeing it late at night! I even forgot to eat!

Mother knocked on the door several times and she didn't hear it!

Later, when my mother came back from get off work and saw that the food on the table hadn't moved, she thought she had something wrong in the room, so she slammed into the door in shock. When she saw her lying in a chair reading a book, she gave her a severe lesson.

Since then, she has been restrained.

Mu Beiting, who has been working with Pete, saw that Ye Anxin hadn't moved for a long time, and raised his head. When he saw her lying on the sofa reading a book, his thin lips slightly raised a nice curve, and then he lowered his head and his whole body Put your heart into work.

Ye Anxin watched seriously and Mu Beiting worked seriously, until Judy changed a glass of milk in, everyone didn't notice it.

Unconsciously, at noon, Judy called the outside restaurant on time as usual and asked them to deliver food.

She has been with the president for three years and knows everything about the life of the president!

The president is a workaholic, except for breakfast, lunch and dinner are basically takeaways!

Sometimes, even alone until late at night!

Although she is not the one who accompanies the president to work overtime, she will call the takeaway on time and ask them to deliver the supper to the company.

In the office, Mu Beiting processed the stack of documents that Pete had brought in, closed his eyes, and stretched out his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.

Seeing Mu Beiting's fatigue, Pete said with concern, "President, or take a break first!"

Mu Beiting pursed his lips, raised his hand and glanced at the time on his watch! Nodded, motioned to let Pete leave with his eyes.

After Pete left, Mu Beiting stood up and walked to Ye Anxin's side step by step.

Ye Anxin read the book attentively, and did not notice Mu Beiting who was slowly approaching!

Seeing that Ye Anxin didn't seem to notice her existence, Mu Beiting sat down beside her and coughed tentatively.

Ye Anxin still didn't react at all, looking at it page by page.

Seeing that she was so fascinated, Mu Beiting didn't bother her either. Instead, he sat beside her, turned his head and stared at her intently.

Without noticing his deep eyes, Ye Anxin looked at the book in his hands intoxicated.

Time slipped quietly, one reading a book and the other sitting around watching people! I don’t know how long it took until the office door was knocked, and Judy pushed the door in while saying, “President, the takeaway is here, you can eat!”

Judy's voice was not too loud, but it fell into Ye Anxin's ears.

Ye Anxin suddenly regained consciousness when she heard the words eating, she realized that Mu Beiting did not know when she actually sat next to her!

Ye Anxin folded the foot of the page he was reading to make a mark, then covered the book, sat upright, and asked in a warm voice, "Uncle, how long have you been sitting next to me? Why don't you call me?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Mu Beiting's face, don't come over, and said unnaturally, "Just here!"

Hearing that, Judy paused when he placed the food delivery hand, his head seemed to be blown up by something, rumbling, and he couldn't recover for a long time!

BOSS is lying!

Obviously Pitt has been out for a while, and things in the morning have temporarily come to an end!

So, how could the BOSS just passed! It must be a lie! Why lie?

The two in the room didn't notice Judy's strangeness. Ye Anxin smiled and approached Mu Beiting, "Uncle, what time is it?"

Mu Beiting raised his hand and glanced at his arm-in-arm watch, "Twelve thirty!"

"Oh! It's really time to eat! Let's eat!" Ye Anxin nodded, took Mu Beiting's arm, and pulled him to his feet, as if to walk towards the place where Judy placed the takeaway.

Mu Beiting took her wrist and stretched out his hand to hold her slender waist, "Let's go out to eat!"

Ye Anxin asked in confusion, "Why? The takeaways have already arrived!"

"I want to go out to eat!" Mu Beiting dropped a word domineeringly, and then left with his arms around Ye Anxin's waist.

Judy Bey bit her lower lip tightly, her teeth itching bitterly, but she had to reinstall the outside just put out and take it out.

Mu Beiting took Ye Anxin to a Chinese restaurant across the street from the Mu Group!

Seeing Mu Beiting coming in, the waiter hurriedly greeted him in, and took them directly to the private room that Mu Beiting usually uses.

After greeting them to sit down, the waiter handed them the menu.

Mu Beiting handed the menu to Ye Anxin, "You order!"

Ye Anxin was not polite to him, took the menu and looked at it seriously.

"Uncle likes light taste! I don't like to eat too oily! Uh...!" Ye Anxin said while watching, and finally pointed to a few pictures on the menu that looked good and said, "Just these few dishes. Come on! It looks pretty good!"

Mu Beiting nodded, and said solemnly: "That's it!"

"Yes, the dishes will be here soon! Mr. Mu wait a moment!" The waiter retracted the menu and left with his head down.

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