Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 182: : Turning against each other? (Plus more)

Li Lin nodded and said with absolute certainty, "Yes! Ye Anxin is pregnant! I am 100% sure that the child must be Huo Yunmo! Ye Anxin, I understand, always Clean yourself up, apart from that time with Huo Yunmo, she has never had anything to do with other men! Therefore, the child in her belly must be Huo Yunmo's!"

Su Yuexin pressed her red lips tightly, gently shaking the red wine in the glass, her eyes quietly watching the splash of red wine, a trace of disdain flashed under her eyes.

pregnancy? The child is Huo Yunmo?

Ha ha……! Ye Anxin is Mu Beiting's wife. They live under the same roof. She doesn't think Mu Beiting will not move Ye Anxin.

Therefore, who owns the child in Ye Anxin's stomach, this matter cannot be jumped to conclusions!

Maybe it's Huo Junmo's, maybe... it's Mu Beiting's.

It's just that she understands Mu Beiting, he has a serious habit of cleanliness, especially for women's bodies! He will never allow his own woman to be a virgin.

And she was also sure that the night she and Li Lin sent Ye Anxin to Huo Yunmo's bed was Ye Anxin's first time.

Because afterwards, Huo Yunmo left with her front foot, and she immediately passed the room with her back foot. There was a red on the bed, a trace of a woman's first night.

So... Ye Anxin's first time was definitely not for Mu Beiting.

When she sent Ye Anxin to Huo Yunmo's bed, Ye Anxin had been married to Mu Beiting for a while, but Mu Beiting actually resisted touching her!

This cognition made her very conflicted! Two thoughts came to mind!

First, Mu Beiting disdain to touch her! Second, Mu Beiting likes her too much and doesn't want to force her!

If it was the first thought, she would be very happy! If it is the second one, then this is a very dangerous signal!

These days, she had been waiting, waiting for Mu Beiting's attack, to blast Ye Anxin out.

Ye Anxin was gone for the first time. With her understanding of Mu Beiting, she would never let this unchaste woman stay by his side!

However, after she waited for so long, there was no movement on Mu Beiting's side! Instead, I watched them become more and more affectionate.

I heard that Mu Beiting also bought Longting Villa as a gift to Ye Anxin's parents!

Judging from the current situation, Mu Beiting probably hadn't touched Ye Anxin, and didn't know that she was not a virgin.

Therefore, Li Lin's guess should be true.

The child in Ye Anxin's stomach belongs to Huo Yunmo?

But, what if the child is really not Mu Beiting's? Why hasn't Mu Beiting moved up to now? Could it be that he didn't know that Ye Anxin was pregnant?

Or, they have already had sex, but Mu Beiting doesn't mind Ye Anxin's first night, he thinks the child belongs to him?

but……? It's not right!

Su Yuexin frowned slightly, a series of questions lingered in her mind, but she couldn't figure it out.

Did the child Mu Beiting know that Ye Anxin was pregnant? Who is the child anyway?

Seeing Su Yuexin staring at the red wine glass in her hand in a daze, Li Lin couldn't help but call out: "Miss Su, what are you thinking about?"

Su Yuexin retracted her mind, her expression unclear and said: "I see, you go back!"

"...?" Li Lin was stunned, stood up and prepared to go, took two steps and then turned and sat down beside Su Yuexin, "Su Yuexin, Ye Anxin is pregnant, what shall we do? Tell Huo Yunmo that the child in Ye Anxin's stomach belongs to him? Ling Yueyue is Huo Yunmo's wife now, maybe we can use this opportunity to turn their sisters into enemies!"

Hearing this, Su Yuexin refused decisively, "No! This matter must not be told to Huo Yunmo!"

Li Lin asked wonderingly, "Why?"

Su Yuexin frowned and shouted coldly: "Idiot! If Huo Yunmo asks you, how do you know about this, how do you answer? Gu Xingchen cleared all the evidence for us, do you want to send the evidence now? Go to Huo Yunmo and let him know that we will give him medicine and send the drunk Ye Anxin to his bed? How can someone in a high position like Huo Yunmo tolerate being calculated by us! You just ran to find him You want to die! I have no problem with you, but don't bother me!"

"But, after that night, this incident seemed to have not happened at all, so we didn't plan for nothing?" Li Lin was depressed!

Originally, she wanted Ye Anxin to accompany Huo Yunmo to the trouble, and then it was passed to Su Yichen's ears, so that Su Yichen could give up on Ye An! I can naturally be with Su Yichen!

Good now! It happened, but there was no splash!

Thinking about her, she would vomit to death!

Su Yuexin looked down and pondered for a moment, before Fang said: "You go first, I have a plan and I will tell you! We can't mess around now, let alone act too hastily, we must step by step! People who do big things must be patient! "

"...?" Li Linbei bit her lower lip and was silent for a moment before she got up and left unwillingly.

"Idiot!" Seeing Li Lin's back, Su Yuexin cursed in disdain.

Ye Anxin is pregnant, and it seems that she can't wait any longer, she must act!


In the Gulf Hotel, Mu Beiting stood in the garden pavilion behind the hotel, with a cigarette in his hand, and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, Su Yuexin's voice sounded behind him, "Bei Ting!"

Mu Beiting didn't respond, and took another cigarette.

Regarding Mu Beiting’s attitude, Su Yuexin smiled indifferently, walked up to him, and said softly: "Bei Ting, I heard that you are coming here to attend the dinner today, so I came and thought Try your luck and see if you can meet you! I didn't expect you to be here! It's great!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting frowned slightly.

Su Yuexin stretched out her hand and took Mu Beiting's arm, "Bei Ting, I haven't seen you for more than a month, I miss you so much!"

"Get out!" Mu Beiting slammed Su Yuexin's hand away from her arm.

"Bei Ting, I just miss you so much, so I want to come and see you! Don't treat me like this, I will be very sad if you do this!" Su Yuexin's eyes reddened as he said, a pair of desire Weeping and pitiful appearance.

Mu Beiting pressed her thin lips tightly, threw the burnt cigarette **** on the ground, turned and left.

Seeing that he was leaving, Su Yuexin chased him immediately, "Bei Ting, I... I heard that Ye Anxin is pregnant, right?"

Mu Beiting turned a deaf ear, and continued to move forward with strides.

Mu Beiting's reaction and attitude convinced Su Yuexin that Mu Beiting knew that Ye Anxin was pregnant! If he didn't know, he wouldn't be so calm.

That said, Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin are indeed a veritable couple?

However, why can Mu Beiting still tolerate Ye Anxin when he knows that Ye Anxin is not a virgin, and love her?

Could it be said that Mu Beiting had a real affection for Ye An, and really fell in love with her, so don't you mind?

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