Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 312: : Uncle, let's get a divorce!

Tears, all of a sudden blurred vision!

In the quiet night, Ye Anxin could almost clearly hear her heartbreaking voice!

Ye Anxin closed her eyes, forced the tears in her eyes back to her eye sockets, and then turned around, leaving silently and silently as she had come!

Last time at the gate of Jiangcheng Hotel, Yueyue said that she had left too fast and did not see her uncle push Ruan Zhitong away!

And this time, in order to verify, she deliberately stayed a while longer!

The uncle still did not push Ruan Zhitong away!

With the uncle's sexy, if you don't like that person, you will never allow that person to touch yourself!

Therefore, in the heart of the uncle, Ruan Zhitong has always been in love!

And her previous guess was not a guess, but a fact!

She was a **** used by her uncle to recall her first love from beginning to end!

She doesn't know why the uncle hasn't abandoned her chess piece, but she knows that it is only a matter of time!


Fortunately, she has been deceiving herself and comforting herself all these days! I kept telling myself in my heart that although the uncle does not love her, but the uncle treats her well, so women can't match it!


Ye Anxin laughed at herself, and the tears that finally forced her to return quietly flowed down the corner of her eyes!

All her disguise completely disintegrated at this moment...

The happiness these days is just an illusion, she still has to return to reality after all!

Ye Anxin didn't know how he got back to the room! She only knew that all her three souls and seven souls had fallen in the grass outside the yard!

After returning to the room, she just sat on the bed quietly, staring at the closed door in a daze!

She didn't know how long she watched, until the door was pushed open, and the scattered eyes slowly gathered, looking at the tall figure standing at the door!

Mu Beiting opened the door, and when he saw Ye Anxin sitting on the bed, he strode over and asked in a warm voice, "Why did you wake up? Why don't you sleep longer?"

Seeing Mu Beiting's caring eyes, Ye Anxin smiled bitterly, opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out the divorce agreement and handed it to Mu Beiting, "Uncle, let's get a divorce!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting's tall body was obviously taken aback, and he glanced down at the five big words ‘Divorce Agreement’ on the document Ye Anxin handed over, his eyes were cold, "What are you doing?"

Ye Anxin sneered and said, "What are you doing? Didn't I make it clear? Let's get a divorce!"

Hearing this, the temperature of Mu Beiting's eyes dropped by several degrees in an instant, "Ye Anxin, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ye Anxin stretched out her slender and white fingers, wiped her face, and said very calmly, "I am very clear and calm now. I know what I'm talking about! I don't want to live anymore. I want to end the relationship between us. Relationship! I don’t want to be a pawn, let alone a substitute! When we are divorced, the uncle can marry the woman he loves with integrity!"

Mu Beiting suddenly took possession, pinched Ye Anxin's chin, forcibly raised her head, and said coldly, "Ye Anxin, what are you going crazy?"

Ye Anxin said faintly, "I'm not crazy, I'm just tired! Really tired! I have had enough of this kind of life, and I don't want to live anymore! I want to live a plain, stable and stable life, and I don't want to spend all day I'm afraid, guessing, I've been living in fear of losing my uncle!"

Mu Beiting said solemnly, "You will not lose me, never!"

Ye Anxin said weakly, "But, I'm really tired! Uncle sign the divorce agreement! When we return to Jincheng tomorrow, we will go through the procedures again!"

Mu Beiting didn't say a word, let go of the hand holding her chin, grabbed the divorce agreement in her hand, tore it to pieces, and then sprinkled it forcefully!

Seeing the confetti floating by him like snowflakes, Ye Anxin didn't have any expression on her face. Feng Qingyun said, "My heart is settled, and this marriage is my divorce!"

Mu Beiting squeezed her chin again, forcing her to raise her head, staring at her eyes with a cold look, and gritted her teeth and said, "Ye Anxin, I tell you, in this life, you don't want to leave me! Death, you can only be my ghost of Mu Beiting!"

Ye Anxin sneered and said, "If you don't love, why don't you let me be free?"

Mu Beiting said coldly and domineeringly, "Ye Anxin, your life is my person, death is my ghost! Even if I give up everything, I won't let you go!" Chin, leave without looking back!

Listening to the room door slammed shut, Ye Anxin only felt that her heart was hit hard!

The uncle said that even if he gave up everything, he would not let her go?

what is this?

Since I don't love, why should I say this to make her misunderstand!

Her heart is very fragile, really fragile! Fragile and vulnerable!

In the past, as long as the uncle gave her a candy, I would be sweet for several days!

But now it's different. After seeing the scene just now, she has already recognized the fact!

No matter why the uncle is unwilling to let go! However, this marriage is divorced!

She doesn't want to continue to live in self-deception, self-comfort!

Thinking of this, Ye Anxin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then rolled onto the bed, covering his whole body under the quilt, hoping to temporarily isolate himself from the outside world!

The night is getting deeper and deeper!

Ye Anxin thought that the turning over was only Mu Beiting's angry words, what he was unwilling to say after she challenged his authority!

However, Ye Anxin found out that he was wrong the next day!

The next day, Ye Anxin looked around in the room, looking for his household registration and ID card, and wanted to return to Jincheng alone to complete the pre-divorce procedures, and then divorce directly after Mu Beiting came back!

However, after looking around in the suitcase of the room, Ye Anxin did not find his household registration book and ID card!

In desperation, Ye Anxin had to ask the servant downstairs!

The servants shook their heads, saying they didn't know!

No way, Ye Anxin had to ask again, "Then have you seen the uncle?"

The servant answered truthfully, "Mr. went out early in the morning!"

Ye Anxin gritted her teeth secretly and had to return to the room angrily!

She knew that her hukou and ID must have been taken away by Mu Beiting! He had guessed her intentions a long time ago, so he secretly took away her account book and ID card early in the morning!

why? what is this?

If you don't love, why don't you choose to let it go? Why keep her by your side?

The more he did this, the more she felt that she was really his chess piece, pet, and plaything! Teasing her twice when you like it, and just shut her up when you don't like it, restricting her freedom!

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