Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 323: : The point of concern is different!

Seeing Ye Anxin's expression like a curious baby, Pete unconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth, and said helplessly, "Madam, digress!"

After being reminded by Pete, Ye Anxin only remembered the reason why she disengaged the uncle, touched her head embarrassedly, and smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm just curious! Get back to business...!" Speaking of which, Ye An Xin paused, sorted out his emotions, and then asked again, "Brother Pete, how did you and Uncle meet? How many years have you been with Uncle?"

Pete raised his head, his face was thoughtful, and slowly replied, "The president and I are brothers in the same school! The president used to be a man of our school when studying in the United States, and I was just an unknown junior! The president was at that time. I don’t know me yet, but I admire him very much! However, speaking of the time with the president, strictly speaking, I have been with him since the president took over the Mu Group! At that time I was still studying in the United States, and suddenly One day I received a call from the president, asking me if I would be interested in staying with him as an assistant! I just agreed without saying anything! My studies in the United States are not over yet, so I returned to Jincheng as an assistant to the president! The most difficult time for Mu's family was when I accompanied the president all the way down! And until now!"

Ye Anxin smiled and said, "So, Mu Family can come back to life, and there is half the credit of Big Brother Pete!"

Pete shook his head and said solemnly, "No! Everything I do is in accordance with the president's orders! The real decision maker is the president! I, like the other employees of Mu's, just listen and do things! Mu's can Resurrecting from the dead, all depend on the president alone! Only I know what kind of life the president lived when he took over Mu's! We used to work endlessly for a month, and run all over the world! It was really sleepy. Close your eyes and rest for a while! During that time, the president was completely skinny and his eyes were sunken! Even I felt distressed when I saw it! But no matter how I persuaded the president, I would not listen! Before I met his wife , The president is a workaholic, running all over the world! It was not until he married his wife that the president slowly began to reduce the workload!"

Listening to Pete's description, Ye Anxin felt distressed for Mu Beiting!

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, she could imagine it! To make a group that is about to be liquidated is as big as the Mu Family Group is now, the hardship and sweat that the uncle has paid is a thousand times, even ten thousand times, that of others!

At that time, in the kind of isolation and helplessness and only relying on his own hands, the uncle must be very lonely, lonely and fortunate, right?

Ye Anxin pressed her aching heart, and smiled reluctantly, "Big Brother Pete has been with the uncle for so many years, you must have a clear understanding of the uncle's affairs, right?"

"Understand the things at work!" The implication is that the company's matters are still clear, and the private life is hard to say!

Ye Anxin is not an idiot, so she can understand it!

Ye Anxin thought for a while, and decided to ask a little more euphemistically, "Does Brother Pete know the'Tongxin Building'?"

Pete carefully searched his mind, then shook his head, and said for sure, "I don't know!"

Ye Anxin was puzzled and asked, "Why don't you know? Isn't'Tongxin Building' a company owned by Uncle?"

Hearing this, Pete couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said helplessly, "Madam, do you know how big the group under the Mu Group is? How wide is the scope of the design? Do you know how big the group under the president's private group is? How wide is the scope?"

Ye Anxin blinked and stared at Pete with Shui Yingying's big eyes, shaking his head mechanically!

Pete explained very kindly, "You can't imagine how big the Mushi Group is! If the group under the President's Private Group can be side by side with Mushi, you should be able to guess how big it is!"

Ye Anxin still didn't understand, and said blankly, "So?"

Pete sighed in his heart, "Let's do it! Madam, if it is convenient for you, can you tell me what happened? Then if you don't understand, as long as I know, I will tell you all the details!"

Ye Anxin lowered his head and considered it carefully for a while, and then after thinking about it clearly, did he tell Pete what had happened during this period of time!

Since she asked Pete, she naturally trusted him completely!

Moreover, the matter between her and the uncle is not a secret, and there is nothing to tell people! Pete is the most trusted person around Uncle again! He understands many things more clearly and sees more thoroughly than himself!

Therefore, she did not have any precautions, she almost told all the details to Peter! Even the details of the quarrel with the uncle, and the content of the words have been carefully said!

The more he listened, the more speechless Pete became. In the end, he was almost speechless!

Ye Anxin narrowed his mouth and said aggrieved, "So, I really want to know if the'Tongxin Building' was built for Ruan Zhitong! I don't care about their past, I care about the attitude of the uncle! If he really does If he put him down on Ruan Zhitong, then he should speak out about them frankly! Uncle always cares about others like this. I think he is a guilty conscience and never let go of his feelings for Ruan Zhitong!"

"So, just for such a small matter, you have to divorce the president?" Pete caress!

He finally knew why the president seemed to have taken gunpowder these days!

The woman who cares keeps clamoring for divorce, no matter which man she changes to, she will not be able to stand it!

Ye Anxin immediately solemnly emphasized, "This is not a trivial matter, it is a big deal for me!"

Pete said silently: "Okay! It can only be said that your women have different ideas from our men! You women think this is a big deal, but in our men's eyes, it is a trivial matter of sesame mung bean! For such a small matter. You are about to divorce the president. No wonder the president is angry!"

Ye Anxin looked at him and blinked! I don't quite understand what he meant!

Pete explained patiently, "Your women and our men will always care about the difference! In this matter, what you care about is whether the president has forgotten Ruan Zhitong! What the president cares about is that his favorite person does not trust him. Don't believe him, ask him! So every time you quarrel, you two will want to step on the banana peel, and run away! This is why you talked so many times, but there is no result the reason!"

"That... that...?" Ye An stammered for a long time, but couldn't say a word!

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