Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 357: : Hidden

When Mu Beiting walked out of the bathroom for Ye Anxin with his wrists clean, he waited for Mu Huajian to walk past the bathroom door and said apologetically, "Bei Ting , I'm sorry, don't be angry, you know, your sister-in-law is such a character, since I have already taught it, forget it! I have ordered the kitchen to cook and sit in the living room!"

At this time, Mu Mu, who got up from the ground, clutched her stomach hurt by Mu Beiting and walked to the bathroom door, staring at Ye Anxin's stomach with her eyes, her teeth creaking!

Looking at Mu's expression, Mu Huajian's expression changed, and he pushed her aside strongly, and smiled at Mu Beiting to please Mu Beiting and said, "Let's sit in the living room! I am here today, I won't You are wronged!"

Seeing Mu Huajian pleasing him everywhere, and making every plea, Ye Anxin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable!

There was a time when Mr. Mu, who had always been aloof, would have such a low voice and be cautious!

It can be seen how much he yearns for forgiveness and understanding from this little son!

I really couldn't bear to watch Mu Huajian sullen so quietly, Ye Anxin shook Mu Beiting's arm, "Uncle, let's go and sit down!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, took Ye Anxin's hand, and led her to sit on the sofa!

Mu Huajian immediately sat down on the sofa next to them!

And Mu Mu was standing next to the sofa, her eyes never removed from Ye Anxin's stomach from start to finish!

She hates, she is unwilling!

Why? why? Her grandson is gone, but Ye Anxin is pregnant now?

A woman who is not to be abandoned by her son, why is she so beautiful now?

Seeing Ye Anxin's bulging belly, she thought of her grandson who was already sexual! Just like that, he was kicked alive by Mu Beiting!

Why is her grandson gone, but Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting's children can be born smoothly?

No... she doesn't allow... absolutely!

Mu's mother clenched her hands into fists, her eyes flashed viciously, her teeth clenched. Because of this, I can restrain the urge to rush to strangle Ye Anxin!

Mu Huajian looked at Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting sitting on the sofa next to him, and asked cautiously, "Relax! I am really happy that you guys can come today! I thought that my wish would be lost, but I didn't expect it. It actually gave me an unexpected surprise! Thank you, thank you! Without you, Bei Ting would not come today!"

Ye Anxin touched his head embarrassedly, "Father, this matter has nothing to do with me! I am only responsible for telling the uncle! The final decision is the uncle!"

Mu Huajian said from the heart, "No matter what, in short, I have to thank you! Today, it will be the happiest day I have had for so many years!"

"Haha!" Ye Anxin laughed. She didn't know how to answer, who was not good at polite greetings, so she changed the subject, "Master, did you receive the birthday present that the uncle bought you? Do you like it?"

As soon as these words were made, Mu Mu's face changed instantly!

Mu Huajian was taken aback, and asked in confusion, "Birthday present? No! What kind of birthday present?"

"Isn't there? The uncle personally bought you a birthday gift! As we said, it was delivered on time at 8 o'clock this morning? Wait, I'll call them and see what's going on!" , Took out the mobile phone, found the phone number of the health product store, and dialed it out!

The phone was connected immediately after ringing twice!

Ye Anxin asked politely and patiently, "Hello, why haven't the health care products we bought the previous two days been delivered yet? Our address is......!" Ye Anxin reported her name and address!

After speaking, Ye Anxin did not speak any more, but listened carefully to the person on the phone!

I don't know what the person on the phone said, Ye Anxin's face changed a little hard to look!

After hanging up the phone, Mu Huajian immediately asked, "How is it? What did they say?"

Ye Anxin said blankly, "They said, at eight o'clock this morning, the gift was delivered!"

Hearing this, Mu Huajian's expression also changed, "Butler, butler, come here!"

The housekeeper who has been busy heard Mu Huajian shouting and ran over!

Mu Huajian asked with an ugly face, "I ask you, did someone send something at eight o'clock this morning?"

The butler nodded and said truthfully, "Yes! Someone sent something and said it was a birthday present for the master!"

Mu Huajian asked again, "What about that thing?"

The butler glanced at Mu's mother who was standing next to the sofa, and explained: "The madam took the things! The lady said she would take them to the master!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Anxin and Mu Huajian looked at Mu's mother at the same time!

Mu's mother's face became stiff, and she smiled reluctantly, "Yes, it seems that there is such a thing, but I just turned around and let me forget it! I'll give you the things later!"

Mu Huajian glanced at Mu's mother coldly. Although he didn't say anything, his heart was like Ming Jing!

What forgot? This is obviously to hide the birthday gift Mu Beiting gave him on purpose!

If Bei Ting and An Xin did not come today, he would never know this!

After going through the jail, she really didn't learn to be smart at all, and didn't know how to constrain her temper. If this continues, he will not guarantee that one day he will not get angry and drive her out!

Mu Beiting coldly swept away Mu's mother, and said flatly, "I don't want anything she touched! Throw it away!"

Hearing this, Mu Mu's face changed and she said angrily: "Mu Beiting, what do you mean?"

Mu Beiting's complexion spit out two words as usual, "Too dirty!"

"You...!" Hearing Mu Beiting's words, Mu mother felt embarrassed for a while!

Ye Anxin hurriedly smiled and rounded it off, "Uncle, it's okay. Anyway, you gave the gift to the old man. Let the old man take care of everything! The water thrown out by the things sent out, let's not care!"

Mu Beiting glanced at her, but did not speak!

Mu Huajian looked at Mu Beiting, and said emotionally, "Bei Ting, thank you! Not only did you come this year, you also gave me a birthday gift! I will definitely keep it well!"

Mu Beiting pressed his thin lips tightly, but still did not answer!

Seeing that Mu Beiting didn't want to continue this topic, Mu Huajian had to change the topic, "Relax! You are about to give birth in about three months! At that time, the child's full moon wine must be celebrated so that all relatives and friends Take it over and have a good time! How to say, this is Bei Ting's first child, don't be sloppy!"

Ye Anxin touched his stomach and said with a smile, "As long as the child grows up in peace, the full moon wine is not important!"

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