Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 362: : Roll down the stairs

When Ye Anxin reacted to what Mu's mother said, it was too late! She only felt that her back was violently pushed by a powerful force, and her body that was not very stable at first lost her center of gravity and rushed forward!

And it happened to be the stairs in front. She stretched out her hand to grab the handrail of the stairs to stabilize her body, but the pushing force was too strong and she waved her hand a few times, she couldn't catch anything at all, just like this. Pounce down the stairs!

Ye Anxin suddenly felt cold, and a boundless despair spread all over her body!

At this moment, her head was blank, and the only thought was that the child could not keep it! If this child is gone because of her fault, then she will never forgive herself! She will definitely walk with the child!

Ye Anxin closed her eyes in despair, just when she thought she was going to roll down the stairs! A pair of big hands suddenly grabbed her arms and pulled her upstairs forcefully. The next second her body, which lost her center of gravity, immediately fell into a familiar and warm embrace!

At the moment when her body was steady, Ye Anxin felt a dreamlike unreality! In order to make sure that I was really fine, I opened my eyes and raised my head!

At the moment of raising his head, his horrified eyes met the ice eyes with angry flames!

"Uncle...!" Ye Anxin opened her lips and called out tentatively!

"It's okay!" Mu Beiting hugged her tightly in his arms, his strong arms held her shoulders tightly, softly comforting!

At the moment when he heard Mu Beiting's familiar voice full of concern, Ye Anxin only felt sore on the tip of his nose, and his eyes blurred with tears!

"Uncle, uncle, just now... almost... almost... almost our child was gone! Uncle... Fortunately you showed up! If this child is gone, I won't forgive myself in my life!" Ye Anxin Talking crying, and talking, tears shed!

Mu Beiting cautiously soothed with a gentle voice that he had never done before, "With me, I will never let you and your child have an accident! Don't worry!"

"Yeah! I know, it will be fine if you have an uncle by your side!" Ye Anxin nodded. At this moment, the panic disappeared!

As long as the uncle is by her side, her panic will be quiet! She knew that the uncle would protect her and would not let her and the child have an accident!

Mu Beiting gently touched Ye Anxin's head, and slowly moved his gaze to Mu's mother who was standing next to him with a panicked expression!

At the moment when the line of sight moved to Mu Mu's body, the tenderness of the eyes disappeared, and a scene of bloodthirsty was afterglow!

"You...!" Frightened by Mu Beiting's fierce appearance, Mu's mother unconsciously took a step back, just about to turn around and run away, Mu Beiting had long arms, and his long, thick callused hands had already pinched her neck!

"Mu Beiting, what are you doing? Hurry up and let me go! I'm your sister-in-law!" Mu's mother was really frightened, looking at Mu Beiting in horror, holding Mu Beiting's hand tightly, fearful He accidentally twisted her neck with his hand.

"You dare to touch my Mu Beiting's woman, you are impatient!" Mu Beiting squeezed a word from his teeth!

As the voice fell, her hands suddenly tightened, and Mu's face immediately turned into pig liver color due to lack of oxygen!

"Um...! Let... Let me go...!" Mu's mother only felt breathing difficulties for a while, wanted to speak, but couldn't say a whole word!

Ye Anxin raised her head, feeling a little at a loss when she saw Mu Mu's almost suffocating face!

Although she hates Mu mother, she hates her behavior just now! However, she is more than hopeful that the uncle will suffer a life because of her!

Mu Beiting lowered his head, afraid that she would be frightened, and whispered in her ear, "Be good, don't look!"

Ye Anxin obediently buried her head in her arms, just as if she hadn't seen anything, heard nothing!

As Mu Beiting's fingers tightened, his breath could not come in, Mu's mother's entire face had slowly turned from red to blue, her eyes widened, and her eyes almost stared out of her sockets!

Just when Mu's mother felt that she was about to be strangled to death by Mu Beiting, Mu Rufeng and Mu Huajian's voices rang like gods, "What are you doing! Let go quickly, she will die if she doesn't let go. !"

"Mu Beiting, what are you doing? Hurry up and let my mother go. If my mother has anything to do, I will never let you go!" Mu Rufeng squeezed Mu Beiting's arm tightly, trying to hold his arm. Pull it back.

It's a pity that no matter how hard he exerts, Mu Beiting's arm still doesn't move, but he pinches Mu Mu's hand even harder!

Seeing that Mu Beiting showed no sign of letting go, Mu Huajian was anxious and said hurriedly, "Bei Ting, if you kill her, you will be charged with murder! Even if you are powerful and powerful in Jincheng, Killing is also subject to legal sanctions! It doesn’t matter if she is four, it’s not cost-effective to let you bury her together! What’s more, you still have peace of mind, you still have your children! If you have an accident, peace of mind and the children in her stomach What to do? Maybe you can cover the sky with one hand in Jincheng, but the paper can't keep the fire out, do you really want to ruin yourself?"

After listening to Mu Huajian’s words, Ye Anxin, who was hiding in Mu Beiting’s arms, was suddenly taken aback. He raised his head hurriedly, held Mu Beiting and pinched Mu’s respective arms, “Uncle, let her go! The old man said Yes, it is not worth paying for her! I just want our family to live together happily!"

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Mu Beiting loosened the hand holding Mu's mother's neck slightly!

As soon as Mu Beiting's hand loosened a little, Mu's mother immediately felt a lot more comfortable and could breathe in a little air!

Just when everyone thought Mu Beiting would slowly let go of Mu's mother, Mu Beiting's eyes suddenly sank. When everyone was too late to react, he pinched Mu's neck and lifted her up all at once. He turned around and threw her down the stairs fiercely!

"Ah...!" With an exclamation sound, Mu Mu's body was like a leather ball, rolling straight down the stairs!

"Mom...!" Mu Rufeng screamed, hurriedly following Mu's body down the stairs!

After Mu Beiting threw Mu's mother down the stairs, he pressed Ye Anxin's outstretched head tightly back into his arms to prevent her from seeing this **** and cruel scene!

Ye Anxin blinked his eyes and leaned against Mu Beiting's arms. Although he couldn't see the scene outside clearly, he could clearly hear the sound of heavy objects rolling down the stairs! Then came the sound of heavy landing!

After Mu Mu rolled down the stairs, she screamed and fainted directly!

"Mom, mom, how are you, mom...!" Mu Rufeng was next to Mu's mother, looking at the fainted Mu's mother, she didn't know what to do except for crying out!

[PS: There is a chapter later, wait a minute! muah! 】

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