Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 372: : Dog bites dog

"What are you doing?" Li Lin raised her eyebrows, looking at Su Yuexin with a non-smiling smile, and said slowly, "Of course I am taking revenge! You made me do it for so long for nothing. Prison, all my life is ruined! Do you think I will let you off easily? I tell you, since I'm having trouble with Li Lin, don't think about it!"

Hearing that, Su Yuexin's panic just disappeared suddenly, and the corners of her mouth were raised proudly, "Li Lin, you are so naive! What use do you think even if you have a recording? Use this recording to sue me? In Jincheng is Bei Ting’s world, he can protect me once and he can protect me a second time! As long as I tell Bei Ting about your recordings, he will definitely not let you go! You are waiting for death without burial. Land!"

Li Lin raised her eyebrows and said noncommittal, "Su Yuexin, do you think I would be so stupid? I tell you, I have given Ye Anxin to the original recording! You think that with Ye Anxin's character, I know you are harmful What will she do after the culprit of her child is killed?"

Su Yuexin snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "What about you handing over the recording to her? As long as Bei Ting protects me, what can she do to me even if there is a recording? Su Yuexin has never put Ye An at ease. In my eyes! Bei Ting doesn't put her in his eyes, what am I afraid of her?"

Li Lin sneered, then sneered: "Hehe! Really? Do you think Mu Beiting can really cover the sky with one hand? You may know what kind of person Ye Anxin is better than I do! She is a very stubborn person, once identified It’s hard to change your attention! If she believes that you are the murderer of her child, she will definitely avenge her child no matter what you can do! Mu Beiting has power, but this power is limited to Jincheng! Jincheng, he Mu Beiting is nothing!"

After listening to Li Lin's words, "Do you think Bei Ting will let her leave Jincheng? It's so ridiculous!"

"Really? Are you Su Yuexin so confident? Tell you! Ye Anxin is now living in the home of a lawyer from Chengle Law Firm! She has already found a lawyer. As for what you want to do, I don’t need to say, you should Know it better than anyone!" Li Lin whispered a word, then turned around to leave!

It's a pity that there were only two books left, and suddenly a group of bodyguards in black suits came from all directions!

The bodyguard controlled Li Lin in twos or twos!

Li Lin didn't cry or make trouble, and didn't struggle! As if this result had been in her expectation!

She knew better than anyone in her heart that Mu Beiting would not let her go after she handed over the recording to Ye Anxin!

So, as early as yesterday after meeting with Ye Anxin in Times Square, she has been secretly following Ye Anxin! After Ye Anxin left by taxi from the Mu Family Group, she followed behind! Therefore, she saw Ye Anxin enter Cheng Le Law Firm with her own eyes! It didn't take long before she saw Ye Anxin come out from inside and leave with Lawyer Cheng! Then it seemed that attorney Cheng was where he lived!

After confirming Ye Anxin's place, she kept hiding here, and when night fell, she called Su Yuexin, and Su Yuexin met here!

She just wanted Su Yuexin to panic, she wanted Su Yuexin and Ye Anxin to bite the dog!

The reason she told Su Yuexin that Ye Anxin was where she was now was to make Su Yuexin admire Bei Ting first to find Ye Anxin!

She wanted Mu Beiting to see his two favorite women killing each other!

Anyway, Li Lin has been ruined in her life! Since she has fallen into this field, she will definitely not let the three of Su Yuexin, Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin who hurt her get better!

Even if you want to die, you have to pull them back!

As soon as Li Lin was held up by two people from the left and the right, Mu Beiting walked over from behind the bodyguard!

Seeing Mu Beiting appeared, Su Yuexin's face was happy, and she hurried to take his arm, and said excitedly: "Beiting, you are here! How do you know that I am here? You also know that Li Lin is bullying me. Isn't it?"

Without even looking at her, Mu Beiting shook off Su Yuexin's hand that was holding him, approached Li Lin, stretched out his hand, and said coldly: "Hand over the recording!"

Li Lin raised her head and said boldly, "Mu Beiting, the genuine recording is in Ye Anxin's hands! Even if I give you all the recordings in my hand, do you think it can change Ye Anxin's knowledge of the recording? Don't dream Up!"

Mu Beiting didn't bother with her. He opened his thin lips and squeezed three words from his teeth, "Hand over!"

Li Lin tilted her head to the side, shaking her lips tightly but not speaking!

Mu Beiting winked at the bodyguard next to him, and the bodyguard understood Li Lin's body! Then found a mobile phone! Then turn on the phone, find the recording in it, and play it for Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting didn't change his face and said, "Ruined!"

The bodyguard nodded and smashed the phone to the ground!

The phone was smashed in an instant!

Su Yuexin looked at the smashed cell phone, and still said in a worried tone, "Bei Ting, she said she still has a lot of backup recordings! You must find out the recordings!"

"Take it back and ask questions slowly!" Mu Beiting didn't even look at Su Yuexin, and after throwing a word to the bodyguard, he turned and left.

"Bei Ting!" Su Yuexin did not give up, hurriedly chasing him!

While chasing behind, Su Yuexin said breathlessly, "Bei Ting, Li Lin just said that the original recording is in Ye Anxin's hands! You must find a way to come back! In case she handed over this recording, then I This life will be ruined!"

Mu Beiting didn't look back, and got into the commercial car parked not far away!

Su Yuexin stood there and watched the commercial car go away, leaving only the dust!

Immediately afterwards, Li Lin also pressed over, and when she passed by Su Yuexin, she did not forget to continue to stimulate her, "Su Yuexin, you just wait to squat in jail! Li Lin has been in jail for so long, you You should also go in and taste the taste inside!"

"You...!" Su Yuexin looked at Li Lin being pressed into another military sports car, her face flushed with anger!

As everyone left one after another, Su Yuexin was left alone on the construction site!

Su Yuexin clenched her hands into fists, her eyes flashed with cold light!

Ye Anxin... Ye Anxin... Damn Ye Anxin...

It's been so long, she still doesn't let her go! Actually still thinking of revenge for the kid in my stomach!

She must not let Ye Anxin hand over the recording to the police station, otherwise, she would be ruined in her life!

In the face of evidence, even if Bei Ting protects her again, it will not help!

She must find a way to retrieve the recording from Ye Anxin, and then completely wave it away!

She Su Yuexin absolutely does not allow herself to fall into the hands of others!

So... how can she get back the recording?

Cheng Le Law Firm...!

Maybe she can start from here.

Thinking of this, Su Yuexin smiled triumphantly, turned on the mobile phone torch and left.

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