Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 378: :indifferent

Ye Anxin raised his head and looked at the people coming!

When I saw Mu Beiting standing in front of me, I was overjoyed and immediately forgot to cry. He strode forward, tightly grasped Mu Beiting's arm, and said with joy: "Uncle, where have you been? I'm so scared, take me back, take me back quickly, I don't want to stay here, I want to go back!"

It's a pity that Mu Beiting was expressionless, looking at her coldly!

Seeing the expression on Mu Beiting's face, Ye An was shocked. Before he could be prepared, he was slammed away by Mu Beiting.

Ye Anxin staggered, slammed backwards two steps, and then fell to the ground fiercely!

"Uncle!" Ye An looked at Mu Beiting without knowing his heart, his eyes were completely blank!

Mu Beiting watched Ye Anxin fall to the ground indifferently, took out a wet tissue, and vigorously wiped the place where Ye Anxin had touched just now, and coldly said: "Ye Anxin, you are really dirty, don't touch me! From now on, We are absolutely righteous!" As he said, he turned and prepared to leave!

Seeing him about to leave, Ye Anxin stretched out his hand to grab it, ", it's impossible, no, you won't want me, no!"

It's a pity that she hadn't touched Mu Beiting before her hand. Mu Beiting suddenly flickered and hid away ten meters away. He turned around and looked at her with cold eyes, "Ye Anxin, from start to finish. It’s just using you, you are just one of my pawns! Now, your **** has threatened my favorite woman, I will never tolerate you hurting my beloved woman! Ye Anxin, don’t force me to treat you Do it!"

At this reminder by Mu Beiting, Ye Anxin's eyes widened suddenly, as if thinking of something, her eyes were like broken pearls, one after another rolling down from the corner of her eye!

"Ye Anxin, get out... the farther you go, the better, don't let me see you again...!" Mu Beiting ignored Ye Anxin's cry, coldly dropped a word and walked forward without looking back. go with!

Ye Anxin just watched him leave like this. The moment Mu Beiting left, the surrounding light seemed to leave with him. Ye Anxin once fell into the endless darkness!

Seeing Mu Beiting's back gradually submerged in the darkness, Ye Anxin only felt desperate. He waved his hand to catch, but found that he could not catch anything.

Ye Anxin squatted helplessly on the ground, her legs tucked around her knees, her small face buried deep between her legs, tears of sadness, while softly whispering and begging, "Uncle, uncle, don't leave me, uncle... Uncle...!"

When she was crying and sad, she seemed to remember something suddenly, raised her head suddenly, jumped up from the ground, and touched her flat stomach with her hands. When she touched her flat belly, the fear in her eyes continued. Expand, "My child, my child, my child? My child? Child, child, where are you?"

However, no matter how she asks or calls, no one can answer her!

"Uncle...uncle...child...child...! My child...!" Ye Anxin stood alone in the endless darkness, shouting repeatedly!

At this moment, she only felt a loneliness that she had never felt before!

Maybe the dream is too real, maybe it is too sad, the fear seems to be real! Ye Anxin, who was lying on the hospital bed, also started crying, her mouth kept on, repeating the words in her dreams!

The housekeeper who had been guarding the hospital bed saw that Ye Anxin was crying even when he was sleeping, his head was moving restlessly, and his mouth kept thinking about the uncle and the child, tears kept falling!

This situation made the butler's heart tense, and he hurriedly pushed Ye Anxin's arm gently, and whispered: "Madam...Madam...Madam...What's wrong with you? Wake up!"

It's a pity that Ye Anxin didn't seem to hear his call at all. She was still sleeping very restlessly, and she kept thinking about Uncle!

Seeing Ye Anxin so sad and haggard, the housekeeper couldn't help feeling sad!

The madam clicks on the husband even while sleeping, but how about the husband? The husband does not seem to care at all about the life and death of his wife!

Since sending his wife to the hospital, he has never appeared again, just let him guard here, and did not say whether or not to notify the wife after she woke up!

The current wife seems to be an insignificant person to the husband! Don't listen, don't ask, let alone take a look!

Not to mention that his wife is his wife, even a cat or dog who is raised by him should have feelings! But Mr. is really too ruthless! Ruthless enough to chill!

He didn't know why his husband had changed so much. He used his wife as a baby before holding it in his palms and pampering him. How come a few days later, it seemed to be completely changed!

The husband is no longer a husband, and the wife does not seem to be a wife anymore!

What happened these days? Why did the husband’s attitude towards the wife change so much?

Seeing Ye Anxin crying, he couldn't help crying with sadness!

Ye Anxin lay on the bed, closed his eyes and wept! The butler was sitting on the stool next to him and weeping silently!

Finally, after crying for a while, I saw that Ye Anxin had no signs of waking up, and he kept calling uncle in his mouth!

I couldn't resist the distress, the housekeeper picked up the phone and dialed a call!

The call is for Pete! He wanted Pete to tell her husband about his wife's current situation, and he hoped that his husband would come to see his wife!

Therefore, as soon as the phone was connected, the butler immediately told Pete about Ye Anxin's situation!

After listening, Pete was silent for a while on the other end of the phone, and then said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, butler, I will tell the president about this, and I will persuade the president to go to the hospital to see his wife!"

"Thank you, thank you!" The butler was relieved when he got Pete, and hung up after a few quick thanks!


Mu Group!

Mu Beiting was sitting behind the desk, holding a pen in his hand, carefully looking at the documents in front of him!

Pete stood in front of the desk and looked at Mu Beiting, who was working hard. After some struggle, he hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but say, "President, Madam is in the hospital now, would you like to see? "

"No!" Mu Beiting answered coldly without raising his head!

Pete pursed his lips and bit his scalp and said, "But...but I heard the butler said that the lady called your name in a coma! Madam must want to see you very much now! You are talking about the relationship with Madam for so long , Go and see Madam! Madam will be very happy to see you!"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting squeezed the pen's hand, suddenly raised his head, and threw the pen on the table vigorously, "When will it be your turn to take care of my business? You just need to do your job well. Yes! If you are nosy, just get out of here!"

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