Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 380: : Escape

Ye Anxin was still very excited and said, "Hurry up!"

"Okay, I'll go now!" The butler didn't dare to delay for a moment, so he turned around and left!

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the ward door being closed that Ye Anxin let go of the hands holding his head and moved his eyes to the closed ward door!

After the housekeeper left, Ye Anxin was left alone in the entire ward!

Ye Anxin got out of bed slowly, walked to the door lightly, twisted the doorknob lightly, and stuck his head out.

It's a pity that he just poked his head out, and before he could see the situation clearly, he heard a voice above his head immediately, "Madam, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing the sound, Ye Anxin raised his head and took a closer look. Only then did he find two bodyguards guarding the ward door!

Ye Anxin stood up straight and asked calmly, "What are you doing here?"

The bodyguard didn't mean anything, and said bluntly, "We are here to guard the madam by the order of the husband!"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin became angry and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is he under house arrest?"

The bodyguard lowered his head and did not answer, which is considered an indirect default!

Ye Anxin gritted his teeth and looked at the two of them, trying to say something, but found that no matter what they said was a waste of words!

Finally, gritted his teeth, closed the door of the ward forcefully, turned and entered the ward!

It's disgusting. Since you don't love her and treat her so unrelentingly, why do you want to put her under house arrest? Why not let her be free?

What is Mu Beiting thinking in his heart?

Just as Ye An was sitting on the hospital bed thinking about countermeasures, there was a sudden noise outside the ward door!

"Who are you?" With a sharp shout, there was a whole crackling sound!

Ye Anxin was taken aback, before he had time to react, the door of the ward was suddenly kicked open from outside!

Ye Anxin turned and looked at the door of the hospital bed!

But I saw Su Yichen walking in from the outside wearing a black suit, and Lawyer Cheng followed behind him!

Seeing Su Yuexin, Ye Anxin couldn't hide his joy, "Professor Su!"

Su Yichen reached out to Ye Anxin, "Quickly follow me! I will take you away!"

Ye Anxin looked at Su Yichen's hand stretched out for a moment, then put his hand in Su Yichen's hand without hesitation!

Su Yichen led Ye Anxin to walk outside, and while walking, he explained, "The two bodyguards outside were subdued by my people. We must leave quickly before Mu Beiting arrives! This is not the time to fight Mu Beiting. , The top priority is to leave Jincheng! It’s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years! Let’s take the long view!"

Ye An was silent, and followed Su Yichen out of the ward, only to find that there were nearly twenty bodyguards standing in the corridor, and two of them, Ye Anxin, had a slight impression!

Ye Anxin met them when he saw Su Yichen off that day! They are all from Su Yichen?

And the two bodyguards Mu Beiting had arranged outside the ward had been beaten by Su Yichen's people and collapsed to the ground!

Looking at the two bodyguards lying on the ground, Ye Anxin resolutely said, "Let's go!"

Thinking about what Mu Beiting had done to her, she really couldn't think of a reason to stay here!

She couldn't be a bird that would always be kept in a cage by Mu Beiting!

And Su Yichen is right. In Jincheng, she has no ability to fight him. The only way is to leave safely, and then find a good time to come back for revenge!

Seeing Ye Anxin agree to leave with him, Su Yichen's expression couldn't hide his joy, and he hurriedly led Ye Anxin to the outside of the hospital!

Because Ye Anxin was pregnant with a child and had a fetal breath again not long ago, Su Yichen didn't dare to walk too fast, and carefully took Ye Anxin out!

Ye Anxin looked down at Su Yichen and held his hand tightly, and a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart!

She never thought that she would fall to where she is today, and break with Mu Beiting, and Professor Su will come to rescue her without hesitation!

Ye Anxin is grateful from the bottom of his heart for Su Yichen's behavior!

Su Yichen walked out of the inpatient department with Ye Anxin. Before he could leave the hospital, he met Mu Beiting head-on!

Seeing Mu Beiting standing not far away, Ye Anxin was obviously taken aback, startled in his heart, and instinctively hid behind Su Yichen!

Mu Beiting squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the hands that Ye Anxin and Su Yichen were holding together, a cold light flashed under his eyes, stretched out his hand towards Ye Anxin and said domineeringly: "Come here!"

Ye Anxin glanced at him blankly, turning a deaf ear to what he said, as if he hadn't heard it at all!

When Mu Beiting saw this, he didn't say anything, and said directly to the bodyguard behind him: "Bring me my wife!"

"Yes!" The bodyguard behind him took the lead, and rushed towards Su Yichen, who rushed forward!

Su Yichen took Ye Anxin's hand and took two steps back! The bodyguard behind him strode forward to protect them behind him!

Ye Anxin cautiously hid behind Su Yichen, for fear of being caught by Mu Beiting's people!

Mu Beiting's people quickly became a group with Su Yichen's people!

Although Su Yichen brought more people, it was twice as many as Mu Beiting's people! However, all of Mu Beiting's people have undergone rigorous training, and their skills are better than each. With more than twice as many enemies as themselves, there is no sign of defeat at all. Instead, they are more and more courageous!

Lawyer Cheng also hid far away, for fear that he would be hit by Chi Yu!

"An Xin, let's go!" Seeing that his own person could not take the upper hand, Su Yichen wanted to take Ye Anxin's hand and leave while the bodyguards were entangled!

It's a pity that just after walking two steps, I only heard a strong cold wind violently hit, and then Su Yichen felt a pain in his handsome face. Before people could react, he flew out and fell to the ground!

Mu Beiting clenched his hands into fists and looked down at Su Yichen who was lying on the ground.

Su Yichen was half lying on the ground, only feeling that the face he had been beaten just now was so fiery and painful, and bloodshots flowed down the corners of his broken mouth!

Attorney Cheng rushed over, knelt down, helped Su Yichen up, and asked concerned, "Yichen, how are you?"

"You take Anxin and leave it to me here! Remember what I told you, don't look back no matter what happens, and you must take Anxin to leave here!" Su Yichen solemnly in the ear of Lawyer Cheng seemed to be instructing, Raise a fist and rush towards Mu Beiting!

While Su Yichen distracted Mu Beiting's mind, Lawyer Cheng stepped forward quickly and grabbed Ye Anxin's hand to take her away!

Ye Anxin didn't dare to delay, looked at Su Yichen worriedly, and then left with Lawyer Cheng!

She knows that she can't stay here now, if she continues to stay here, it will only distract Professor Su! With Professor Su's current ability, Mu Beiting should not be able to deal with her!

As long as she leaves, Professor Su will have no worries!

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