Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 383: : Purification

Although he was reluctant to give up, Ye Anxin nodded thinking of his current physical condition. Finally, he looked at the child in the incubator reluctantly and turned around with the help of the housekeeper. go away!

When Ye Anxin and the housekeeper returned to the ward, Mu Beiting was sitting on the chair beside the bed, thinking something!

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Mu Beiting did not look back!

It wasn't until Ye Anxin sat back on the bed that Mu Beiting said faintly, "Enough trouble, it's time to stop! I will leave the hospital and go home when my body recovers! I can forget the previous things!"

"Nothing...!" Ye Anxin couldn't help but sneer after listening to Mu Beiting's words.

She has done so many things, in Mu Beiting's eyes, it was just her making troubles unreasonably!

She just wanted him to seek justice for her child and bring Su Yuexin to justice! In his eyes, this has actually become his own unreasonable trouble?

It turns out that what happened these days is what she deserves, and there is nothing wrong with him Mu Beiting!

Thinking about this, Ye Anxin only felt that she had nothing to say! There is nothing to say with Mu Beiting!

Mu Beiting looked at her, his brows furrowed, and his thin lips pressed tightly!

Ye Anxin didn't want to talk to Mu Beiting anymore, her expression was stern, and she said coldly, "I want to see Professor Su and Lawyer Cheng!"

Mu Beiting furrowed his brows tighter, "What do you see them for?"

Ye Anxin did not answer, nor looked at Mu Beiting, and said firmly, "I want to see Professor Su and Lawyer Cheng!"

Mu Beiting twisted his brows together tightly, his thin lips lightly opened, and said without any room for negotiation; "No!"

Ye Anxin didn't say anything or explain, but stubbornly repeated these words repeatedly, "I want to see Professor Su and Lawyer Cheng!"

Mu Beiting said impatiently, "Ye Anxin, enough trouble! It's time to stop!"

Ye Anxin still didn't even look at him, and continued, "I want to see Professor Su and Lawyer Cheng!"

Mu Beiting's deep eyes stared coldly at Ye Anxin's firm face, and he was silent for a while, and finally cast a tacit look at the housekeeper!

The butler has followed Mu Beiting for several years, and he understands Mu Beiting's words and deeds. After Mu Beiting glanced at him, he nodded and turned around and left the ward!

After the housekeeper left, the atmosphere in the ward suddenly became silent! Ye Anxin, who used to like to twitter all the time, also became taciturn!

Mu Beiting sat on the chair beside the hospital bed, coldly watching Ye Anxin's changes, his eyes were unclear!

After a while, the housekeeper called Su Yichen and Lawyer Cheng who had been guarding outside the hospital!

As soon as Su Yichen entered the door, he immediately ran to the hospital bed to check Ye Anxin's condition, "Anxin, how is your situation?"

Ye Anxin shook his head, "I'm fine, it's fine! It's just that the child was born prematurely and is now in the incubator!"

"It's all right, it's all right!" Listening to Ye Anxin's words, Su Yichen was finally relieved!

Ye An looked at Su Yichen gratefully, then moved his gaze to Lawyer Cheng, and said firmly: "Lawyer Cheng, please prepare me a divorce agreement! I want a divorce!"

As soon as this statement came out, the temperature in the ward would instantly be freezing!

Everyone held their breath and looked at Mu Beiting together!

Especially the housekeeper, after listening to Ye Anxin's words, the whole person was stunned, and his spine kept sweating!

Mu Beiting's handsome faces collapsed tightly together, gritted his teeth and said, "Ye Anxin, do you know what you are talking about?"

Ye Anxin still didn't look at Mu Beiting's cold face, and said firmly: "Of course I know! I think clearly, I don't want this marriage! I can't live with a cold-blooded man! I want a divorce! I don’t want anything except children!"

Mu Beiting looked at Ye Anxin's resolute little face with cold eyes, and said domineeringly: "Don't think about it! I said, even if you die, you don't want to leave me! Even if you become a ghost, it's Mu Beiting's ghost! "

Ye Anxin didn't care what Mu Beiting said, she turned her gaze to Lawyer Cheng again, "Lawyer Cheng, please prepare a divorce agreement for me. If Mu Beiting refuses to sign, I will follow the relevant legal procedures! If Jincheng cannot get a divorce, then hand over the divorce agreement from Seoul! I don’t believe that Mu Beiting can still cover the sky with one hand! This marriage, no matter what, I’m divorced! Ye Anxin’s life, I don't want to have anything to do with Mu Beiting anymore!"

"Uh...well...!" Lawyer Cheng nodded in a daze! Suddenly I feel that getting Ye Anxin is a very headache!

He can guarantee that if he succeeds in divorcing Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting, then he won't even think about staying in Jincheng for the rest of his life!

However, he has already wade through this muddy water now, and he seems to be unable to escape!

Ugh! He just said that there is nothing good to meet Su Yichen in this life! He brought this trouble to himself!

Mu Beiting stood by the bed, his thin lips lightly opened, and his face expressionlessly said: "It's okay to get a divorce, the child belongs to me!"

Ye Anxin finally moved his gaze to Mu Beiting when he heard the words, and said unbelievably, "Mu Beiting, what did you say?"

Mu Beiting said without changing his face, "I think I made it clear! Divorce is OK, you Ye Anxin will leave the house, and the child will belong to me!"

I looked at Mu Beiting blankly for a while, and realized that he looked serious, unlike joking, Ye Anxin immediately became emotional, "Mu Beiting, why are you stealing a child from me? Do you care about the child? If you care about the child, why Don’t avenge your first dead child? If you don’t care about the child, why do you **** the child from me? Mu Beiting, let me tell you, Ye Anxin, I don’t need anything, but I can’t have children! I will never give up children's!"

Mu Beiting's thin lips hooked slightly, and he sneered, "Why? Just because I am Mu Beiting, I can give my children the best quality of life!"

"You can give your children the best quality of life, but I can give them a warm family! Money is not everything, but feelings are the most important!" Speaking of this, Ye Anxin deliberately made a sudden realization and continued. "Oh! I forgot, you Mu Beiting is cold-blooded, for a cold-blooded animal, how can you know what warmth is!"

Listening to Ye Anxin's words, the butler couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning, and hurriedly persuaded: "Madam, don't tell me! Live with your husband, don't get divorced! Father and mother, neither one of them will work! What's more, the husband cares about Madam! Why is Madam so stubborn, she must be divorced!"

Ye Anxin looked at the worried face of the housekeeper and said firmly, "Housekeeper, I know you don’t want us to divorce! But if you let your child follow a cold-blooded father, it’s better to grow up in a single-parent family. I don’t want him to change to his dad. Same, be a heinous person!"

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