Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 385: :stepmother?

The nurse held back Ye Anxin's painful arm and looked along the place where Ye Anxin's fingers were. When she saw Su Yuexin, she smiled slightly, "You are asking Miss Su! Miss Su will come every day these days! And will help the nurse to take care of him every time! People who don’t know think they are mother and son! However, I heard at the same time that Miss Su is going to marry this child’s father soon! It will really become a mother and child soon!"

After hearing the nurse's words, Ye Anxin's whole body was like a bolt from the blue, her eyes widened, and she said unbelievably: "Marriage? Mother and son? How is it possible? How is it possible?"

The nurse didn’t seem to notice Ye Anxin’s paler face, and said with a smile, “I also listened to my colleagues, and I don’t understand the specific situation! However, after seeing Ms. Su treat her children so well, Ms. Su will have her. Mom, it will definitely be very happy!"

" not...absolutely...!" At this moment, Ye Anxin, who had completely lost control of his emotions, didn't realize that what the nurse said was full of loopholes! She only knew that her child was about to fall into Su Yuexin's hands again! would never allow this to happen!

The housekeeper who had been standing next to Ye Anxin glared at the nurse, and sternly said: "What are you talking about? Don't talk about things that have not been confirmed!"

"I... I'm telling the truth too! My colleagues say that!" The nurse lowered her head aggrievedly, took away Ye Anxin's hand, squeezing her arm, and turned to leave.

Fearing that Ye Anxin would be thinking wildly, the housekeeper hurriedly said calmly: "Madam, don’t listen to the nonsense of the nurses, how could they know about your husband! This matter is just an error by them! Don’t think too much! If the husband really wants to marry this woman, how could I not know!"

However, at this time, Ye Anxin could still hear what the housekeeper said, and slapped the glass window with his hand, hoping to attract Su Yuexin's attention!

Sure enough, after she patted for a while, Su Yuexin finally looked at her! After seeing Ye Anxin, the smile on his face froze.

Across the glass window, Ye Anxin kept making gestures to Su Yuexin to let her come out!

Su Yuexin raised her eyebrows, but didn't flinch at all, and walked out directly!

As soon as he came out, Ye Anxin rushed forward, grabbed Su Yuexin's chest clothes, and said angrily: "Su Yuexin, what do you want to do? This is my son, what are you doing? I warn you, you are far from my son. One point, otherwise I'm not polite to you!"

Su Yuexin waved away Ye Anxin's hand that grabbed the clothes, and sneered: "Ye Anxin, why are you threatening me now? You are now a bereaved dog, and Bei Ting doesn't want you! He returned to me. Now! I tell you, not only Bei Ting, but even your son will call my mother in the future! I just want you to know that your son Ye Anxin gave birth to me so hard, but it was a vain bargain for me!"

Hearing that, Ye Anxin's small face turned pale in an instant, "Su Yuexin, you **** it! I will never let you do this!"

Su Yuexin raised her eyebrows and said with disdain: "No? Why? Ye Anxin, you lose, you lose completely! Do you think you are still the woman Bei Ting holds in her palm? I told you to let you leave Beiting, but you didn’t listen, and ended up with such bruises! You saw it in the orchard that day! You were driven to that despair by me, Beiting still didn’t blame me, she Let me go! In his mind, you, Ye Anxin, will never be as good as Su Yuexin!"

After hearing Su Yuexin's words, Ye Anxin's pretty face was green and white, "Mu Beiting, I can give it to you, I only want my son, and give him to me! I am not uncommon for Mrs. Mu's identity!"

"Tell you, I want both your son and husband! I just want you to see Ye Anxin. The son you protected to your death has gotten me in vain! Haha...!" At this point, Su Yuexin couldn't help it. Yang Tian laughed twice, then pushed Ye Anxin away in front of him, and left without looking back!

Being staggered by Su Yuexin, Ye Anxin's body wobbly fell backward!

Seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly held her body fast, and softly persuaded: "Madam, are you okay! Madam, don't listen to her nonsense! What she said is not true! The gentleman never said anything from beginning to end. Marry her! This is nothing but her own love! The husband has always loved the wife alone!"

Ye Anxin didn't take care of the housekeeper, and said desperately, "I want to go in and see my son!"

The butler hesitated: "But, the doctor said, no one can go in!"

"Is the doctor talking or Mu Beiting talking? Why can't I go in, but Su Yuexin can go in?" Ye Anxin sneered, and ignoring the butler's obstruction, he opened the door and walked in!

Standing next to the incubator, Ye Anxin carefully looked at the child inside!

This is the first time Ye Anxin has seen a child so close since the child was born!

Although the child was born prematurely, he is very cute! Especially the facial features, they were carved out of the same mold as Mu Beiting! Even those cold lips are exactly the same!

The child who has been sleeping in the incubator seemed to feel Ye Anxin's echo, slowly opened his eyes and smiled sweetly at Ye Anxin!

Seeing the child smiling, Ye Anxin's heart melted instantly!

Her child, this is her child! Although it was less than a month, she was also pregnant with a child born over eight months!

As a mother, she would never allow anyone to hurt him!

Especially Su Yuexin! She has killed her first child, and she will never allow her to kill her second child!

Seeing his son who kept laughing at him, Ye Anxin seemed to make some determination, clenching his hands into fists and clenching his teeth!

The housekeeper stood next to Ye Anxin, watching Ye Anxin looking at the child in a trance, sighed in his heart, and softly persuaded: "Madam, you are still confinement, you should not stand for too long! Let's go back first! Want to see Young master, there will be opportunities in the future!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, and finally glanced at the child reluctantly before turning to leave with the housekeeper!

The housekeeper helped Ye Anxin walk down the long corridor! The butler always cast worried eyes at Ye Anxin!

Ye Anxin turned a deaf ear, his eyes were dull, and he couldn't see what he was thinking!

The housekeeper opened his mouth and thought for a while, but couldn't help but say, "Madam, if you say I'm long-winded, I also want to say it! The husband has always liked you, madam! You must not listen to the nurse and Su Yuexin. If you do, I doubt Mr.'s feelings for you! If you believe it, you will have hit their plan! They did this to separate you and Mr.!"

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