Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 395: :coincidence?

When the two went downstairs, Ye Anxin instinctively looked under the big tree!

Sure enough, the black car was still parked there, but because of the big trees, they were far apart, so only one front of the car could be seen.

Although it is only a front, Ye Anxin is sure that this black car is the one from last night!

This car has been parked here all night?

Ye Anxin looked in the car in wonder, wanting to see who was sitting in the car, or if there was anyone!

However, the car was too far apart, and she only vaguely saw a person sitting in the driver's seat. The person was small and thin. Although he couldn't see his face, Ye Anxin was sure that she did not know her body. .

Just when Ye Anxin was wondering, Su Yichen struck her forehead hard, "What are you doing? What are you looking at?"

Ye Anxin's mouth slumped, touching his head hurt by the material, "It's nothing, I just take a look! Why are you knocking someone's head for no reason? Really! Don't you know someone has a hangover? My head still hurts now. Yeah!"

"Knowing that you have a headache and drinking so much alcohol, you deserve it. See if you dare to dare!" Su Yichen rolled his eyes, his mouth said mercilessly, but his hand was still very distressed and reached to Ye Anxin's temple and gently gave it to Ye Anxin. She rubbed it.

In the past five years, Ye Anxin has long been accustomed to Su Yichen’s gentleness, and the intimate behavior between the two seems to have become natural. Therefore, at the moment Su Yichen’s hand touched Ye Anxin’s temple, Ye Anxin did not push him away. Instead, he closed his eyes and let him massage himself.

While pressing Su Yichen, he said, "What time do you get off work this afternoon? Shall we go out for dinner?"

Ye Anxin said dismissively, "Four thirty! Where to eat?"

Su Yichen said softly, "You choose, choose a good place to call me!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, and then said, "Call Sister Shang Qingyang together! You are engaged anyway, every time you stay with me, she will be jealous!"

Su Yichen kept moving in his hand, and his face was as usual and said: "Okay! I will call her at night, if she is free, let's be together!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, pressing his head almost, and then pulled Su Yichen's hand down, "Let's go! You will be late if you don't leave!"

"Yeah!" Su Yichen nodded and left side by side with Ye Anxin!

The black car parked under the big tree has been parked there for a long time, until Ye Anxin and Su Yichen completely disappeared, the car slowly started, and soon submerged in the sea of ​​cars on the street!

On the other side, as soon as Ye Anxin walked into the teacher, the male classmates in the class swarmed over!

"Teacher, how do you feel? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Teacher Ye, we saw Young Master Tang Family pick you up in person yesterday. You still said that you are not a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"Teacher Ye, you can honestly explain, what is the relationship between you and the Tang family?"

Ye Anxin was surrounded by a group of classmates, and her forehead was dulled by their babbles.

Seeing Ye Anxin's look bad, the male classmates immediately asked concerned, "Teacher, what's wrong with you? Teacher!"

Ye Anxin rubbed his temples, deliberately scowled, and said blankly, "Teacher is so troubled by your quarrel! It's all right, it's class time, you guys hurry up and sit in your seats, we are about to start class! Otherwise, credits will be deducted!"

However, the male classmates were not threatened by Ye Anxin at all, and said with a smile, "Teacher, we know you won't! You won't bear our credits!"

A female classmate in the class really couldn’t see it. She squeezed into the crowd, protected Ye Anxin behind her, and said angrily, "Hey, you are enough, you see that you fainted because of the teacher’s noise. If you do this again, I will tell the principal!"

"...!" This female classmate is notoriously aggressive in the class. All the male classmates in the class have long been eager for her. She has always said and done what she said, but when she was threatened by her, she was immediately persuaded. !

"Teacher, go! Let's go to class!" The female student triumphantly swept away the male student, pulling Ye Anxin out of the crowd!

The male classmates glanced at each other and squashed. Although they were not reconciled, they still went back to each other.

Fortunately, although the male students were naughty, they were still very obedient after a class. Ye Anxin went very smoothly throughout the whole process!

After the morning class was over, Ye Anxin took a short break in the office!

After getting off work in the afternoon, Ye Anxin did not call Su Yichen, but to Li Qingyang, Su Yichen's current fiancee!

The call was quickly connected, and Ye Anxin smiled and said, "Hey, Sister Qingyang? Is there time for the evening? Professor Su asked me to call you and say to have dinner together at night!"

Because everyone is familiar with each other, Ye Anxin's name for Su Yichen Li Qingyang has always been known!

When everyone called Su Yichen and Tang Shao, Ye Anxin still called Professor Su! Because this is already a habit, it is difficult to change, and she does not want to change it!

Only she knows how much Professor Su hates the identity of the Tang family!

Li Qingyang on the other end of the phone readily agreed, "Okay! Where is it!"

Ye Anxin said, "I'll go to see the place and call you when I find it! Remember, I must come with Professor Su!"

"Yeah! Okay, let's get in touch then!" Li Qingyang on the other end of the phone nodded and hung up!

Ye Anxin put her phone back in her trouser pocket and was about to leave, but saw a black car in an unobvious corner across the road from the school!

Looking at the black car, Ye Anxin was taken aback!

Isn't this the car that parked under the big tree outside her dormitory last night and this morning?

How could this appear here?

Is it just a mere coincidence?

Ye Anxin frowned, stared at the car in wonder for a while, and left!

After Ye Anxin left school, she went to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities and went back to the dormitory. Then she cleaned the dormitory. When it was almost half past five, she went out with her backpack!

When Ye Anxin walked out of the dormitory, he saw the car parked under the big tree again!

Within a day, she can see this car wherever she goes? Is this really just a coincidence? Or was she being followed?

However, she is a person who has no power, power, or money, what else does someone follow her for?

With full of doubts, Ye Anxin hired a taxi on the road at the door and headed towards Su Yichen's company!

Ye Anxin’s school was originally not far from Su Yichen’s company, so the taxi only drove for ten minutes and stopped at the door of Su Yichen’s company!

PS: The call is finally coming, and the last chapter will be added as soon as possible! Today is the same as usual, four chapters, a total of 8,000 words! muah!

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