Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 408: : It has been calculated again!

"Does my sister-in-law feel hot? Drink more cold water to relieve it!" With that, Yan Qinghan poured another glass of water for Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin didn't doubt that he was there, so he took the cold water he poured and drank the water inside.

However, a cup of water is dying, but the heat in the body has not been relieved, but it has become hotter and hotter. Hot Ye Anxin couldn't help but pull at the collar of his collar!

Yan Qinghan smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at Ye Anxin thiefly.

"It's so hot, it's really hot!" Yan Qinghan stood up until Ye Anxin kept pulling the collar eagerly, his little face blushing as if he could drip blood, and big beads of sweat all over his little face. Stepping to Ye Anxin's side, hugged her from the chair.

"You...what are you doing?" Although Ye Anxin is feeling soft and hot now, his consciousness has not been completely lost!

When I realized that I was being hugged by Yan Qinghan, I moved and tried to struggle away, but my whole body was soft, I couldn't exert any strength at all, and even the words spoken were soft, just like the voice of a cat.

"I don't do anything, I just want to help your husband and wife! Over the past five years, I have had enough of Mu Beiting's Yan Wang face. I have to make you reconcile no matter what! As the saying goes, couples fight at the end of the bed! Me! Help you in the most practical way!" Yan Qinghan explained triumphantly as he walked outside holding Ye Anxin.

" bastard, let go of me...hurry...!" Ye An wanted to hit Yan Qinghan angrily, but after a punch, he didn't have any strength at all.

"I let you go now, then who will dissolve the fire from your body? I tell you, tonight, not only you, but Mu Beiting was also recruited! If you don't defuse each other's fire, do you want to go? Find someone! Tell you, in order to fix Mu Beiting, I took medicine three times more than you. Tonight, I promise you to clear up your antagonism and make peace as before!" While talking, Yan Qinghan was already holding Ye Anxin left the Southeast Asian restaurant and went straight back to the Jiangcheng Hotel next to him. He took the VIP elevator to the top floor.

"Yan Qinghan...!" Ye Anxin stared at Yan Qinghan viciously, trying to say something, but he didn't even have the strength to speak!

At this moment, she only felt that her body was so hot, and there was a strange flow of heat flowing in her body, so uncomfortable she just wanted to vent this heat quickly.

Yan Qinghan glanced at Ye Anxin in her arms, knowing that the medicine in her body had reached the limit, smiled triumphantly, held her to the door of Mu Beiting's room, pushed open the open door with his feet, and hugged Ye Anxin. Go in!

"Um...!" As the familiar breath approached, Ye Anxin felt desperate and wanted to leave, but couldn't even say a whole word!

Yan Qinghan hugged Ye Anxin directly into the bedroom, and then gently put her on the bed!

"Sister-in-law, just enjoy this happy time! Don't thank me too much, I am the living Lei Feng!" Yan Qinghan blinked at Ye Anxin ambiguously, turned around, and didn't look back. 'S left.

"Yan... Yan Qinghan...!" Seeing Yan Qinghan's back, Ye Anxin stretched out his hand to grab it, but as soon as he stretched out, he immediately fell on the bed feebly.

Before Ye Anxin had time to despair, he heard a low and uncomfortable groan around her ears, "Uh...uh...!"

Although only a few exhortations, Ye Anxin was sure that the owner of this voice was Mu Beiting.

Ye Anxin pressed the interfering lips uncomfortably, and slowly moved his body toward the bed.

It's a pity that Mu Beiting by her side didn't let her wish. As soon as she moved away a little bit, she was violently pulled by a pair of strong arms.

In the next second, Ye Anxin's body fell into a hotter bosom!

Immediately afterwards, a pair of thick and calloused hands directly penetrated her collar and moved down slowly along her white and soft skin.

When Ye Anxin, who was already hot and uncomfortable, touched her skin with her big hand, the heat in her body exploded out of control, directly hitting her forehead, making her remaining sanity disappear without a trace.

"I...I feel uncomfortable...I want...!" Ye Anxin, who was held tightly in his arms by Mu Beiting, trembling with his small hands, slowly touched Mu Beiting's body according to his physical needs.

Mu Beiting snorted, his body stood up, and quickly pressed Ye Anxin under him............

The room couldn't be seen, it was pitch black!

With the groans and shouts one after another, the temperature in the room was pushed to its peak.

The two entangled for a long, long time, until a hint of white belly appeared outside the window, the room became quiet, and the two tightly entangled bodies separated.

The two of them who had been entangled all night were exhausted and almost collapsed, and fell asleep tired after venting their ****.

The two have been sleeping for a long, long time, and it was not until noon that Ye Anxin woke up quietly.

When Ye Anxin woke up, the first feeling was pain... The whole body hurts... Headache, body pain, especially underneath, as if torn apart abruptly!

"Um...!" Ye Anxin groaned uncomfortably, and couldn't help closing his eyes, rubbing his aching temples, slowly recalling what happened last night!

She remembered that she answered a call from Yan Qinghan last night, and then...?

Then she went to the Southeast Asian restaurant next to the Jiangcheng Hotel. Then, she drank water, ate something, and finally...

In the end she found something was wrong, and she was designed by Yan Qinghan again!

Although she was treated with medicine, she remembered clearly what Yan Qinghan had said before she completely lost her sanity.

Yan Qinghan wanted to make her and Mu Beiting reconcile, so he deliberately came to this loss!

She remembered the things before Yan Qinghan hugged her into this room very clearly, but what happened after entering this room, she only had some fragments like spring dreams!


Ye Anxin whispered a curse secretly, turned his head stiffly, and looked at Mu Beiting who was sleeping next to him!

Maybe it was because Yan Qinghan gave Mu Beiting too much medicine, maybe it was too tired last night, Mu Beiting is still asleep until now, and there seems to be no sign of being sober!

Seeing that Mu Beiting was still asleep, Ye Anxin managed to endure his discomfort and got off the bed, picked up the scattered clothes and put them on him!

When all the clothes were put on, Ye Anxin was about to leave, but turned around and saw the messy sheets, toilet paper and Mu Beiting's clothes. Throw all the toilet paper in the trash basket, then pick up Mu Beiting's clothes, fold them neatly, and put them on the bench by the bed! Finally, flatten the messy sheets.

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