This is the first time Ye Anxin has seen Xiaobai smile in so long.

The moment Xiaobai laughed, she was stunned!

It turned out that her son who looked like a little old man would also laugh, and smiled so beautifully. At the moment of laughter, the entire face line became softer, making him less mature and more mature. The child's innocence.

Ye Anxin's heart was softened into a pool of water by Xiaobai's smile.

At this time, she ignored her image, jumped directly off the bed, ran to Xiao Bai, tremblingly held Xiao Bai's, and said excitedly: "Xiao Bai, you smiled at me! Are you smiling at me? "

When she said that, Xiaobai's face blushed slightly, and she put away the smile on her face in embarrassment, and then turned into the unsmiling Mu Shaobai who was a thousand miles away.

Seeing him become the same as before, Ye An couldn't hide his disappointment in his eyes, and his entire face slowly collapsed.

"Xiao Bai, are you okay? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Ye Anxin asked while checking Xiao Bai's condition.

Although after yesterday's events, she felt that Xiaobai's illness might be caused by the housekeeper deliberately deceiving her!

However, when she saw Xiaobai, she still had to check it clearly so that she could rest assured.

Xiao Bai did not answer, but frowned and asked displeasedly, "Why are you in my room?"

Ye Anxin looked back at the place where she had stayed the night yesterday, unconsciously remembering what Mu Beiting did to her last night, and her pretty face was flushed.

Looking at her expression, Xiaobai frowned tighter, "Why are you blushing?"

Ye Anxin touched her hot face, smiled and shook her head, "Nothing! Xiaobai, where did you go last night? Why didn't I see you?"

Xiaobai raised his chin high, and said proudly: "Why should I tell you? What right do you have to ask me where I am going? You are not mine!"

"Uh...!" All of Ye Anxin's words choked in his throat.

Yup! What right does she have to ask him where to go?

To him, she is just a stranger who has met twice, isn't she?

Ye An sadly took back the hand that was touching Xiao Bai's face, his eyes filled with loss and self-blame.

Seeing Ye Anxin like this, Xiaobai's eyes flashed with unbearableness.

Xiao Bai opened her beautiful thin lips and was about to say something. Before she could say anything, the butler's voice suddenly rang behind her, "Little Master, it's time for breakfast!"

As soon as the housekeeper's voice fell, he was already standing at the door.

Ye Anxin raised his head, looking at the housekeeper with some blame.

The butler chuckled and said shamelessly, "Madam, I'm sorry, I also did what the husband asked, and the husband ordered, I have to do this! We who are servants have no right to refute the master!"

Ye Anxin sighed and said helplessly: "I know! I am not angry that you lied to me, but lied to me that Xiao Bai was ill! Sometimes, these things cannot be said, even if they will be fulfilled one day!"

The butler lowered his head in ashamedness, and said apologetically: "I know, I'm sorry, I won't make fun of the young master's health anymore!"

Ye Anxin nodded, stood up, pulled out her hair with her hand, looked at Xiao Bai reluctantly, and said helplessly, "It's getting late, I should go back! I was in a hurry yesterday, and I didn't ask for leave from school! "

Hearing that Ye Anxin was about to leave, Xiaobai's small face immediately collapsed.

The housekeeper immediately blocked the door with his hand and said nervously: "Madam, I'm sorry, your husband has ordered, you can't leave without his order!"

Hearing Ye Anxin couldn't leave, Xiao Bai's little face instantly lit up again.

"What?" Ye Anxin couldn't help but exclaimed, and couldn't say anything: "What does Mu Beiting mean? He wants to put me under house arrest again?"

"Madam, sorry, sir, we can't ask the servants!" The butler lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Ye Anxin's sharp eyes.

Ye An's angry face flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Mu Beiting is too much? He has no right to do this!"

"Madam, I'm sorry!" Apart from apologizing, the butler didn't know what to say!

After all, things about people under house arrest are really wrong! But in the past five years, he has seen the loneliness of the young master and the desire for maternal love!

He really hoped that his wife could stay and reunite with the young master's family.

Xiaobai couldn't cover up the corners of his mouth. In order not to let Ye Anxin find out, he turned around and walked towards the top of the stairs while saying, "Housekeeper, go down for breakfast!"

The housekeeper glanced at the back of Xiaobai's departure, then turned to look at Ye Anxin, and said warmly: "Madam, you go down for breakfast too! Your husband specially ordered the kitchen to make your favorite glutinous rice porridge!"

Ye Anxin was about to refuse, and immediately remembered the child in her belly, she couldn't help closing her eyes, taking a deep breath, suppressing the anger in her belly, and grinning reluctantly, "You go down first, and I will go to freshen up!"

"Okay!" Seeing Ye Anxin not only not angry, but also laughed! The housekeeper immediately breathed a sigh of relief and left with joy.

Seeing the housekeeper leaving, Ye Anxin clenched her teeth. After repeated deep breaths, she walked out of Xiaobai's room and returned to the master bedroom!

She knew that since Mu Beiting deceived her back and put her under house arrest here, she must be ready to stay! So, all things will definitely be prepared for her!

Sure enough, when Ye Anxin returned to the bathroom in the master bedroom, toothbrushes, towels, and toothbrushing cups were all praised and placed there!

Although there was a feeling of being deceived, for the sake of the child in his stomach, he had to hold back his anger, brushed his teeth, washed his face, combed his hair into a ponytail, and then went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Xiaobai, who had been sitting at the dining table, didn't eat breakfast until he saw Ye Anxin walk down the stairs, and then immediately picked up the tableware with a guilty conscience.

When Ye Anxin walked to the dining table, he happened to see Xiaobai sitting so obediently eating breakfast, he couldn't help but warmed his heart, walked over, touched his head dozingly, and said with a smile, "Xiao Bai It’s a good boy to sit and eat breakfast by yourself!"

Xiaobai nuanced his mouth and said contemptuously: "Ask it knowingly!"

The smile on the corner of Ye Anxin's mouth froze, and he pulled the corner of her mouth far-fetched, and then sat down next to Xiaobai.

The housekeeper hurriedly ordered the servant to bring out the breakfast for Ye Anxin.

Ye Anxin thanked him and took the breakfast. Seeing Xiaobai looking at him and smiling sweetly at him, Xiaobai blushed immediately and lowered his head to eat breakfast.

Seeing Xiaobai blushing, Ye An's heart was warm, and his mood suddenly improved a lot, so he hurriedly lowered his head and started breakfast.

Ye Anxin watched Xiaobai secretly while eating!

In five years, this is the first time she sat down for breakfast with her son! This feeling is so good and so warm!

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