"No, you are going to pass out and it's okay! I'll call your husband, let him take care of it!" The butler shook his head, and ran to the living room to call Mu Beiting. .

"No!" Seeing that the housekeeper was about to call, Ye Anxin was afraid that Mu Beiting would know about her pregnancy. So anxiously, he stood up and wanted to stop at the table.

As a result, as soon as I stood up, I felt that my eyes became dark and my body softened, and my whole person fell to the ground like this.

"Madam!" Teacher Luo was originally standing next to Ye Anxin, and when she saw her fainted, she exclaimed and hurriedly hugged her fallen body.

At the moment when Ye Anxin passed out, the call from the housekeeper happened to be connected, and Mu Beiting's low and indifferent voice came from inside, "What's the matter?"

The housekeeper looked at Ye Anxin, who was unconscious, and stammered: "Sir, ma'am... Madam fainted!"

After hearing the housekeeper's words, Mu Beiting's face sank, "Let the driver take it to the hospital!" He said, he hung up the phone!

Regardless of a moment's delay, the butler immediately called the driver, and then ordered the servant to carefully carry Ye Anxin into the car.

Xiaobai, who was hiding in the room upstairs, heard the noisy movement below, opened the door, and just walked to the top of the stairs, he saw several servants working together to lift Ye Anxin out.

When she saw Ye Anxin's eyes closed and her face pale, Xiao Bai didn't care much, and hurriedly ran down the stairs, grabbed one of the servants, and asked sharply, "I'm asking you, what's the matter?"

The servant said anxiously, "Madam, madam passed out just now! Now the driver is about to go to the hospital!"

"I want to go too!" Xiaobai left a word coldly, and then chased him out immediately. After the servant put Ye Anxin behind the commercial car, he also sat in and sat down beside Ye Anxin.

The butler sits in the passenger seat, and after making sure that the doors are closed, he immediately lets the driver drive.

Xiaobai sat next to Ye Anxin, looking at Ye Anxin's pale face, and couldn't help holding her cold hands. Because of nervousness and worry, his hands trembled unconsciously.

Xiaobai put Ye Anxin's hand to his lips, and muttered to himself: "It's okay, it's okay, you will be okay! I don't allow you to be okay! Otherwise...I won't forgive you in my life, nor admit it. You are my mother!"

"Young master, don't worry! Madam will be fine!" Seeing Xiaobai's anxious and distressed expression, the housekeeper hurriedly comforted.

Xiao Bai just held Ye Anxin's hand tightly without answering.

Because of the emergency situation, the driver ran through several red lights in a row and reached the best private hospital in Jincheng as quickly as possible.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the inpatient department, the door was opened from the outside. Mu Beiting bent over and glanced at Xiaobai, then quickly lifted Ye Anxin out of the car, striding towards the emergency. Go to the room!

The housekeeper and Xiao Bai got out of the car and followed closely behind.

Outside the emergency room, Mu Beiting stood outside with a gloomy face, while Xiao Bai and the housekeeper were sitting on a chair on one side.

After waiting for a while, the emergency room door had not been opened yet, Xiao Bai saw that Mu Beiting's face was getting ugly, so he stood up and walked over, took Mu Beiting's hand, and comforted: "Dad, don't worry! Mother will be fine!"

Mu Beiting lowered his eyes and glanced at Xiao Bai, reached out his hand to touch his white face, pursed his lips and smiled, saying nothing.

Xiaobai smiled and said intimately, "Dad, I will stand with you and wait!"

"I want to sit down!" As he said, Mu Beiting took Xiao Bai and sat down on the chair outside the emergency room.

Xiao Bai sat next to Mu Beiting obediently, obviously worried, but didn't show it on his face!

At this time, Dad was already worried enough, and he couldn't let him worry about him anymore!

After the three waited for a while outside the emergency room, the red light outside the emergency room finally went out!

The doctor wearing a mask came out from inside! But Ye Anxin was pushed out of the hospital bed with drips hanging on it by the medical staff.

The three of them hurriedly got up and walked over, and Mu Beiting asked, "How is the situation? She will be fine, right?"

The doctor took off the mask and said with a smile, "Mr. Mu, please rest assured, Madam is okay! She is just in poor health and she is pregnant again! This is anemia in the first trimester, which is normal! Go home and take good nutrition and eat more blood tonic Things will be fine! By the second trimester, it will be much better!"

At the moment when he heard that Ye Anxin was pregnant, the expressions of Mu Beiting, Xiaobai and the housekeeper changed at the same time.

Especially Mu Beiting, his face sank, he was darker than the bottom of the pot, and the whole person seemed to be shrouded in haze.

Seeing that Mu Beiting not only didn't have any joy, but had a gloomy expression on his face, Xiao Bai and the housekeeper looked at each other, neither dared to make a sound, nor even to breathe.

The housekeeper has lived for most of his life, so he can naturally understand why Mu Beiting's expression is so ugly!

The wife and husband have been separated for five years. During these five years, they have not had **** with each other. How could the wife become pregnant?

Unless...unless the wife is not her husband's child, but another man!

That's why my husband is so angry!

The housekeeper understands the relationship, but Xiaobai is only five years old. Although he is more mature and sensible than people of the same age, he is still ignorant of matters between men and women!

He didn't understand at all that it was something to be happy for his mother to be pregnant. Why was his father not only unhappy, but angry instead.

After the doctor and Mu Beiting finished speaking, the medical staff pushed Ye Anxin into the ward.

Mu Beiting gloomily followed closely behind!

Xiaobai and the housekeeper followed Mu Beiting.

After setting up Ye Anxin in the ward, the doctor briefly explained a few words and left with the medical staff.

Mu Beiting stood by the hospital bed, staring coldly at Ye Anxin's unconscious face, clenching his teeth, and clenching his hands into fists!

Because only in this way can the urge to strangle her be restrained.

"Housekeeper, take the young master back!" Mu Beiting never looked away from Ye Anxin's face while speaking.

Little Bai Nunu said, "Dad, I want to wait for her to wake up before leaving!"

Without looking back, Mu Beiting said coldly: "Go back!"

Xiao Bai opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was held back by the housekeeper.

The housekeeper gently shook his head to Xiaobai, and said warmly: "Young master, since the wife is fine, we will go back! Let the husband take care of the wife alone! Don't worry, the husband will take good care of the wife! We will be late Would you like to see Madam again?"

Xiaobai reluctantly glanced at Ye Anxin on the bed, and then at Mu Beiting again. Although he didn't want to separate from Ye Anxin, he nodded reluctantly and left with the housekeeper.

Until the housekeeper and Xiaobai left, Mu Beiting didn't look at them, but looked at Ye Anxin coldly, his eyes could not hide his heartache.

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