Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 451: : Father and Son Fighting

<!--The chapter content begins--> Ye Anxin's voice fell, Xiao Bai immediately smiled, and Mu Beiting collapsed.

Xiaobai took Ye Anxin's hand and said domineeringly: "Then I will wait for you, and then go with you!"

"Uh...well! Then you wait for me here, I will take a bath, and then accompany you back to the room!" Ye Anxin couldn't bear to refuse Xiaobai's request.

After Xiaobai smiled and nodded, he went to the closet to find his pajamas and took the pajamas into the bathroom.

When closing the bathroom door, don't forget to smile at Xiaobai! From beginning to end, he didn't even glance at Mu Beiting, as if he had completely forgotten his existence!

When Ye Anxin closed the bathroom door to take a bath, Xiao Bai took Mu Beiting's hand and said happily: "Dad, I am so happy, I am so happy now!"

Mu Beiting gave him a gloomy look, and the two faces formed a sharp contrast.

Mu Beiting was silent for a while, and finally couldn't bear it, "You go there first!"

Xiaobai didn't even think about it, but decisively refused, "No! I'm going to wait for my mother to go there!"

Mu Beiting said with a bad expression: "She won't go there!"

"I don't believe it! Mom said that she would be there to accompany me, she will definitely be there! I want to wait for her here!" Xiao Bai's squat mouth, let go of Mu Beiting's hand, and sat down on the bed with her arms folded. Ye Anxin didn't wait until Ye Anxin vowed not to give up.

Mu Beiting looked at him coldly, with blue veins looming on his forehead.

The sound of running water in the bathroom came from inside.

Mu Beiting didn't care about three or seven and twenty-one, he directly hugged Xiao Bai from the bed and walked outside without looking back.

Perceiving Mu Beiting's intentions, Xiao Bai struggled desperately, "Dad, what are you doing, let me go!"

Unfortunately, his small arms and legs, where is Mu Beiting's opponent, Mu Beiting directly hugged him to the room and gently put him on the bed to lie down.

Xiaobai got up from the bed abruptly, with her hands on her hips, and angrily asked, "Dad, why did you do this?"

Mu Beiting didn't explain, but just commanded domineeringly: "Lie down and sleep alone!"

Xiao Bai turned his head away and said stubbornly: "No, I want to sleep with my mother!"

"This is an order!" He said, leaving without looking back, and then closed the door for him.

In order to prevent Xiaobai from disturbing himself again, Mu Beiting deliberately locked the door from inside after returning to the room.

As soon as the door was locked, I heard the sound of someone twisting the doorknob outside.

As a result, it may not be opened. After the doorknob was twisted for a while, there was no movement outside!

Mu Beiting proudly raised his mouth and walked to the bed to sit down! As soon as she sat down, the bathroom door was opened. Ye Anxin walked out of the room in her pajamas and looked around in the room. Seeing that Xiaobai was not there, she asked in confusion, "Uncle, where is Xiaobai?"

Mu Beiting expressionlessly said, "I'm back to the room!"

"Oh! I'll go there first!" Ye Anxin replied indifferently, before turning around and preparing to leave.

As a result, after walking half a step, Mu Beiting's uninjured arm was grasped by Mu Beiting, and then pulled hard, and the whole person fell into his arms.

The head hit Mu Beiting's sturdy chest. She couldn't help rubbing her forehead because of the pain, and said dissatisfied: "Uncle, what are you doing?"

"Tonight, don't think about anything!" As he said, before Ye Anxin could react, he turned over and pressed her onto the bed.

Aware of his attempt, Ye Anxin's pretty face flushed, embarrassed: "Uncle, do I still have a child in my stomach? The doctor said, the first three months is a dangerous period, and **** must be forbidden!"

"I'll be careful and won't hurt him!" As he said, he couldn't wait to touch her belly up, and eagerly unbuttoned her pajamas. If you can't solve it, just pull it irritably.

As a result, before Ye Anxin's clothes could be torn off, the door of the room suddenly opened again.

At this time, Mu Beiting's hand was placed on Ye Anxin's chest, before he could move away.

The moment the door was pushed open, time seemed to stand still!

The housekeeper stood at the door in a daze, watching Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin entangled in the bed, their old faces flushed.

Although Xiaobai forced his peers to mature, he hadn't seen such a situation before, and he didn't know what it meant.

Mu Beiting pulled Ye Anxin's open collar well, covered her skin, turned over and sat up from the bed, looked at the housekeeper and Xiao Bai standing at the door with a sullen face, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who allows you to take spare parts privately? Did the key open my door?"

After this embarrassing thing, Ye Anxin blushed, wishing to find a hole in the ground!

The butler lowered his head and explained with a blushing old face: "Sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just now, the young master suddenly found me and said that there was no movement in your room. He was afraid of something wrong with you and asked me to open the door! We just knocked on the door, But there was no response! I thought... I thought you really had something in the room, so I opened the door!"

Ugh! He is following the way of the young master today!

This is a pitfall for him!

The husband and wife are lying in bed and making out! When I am having fun, where can I hear the sound outside the door!

He was shrewd all his life, but today he was killed by a five-year-old baby!

"Mu Shaobai...!" Mu Beiting finally couldn't bear it, and roared! Because of the loudness of the sound, it almost lifted the entire roof.

It’s a pity that Xiao Bai didn’t seem to feel his anger at all, holding a pillow in his hand, looking at Ye Anxin grievously, choked up: “Mom, I’m sorry! I know, you don’t want to sleep with me tonight, so I asked my father to I took it back to the room and locked the door to prevent me from coming in! Originally, I was going to sleep alone! But, I was really scared, as soon as I closed my eyes, I felt that someone was looking at me next to me and hurt me Same! Because I was so scared, I wanted to come over with a pillow! I thought, if my mother refused to sleep with me, then I would come and sleep with my mother! I don’t know... So you don’t welcome me so much! I am A superfluous person! I know, I won't bother you anymore! I'm leaving now!" He said, he squeezed out a few tears.

Seeing his superb acting skills, the butler couldn't help clapping his hands and applauding him!

For five years, the young master has slept alone!

Newborn sleeping in a crib, and the nanny takes care of him!

After getting older, I slept in my own room alone!

After five years, when did he hear him say that he was scared! Today, I actually called myself so poor! The husband who abused him was the same!

Poor gentleman... can't beat his own son!

The butler glanced at Mu Beiting sympathetically, and gave him tears of sympathy in his heart.

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