Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 454: : You are a man!

But when she sat up, Xiao Bai's voice disappeared again!

Ye Anxin rubbed his temples and shook his head vigorously, thinking that he was thinking of a transition from miss, so he had hallucinations!

However, not long after, Xiao Bai's anxious voice sounded outside the door again, "Mom...Mom...Where are you?"

"Xiao Bai!" Ye An hurriedly tried to get up from the bed, but Mu Beiting held her hand.

"Uncle, Xiao Bai is looking for me! He seems to be very scared, let me go and see him!" Ye Anxin was anxious, and said that he was going to get Mu Beiting's hands out of bed.

Without letting go, Mu Beiting sat up slowly and calmly said: "He is not an ordinary kid!"

"What's not an ordinary kid? He is only five years old this year!" At this time, Ye Anxin, who was so concerned about Xiao Bai, could hear Mu Beiting's overtones, and wanted to go out quickly to comfort Xiao Bai's injured heart!

Mu Beiting's thin lips tightened, his face cold.

At this moment, the door of the room was twisted open, Xiao Bai was holding the pillow in her hand, blinking with big red eyes, standing at the door in a daze, and asked pitifully, "Mom, why are you here? I just opened it. I didn't see you, I thought you didn't want me again?"

Seeing Xiaobai's eyes flushed, Ye Anxin pushed Mu Beiting away and pinched his hand, got out of bed in a smoke, walked quickly to Xiaobai, and gently touched his face, "Xiaobai, don't worry. I won't want you! Mom just wants to go back to the room to take a shower, change clothes, and then call you to get up!"

"Oh! That's the case! I thought Mom was gone again! It's nice if Mom doesn't go!" As he said, he hugged Ye Anxin's arm and rubbed it gently.

"Little Bai, go to bed and wait for me! I'll take a shower and come out! Then accompany you back to the room to change clothes!" Ye Anxin took Xiao Bai's hand and told him to take him to the bed and let him sit. under.

After Xiaobai sat down, Ye Anxin found a clean dress from the closet and walked to the bathroom.

Last night, she was so tired that she wanted to take a bath and then go to bed, but she was helpless and too tired. She was so soft that she couldn't exert any strength!

In desperation, I had to rest temporarily! Now that it is rare to recover a little bit of physical strength, it is natural to take a bath first.

Mu Beiting and Xiao Bai were sitting on the bed side by side. They watched the bathroom door shut in front of them. Xiao Bai's mouth was flat, and he turned to look at Mu Beiting and blamed: "Dad, did you deliberately Mom took it from me?"

Mu Beiting didn't avoid it, and he admitted directly, "Yes!"

"Dad, why are you doing this? Mom is mine, and I want her to stay with me!" The maternal love that has been lacking in the past five years has made Xiaobai very uneasy, worrying about gains and losses. If his mother is not by his side, he will immediately have one. A feeling of being abandoned!

Therefore, he wanted to keep his mother by his side to accompany him, so that he could feel at ease.

Mu Beiting looked at Xiaobai and said solemnly: "Mu Shaobai, you are a man, you are already five years old! You are not a child anymore! As a man, you cannot be dependent, let alone weak! Men, you should be magnanimous. Dang, don't play tricks, do what you want to do directly and honestly! I remember that I taught you how to behave a long time ago! Now, have you put my words out of the sky?"

Xiao Bai has always been smart, how could he not understand the meaning of Mu Beiting's words.

The husband and wife are blaming him. They used small tricks in front of their mother last night!

Being scolded by Mu Beiting, Xiaobai lowered his head in ashamedness, weakly said: "Dad, I'm sorry, I was wrong! I will never dare to do it again!"

Mu Beiting nodded in satisfaction, touched Xiaobai's head lightly, his eyes gradually softened, and warmly said: "Dad knows what you think in your heart! Dad promises you that he will never let mom leave you again! You don't You need to be afraid and stay by your mother's side at all times! You have your business to do, and your mother also has your mother's business! Everyone must have their own private space, you know?"

"Dad really won't let my mother leave me?" Xiaobai blinked and looked at Mu Beiting expectantly with Chuchu's poor big eyes.

Although he had asked this sentence countless times, for him, who had been insecure since he was a child, he was always at ease.

"Dad swear!" As he said, he raised his right hand and raised the three fingers in the middle to make a swear.

"Okay! Dad, I believe you!" Xiaobai nodded, and said Mu Beiting swears to pull it down and hold it tightly in his arms.

Father, in his mind is tall and sacred! He trusted what his father said, especially his oath.

With his father's pledge, his uneasy heart can finally be a little more stable.

Mu Beiting said as usual: "You go back to the room to change clothes, freshen up, and then have breakfast downstairs! After breakfast, father and mother will go to Seoul! I promise you, how can I bring my mother over? How to bring her back!"

"Good!" Xiaobai nodded obediently, slid from the edge of the bed to the ground and stood still, waved with Mu Beiting, turned and left.

When Ye Anxin came out of the shower and saw Mu Beiting alone in the room, he couldn't help but ask, "Where is Xiao Bai?" Then he remembered the scene last night, raised his eyebrows, and asked displeasedly, "You won't Did you drive him back to the room again?"

Hearing this, Mu Beiting's expression sank, "He is a man, and a man should look like a man. What does it mean to be tired of being around his mother all the time? Such a child will not be successful when he grows up!"

"However, he is only five years old this year. Shouldn't a five-year-old child be tired of being with his mother?" Ye An looked at Mu Beiting mentally of course!

At least, when she was five years old, she was tired of being with her mother all day long!

Because husbands and wives are gambling, and those who collect loan sharks all day to make trouble at home, she and her mother are more intimate and dependent on her mother than other children!

"When I was five years old, I was already picking up tatters and selling money, cooking by myself, washing clothes by myself, and relying on me for everything! He is much happier than I was at that time!" Mu Beiting did not change his face. As he said, his face was calm, and he didn't seem to feel sad at all because of the sad past.

Mu Beiting didn't feel it, but Ye Anxin reddened her eyes and choked with sobs: "I started to pick up the tatters to make money at the age of five? Why is this happening?"

Mu Beiting uttered four words lightly, "For life!"

"Where is your mother?" Ye Anxin glanced at Mu Beiting and couldn't help but ask when he saw that he didn't have any mood swings.

She only remembers that the uncle was taken to Mu's house by the old man at the age of ten, and the uncle should have followed her mother before he was ten!

"I don't have a mother!" When the word mother was mentioned, Mu Beiting still had no expression, as if his mother was an insignificant person to him.

ps, update three chapters first, and one chapter later! Don’t worry, everyone is about to start revealing the life experience of the heroine and the heroine! Are you curious about the life experience of the male lead and the female lead? ^_^

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