Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 456: : To deal with the problem

Xiaobai glanced at Mu Beiting, slumped in contempt, and then sat down next to Ye Anxin.

After the family had dinner, Teacher Luo also came. Xiaobai kept telling that Ye Anxin and Mu Beiting were sent to the door of the villa, watching them get in the car, and waiting for the commercial vehicle to leave him before returning to the villa reluctantly. .

Ye Anxin was sitting in the back seat of the car. Seeing Xiaobai standing at the door and refusing to leave, he couldn't help but poked his head out of the window to look at him!

Until the car went farther and farther, Xiao Bai's figure completely disappeared from the line of sight, and then he reluctantly retracted his line of sight.

Seeing Ye Anxin withdraw his gaze, but still look back from time to time, Mu Beiting said indifferently: "Since I can't bear it, then quickly handle the Seoul affairs and go home!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Just when I met Xiaobai, but wanted to separate from him, she was really sad.

However, if Seoul's time is not handled well for a day, she can't stay here without reason!

After Seoul's affairs are handled, there are Jincheng's affairs!

Neither mother nor Yueyue knew she was back! I haven't contacted Yueyue for five years, and I don't know how Yueyue is now!

It should be graduation from elementary school every day, right?

Tiantian should start reading, right?

I wonder if Yueyue will forgive her for leaving soon?

Mu Beiting glanced at Ye Anxin with his deep eyes, stretched out his long arms, and told her to put her arms in his arms, and his thick big hands gently stroked Ye Anxin's back!

Feeling the temperature transmitted by his big hand through his clothes, Ye Anxin's sad and self-blaming heart has miraculously improved a lot.

Mu Beiting said in a low voice, vowing to guarantee, "Trust me, I will protect you well in the future and not let you suffer any harm!"

"I believe in you! No matter what happens in the future, I will believe in you!" Ye Anxin wrapped his arms around Mu Beiting's sturdy waist, his cheek pressed against Mu Beiting's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat The sound, the inexplicable peace of mind.

Before, she just didn't trust him, so she caused so much harm!

After his drunken confession, if she still has doubts about the relationship between them, then she shouldn't, and she is too unworthy of his love.

After listening to Ye Anxin's words, Mu Beiting's thin lips gently branded a kiss on Ye Anxin's forehead.

Ye Anxin raised the corner of her mouth, her heart filled with happiness.

After nearly three hours' journey, the commercial vehicle finally stopped at the airport gate.

Mu Beiting took Ye Anxin out of the car, went directly into the premium VIP passage, and then boarded a luxury plane parked in the airport.

After getting on the plane, Ye Anxin was stunned for a moment when he saw that there was no one on it, and then immediately remembered that Mu Beiting has a habit of cleanliness, and he wouldn't know how to do it on planes that others have taken!

So, this should be his private jet!

Ye Anxin pursed his lips and said nothing, and sat down with Mu Beiting.

Ye Anxin said that he leaned his head on Mu Beiting's shoulder and yawned lazily, "Uncle, I'm sleepy, I'll go to sleep first, and you will wake me up when I get to the place!"

Last night, she was disturbed by the uncle and Xiaobai. She had been sleeping late, and afterwards, the uncle had exercised all night, and she almost fell asleep just before dawn.

As a result, as soon as I closed my eyes, I heard Xiaobai calling her, and she woke up immediately!

So, she barely slept all night yesterday, and she was so tired!

Plus there is still a baby in her belly, she is really sleepy! The eyelids are so heavy that she can hardly open them.

"Yeah! Go to sleep!" Mu Beiting nodded, stretched out his hand and gently patted Ye Anxin's head.

Ye Anxin smiled at the corners of his mouth, then closed his eyes, and fell asleep deeply after a while.

Soon after Ye Anxin fell asleep, Mu Beiting also closed his eyes and rested.

Ye Anxin slept soundly and sweetly!

It wasn't until the plane landed at Seoul Airport and Mu Beiting gently patted her face that she woke up from her sleep.

Ye Anxin opened her sleepy eyes, glanced out the window in a daze, and lazily said, "Uncle, are you here?"

Mu Beiting nodded and said softly: "Here! Do you want me to hold you down?"

Ye Anxin immediately became sober when he said he wanted to hug herself. She stood up and shook her head desperately, "No, I can go down by myself!" He said, without waiting for Mu Beiting's reaction, he directed towards Go outside.

Mu Beiting's eyes lighted up, and he stood up and followed it with strides.

When the two left the airport, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon!

Ye Anxin knew that Su Yichen should still be busy at the company at this time, so he didn't look for him first, but went to school with Mu Beiting.

Standing in front of the school, Ye Anxin thought about it for a while and said to Mu Beiting: "Uncle, I can go in alone! You wait for me here, I will be out soon!"

Mu Beiting didn't even think about it, but refused, "No, I don't worry!"

Ye Anxin couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said amusedly: "Oh! I have lived here for five years, what can't you worry about! Or, you can wait for me in the cafe across the road! I guess you will pay for the handover procedure? It will take a while!"

Mu Beiting remained silent, her thin lips pressed tightly, and there was a clear displeasure in Ye Anxin's eyes.

"Uncle, let's go! The students in the school are very gossiping. They always thought that Professor Su was my boyfriend. If you go, wouldn't it be Professor Da Su's face? I have hurt him deeply enough, can't I hurt him like this again! Anyway, we are about to leave here, and Professor Su will stay in Seoul! We have to estimate his face!" At this point, Mu Beiting's expression was not only not relaxed, but worse. It's getting uglier.

"Go, go! Obedient!" In desperation, Ye Anxin had to use his assassin to act like a baby at Mu Beiting.

Mu Beiting frowned. Although he was unhappy, he nodded in agreement.

"Then you go to the opposite coffee shop and wait for me! I'll look for you when I finish processing!" As he said, Mu Beiting pushed towards the other side of the road.

Mu Beiting nodded, "I see you go in and I'll leave!"

"Okay!" Ye Anxin nodded with a smile, waved to Mu Beiting, and entered the school without looking back.

After Ye Anxin entered the school, he went directly to the principal's office!

When he saw Ye Anxin who had been missing for many days and finally appeared, the principal was stunned, "Teacher Ye, where have you been these days? Why can't I get through the phone?"

Hearing this, Ye Anxin blushed and lowered her head embarrassedly, "Principal, I'm sorry, some things have happened these days, I went to deal with it. During the period, my mobile phone was gone, so I couldn't contact the school! You worry , I'm so sorry!"

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