Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 463: : Finally I got it!

"Okay! I'll go out when I change my clothes!" Ye Mu nodded and hung up the phone!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Mu was about to go back to the room to change clothes.

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside!

Mother Ye was taken aback for a moment, wondering in her heart, who would knock on her door at this time? Although Father Ye has already come out of the gambling station, he has the key. If it were him, he would not knock on the door!

She usually stays here, the door doesn't go out, and there is zero communication with the neighbors around!

Who is knocking on the door then?

Ye Mu walked to the door in wonder, because the house she rented had a certain age, so there was no cat's eye on the door, so Ye Mu had to tell the door to open a gap and look outside.

When she saw the person standing outside the door from the gap, Ye Mu was stunned.

The people outside the door opened the door while she was in a daze and swaggered in.

It was not someone else who came in. It was on the day of Ling Yueyue's wedding that Nan Mu, the mistress of the Nan family, who made a noise on the wedding scene.

Nanmu walked in and walked around in the living room, looking at the shabby house and shabby decoration, a trace of contempt flashed clearly in her eyes.

Mother Ye looked at the Nanmu who swaggered in. Ye mother touched her throat with a heart. She was very flabbergasted, but she had to bite the bullet and asked calmly, "Who are you... who are you?" Why did you break into my house?"

Nanma sat down on the sofa in the living room, took out a photo and put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and said with disdain: "Fangmao, don't pretend to be stupid! You know who I am!"

Nan mother glanced at the photo on the coffee table. When she saw the person in the photo, she suddenly felt black, her body swayed, and she almost fainted.

Looking at Ye Mu's expression, Nan Mu triumphantly said: "Do you still remember, this is a photo of you when you participated in the election. We chose you because we saw this photo of you! Five years ago! , Since the wedding of Huo Yunmo five years ago, I have been looking for you! Not only I am looking for you, but even the master is looking for you! I know you are in Jincheng, I have to say, you really can hide, I am looking for It took you five years to find it!"

Seeing that avoidance was inevitable, Mother Ye had to admit, helplessly: "Why are you looking for me? I have promised your request to take your daughter away from you, why are you looking for it?"

Nan mother raised her eyebrows and sneered: "Why? Why do you say? It's because the master is now looking for you in every possible way! I can find you, and the master will definitely find you sooner or later! My daughter is dead, and your daughter But it's still alive! Everything in the Nan family came from my hard work and my master! I can't afford your daughter in vain! I just came to warn you today, pack your things, take your daughter away, and walk far Yes! No matter where you go, I will never let the master find you anyway! Otherwise...otherwise I will let your mother and daughter disappear completely in this world! You know me, you should know that I will do what I say!"

Listening to Nanma’s naked threats, Ye Anxin’s body swayed again, weak and weak: "My daughter’s husband and son are here. She is already married. It’s not something I can take away if I say to take it away. !"

The mother snorted coldly and vowed: "I don't care what you do! I'm here to tell you harshly. If you mother and daughter don't leave by themselves, I will help you leave!"

"I...!" Ye Mu lowered her head, but could not speak.

"You know the power of our Nan family better than anyone else. Huo Yunmo is my son-in-law again! The Nan family and the Huo family are not something ordinary people like you can afford! So, hurry up and get away Yes!" He said, stood up, and left without looking back.

At the moment when she heard that the door was closed, Ye Mu couldn't help it anymore, her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

After five years, the Nan family finally got it! In the past five years, she has been cautious, afraid to go out, afraid to communicate with neighbors! Even if she is shopping for vegetables, she goes out before dawn in the morning and keeps herself at home the rest of the time. She is so isolated from the world, she just doesn't want to be found by people from the Nan family! Unexpectedly, she tried every means to hide, but still couldn't hide, the people from the Nan family finally found it! why? Why does this happen? Do you really want her to leave here with peace of mind? However, Xiaobai is in Jincheng and Mu Beiting is also in Jincheng. Is An Xin really willing to leave with her?

What should she do? In the end how to do?

An Xin is hers, she doesn't want An Xin to be taken away by the Nan Family!

However, how can she compete with the wealthy Nan family?

Do you rely on Mu Beiting?

Five years ago, he was so sad and heartbroken, can they rely on him? Is he reliable?

Just when Ye Mu was flustered and didn't know what to do, the phone on the coffee table rang again.

Mother Ye glanced at the caller ID, wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes, and connected to the phone. Ye Anxin's soft voice came from inside, "Mom, are you out? Have you got a taxi? If you didn't wait for the car, I Just let the driver pick you up!"

Ye mother shook her head desperately, "No need, no, I have already stopped the taxi, it will be there soon, you can go shopping first, and then go to the western restaurant to meet!"

"Okay! Then let's meet directly at the western restaurant!" After speaking, Ye Anxin hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Mu reluctantly got up from the ground, returned to the room, found a piece of clothing to change, and then took a little money and mobile phone and went out.

Stepping down the dark and damp stairs, Ye Mu was about to pass a dark alley to stop the car on the road! As a result, his eyes unexpectedly saw the front of a black car in a corner not far away.

Seeing that her gaze was staring there, the front of the car clearly retreated behind the corner.

This situation caused Ye Mu's heart to rise to her throat instantly.

She... Is she being watched?

That being said, Nanmu will not give up unless she sees her leave!

How to do? What should she do?

Ye Mu glanced at the car in a panic, and hurriedly walked into the alley until she walked to the main road and couldn't see the car. Then her fear and panic were slightly relieved.

Fortunately, Ye Mu was lucky, and as soon as she walked to the side of the road, a taxi came.

Ye Mu stopped the taxi, got in the taxi and went straight to the place where Ye Anxin met!

Sitting in the car, Ye Mu's body was still trembling, her hands on her legs were tightly clasped together because of tension, her fingers kept rubbing, hoping to relieve the fear in her heart.

The taxi driver glanced at Ye Mu from the rearview mirror, and asked concerned, "Sister-in-law, are you okay? Do you want to take you to the hospital?

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