Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 471: :out on a limb

<!--The beginning of the chapter content--> Talking about her expression, Mu Beiting said indifferently: "I didn't come to you to settle the account!"

Ye Mu wondered: "Then you are?"

Mu Beiting's thin lips lightly opened, and his face was as usual: "I have seen Nan Mingchuan today!"

When she heard the three words Nan Mingchuan, Ye Mu felt black in front of her eyes and almost fainted.

Mu Beiting continued: "I have investigated the incident 26 years ago! I know that An Xin is Nan Mingchuan's biological daughter!"

"Don’t tell An Xin that I can’t let her know about this. She is my only daughter. I can’t let the people from the Nan family say that she was taken away from me! If there is no An Xin, I will not survive. Yes! I don't need anything in my life, but I can't live without her!" Ye Mu's tears poured down like a flood that burst a bank.

Thinking that An Xin might leave her forever, she was afraid!

An Xin is her sustenance in this life. She can't imagine what her life would be like without An Xin.

Mu Beiting said strong and domineering: "With me, no one can take her away!"

Listening to Mu Beiting's domineering declaration, for some reason, Ye Mu's fearful heart disappeared miraculously.

Mother Ye was wiping her tears and choked up and asked, "Since you know An Xin is Nan Mingchuan's daughter, you should know what happened 26 years ago, right?"

Mu Beiting nodded, her thin lips pressed tightly.

"For the past twenty-six years, I have never dared to let An Xin know the truth! In order to let her live in a complete family, I married my current husband! But, I don’t know, this decision of mine actually hurt An Xin! Before I met you, An Xin followed us to hide in Tibet and live a precarious life! Even if she and Mu Rufeng were together before, it was to keep this family! It was me, I was not worthy to be a mother, It's because I didn't find a good father for An Xin, so she can carry this family at a young age!" As she said further down, the tears that she could not stop her tears flowed down again.

Mu Beiting drew out the tissue on the table and handed it to Ye Mu, vowing to promise, "From now on, everything will have me!"

Mother Ye took the tissue that Mu Beiting handed over, wiped her tears, and nodded in a complicated mood.

Mu Beiting did not change his face, and said solemnly: "I hope you can tell An Xin about this in person! Only by speaking out of your mouth can the harm to An Xin be minimized! Paper won't keep the fire! I don't want one day. , She knew it from others!"

Mother Ye didn't even think about it, she shook her head desperately and refused, "No, I can't tell her, if I let her know, I will lose her daughter!"

Mu Beiting frowned and asked, "You just have no confidence in An Xin?"

Hearing this, Ye Mu's action to wipe her tears paused.

Seeing that Ye's mother was silent, Mu Beiting continued: "Do you think that the love of a mother and daughter in twenty-six years is not as good as a father who has never seen each other, twenty-six years ago?

When he said this, Ye Mu was completely stunned.

Yup! She and her daughter depended on each other for 20 years. Even if her daughter married Mu Beiting later, the relationship between their mother and daughter was not affected at all.

She has such a good relationship with her daughter, would her daughter not want her as a mother for a father she has never met?

Ye Mu hesitated while crying, "But, the Nan family is rich and powerful, I'm afraid they will take Anxin away from me!"

Mu Beiting said displeased: "I said, everything has me! As long as Anxin is unwilling, no one can force her to do anything!"

"...!" Ye Mu blinked, blinked away the tears in her eyes, and spoke tentatively, "So, you mean, you will protect your peace of mind and will not let her be harmed by anyone?"

Mu Beiting nodded vowedly, "Yes!"

With Mu Beiting's assurance, Ye Mu asked again while he was relieved, "Then...I'll find a chance to have a good talk with An Xin?"

"I have sent someone to deal with the person Nan Mu sent to monitor you! An Xin is my wife. Without my permission, no one can tell her to take her away from me!" The implication is obvious. Ye Mu is now There is only one choice, which is to have a good talk with Ye Anxin! I want to take Ye Anxin away from him, but there is no door!

Ye Mu had already learned Mu Beiting's ability, as long as he spoke, how could she dare to be right with him!

After struggling in her heart, Ye Mu reluctantly asked, "Let me think about it again!"

Mu Beiting did not object or agree with Ye Mu's words, but said lightly, "Nan Mingchuan already knows An Xin's identity! So, there is not much time for you to think about it!"

"Did you tell Nan Mingchuan about An Xin's identity?" Ye Mu stood up in shock, widened her eyes, and looked at Mu Beiting incredible.

She thought that he had only met Nan Mingchuan, but she didn't expect to have said all the peace of mind!

This is how to do?

If Nan Mingchuan already knew that An Xin was his daughter, then he would definitely go to An Xin!

That said, she has no retreat now, she must first Nan Mingchuan tell the truth of the matter to An Xin!

If Nan Mingchuan finds An Xin first, and tells An Xin, he may still say what he will say, An Xin will definitely come to question her and blame her!, she can't let Nan Mingchuan have the opportunity to provoke the relationship between their mother and daughter!

She must act first!

When Ye Mu stared at Mu Beiting, the food that Mu Beiting had just ordered was brought up by the waiter.

Mu Beiting pushed a bowl of rice to Ye Mu, "Eat first, and then decide after eating!"

"I have no appetite!" Ye Mu sat down discouragedly, looking at the delicious food on the table, but couldn't take the slightest interest.

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning, I will let the driver send Anxin to come to you!" After saying that, Mu Beiting stopped talking, picked up the tableware and ate slowly.

Mother Ye looked at Mu Beiting eating as if she was completely okay, feeling mixed and unspeakable.

What did he just say? He meant that she had no way out? Let her tell An Xin the truth at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning?

But what should she say to keep An Xin from sad?

Mu Beiting has always insisted on eating but not talking, so after a meal, he didn't say a word. After the meal was over, he asked the driver to send Ye Mu home and personally send Ye Mu upstairs!

"Everything, whoever has the right chance will win!" After saying that Ye Mu was sent into the house, Mu Beiting stood at the door, leaving a word that made Ye Mu inexplicable, then turned and left.

Looking at Mu Beiting's back, Ye Mu stood at the door for a long time unable to return to her senses.

After sending Ye Mu home, Mu Beiting got on the commercial vehicle and asked the driver to take him home!

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