Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 474: : Memories of Ye Mu

"After listening to the doctor's diagnosis, your grandfather and I almost passed out in the hospital! Although your grandfather only has a daughter like me, we have been struggling at home since we were young. After more than 20 years, I only praised a few thousand dollars! The few thousand dollars don't even mention surgery, even the money for medicine is not enough! At that time, your grandfather gave up treatment and wanted to go home and wait for death! I Not reconciled, I don’t want to give up! After all the hard work, I finally persuaded your grandpa to live in the capital! While he was taking medicine to recover from his illness, I went out to make money! Because I am not well-educated, and high-paying occupations simply look down on me! The only thing I can do is to be a waiter and wash the dishes! In order to make money faster, I even worked as a small job on the construction site! However, time passes a little bit, let alone surgery for all my work. It's hard to even give your grandpa medicine to do chemotherapy! Watching your grandpa lose weight every day, hematemesis is getting worse and worse, I feel uncomfortable!" At this point, Ye Mu couldn't help but think of the difficult days.

Ye An's excitement and soberness gradually calmed down after listening to Ye Mu's narration. Seeing Ye Mu's tears, he took out the tissue on the coffee table and handed it over, comfortingly said: "Mom, don't be sad, things are over! You are not now Has it come to all suffering?"

"The only thing Mom does not regret in this life is to give birth to you! If it weren't for you, maybe I won't support it till today!" Ye Mu took the tissue, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and looked at Ye Anxin's eyes. With a deep love.

Ye Anxin nodded and said from the bottom of his heart: "I know! So, no matter how bitter I have been before, I have never complained! I know everything my mother does is for me!"

Listening to Ye Anxin's caring words, the tears that Ye Mother finally stopped streaming down again.

Ye Anxin didn't speak, but kept handing her tissues.

After crying almost, Mother Ye took a deep breath and continued: "Later, your grandpa couldn't bear to watch me suffer and secretly ran away from home! I searched for three days day and night before being on a flyover. Find him underneath! He was in ragged clothes, staying there with beggars, eating food picked from the trash! Seeing him like that, I felt uncomfortable, hugging him and crying, begging him to go back with me! Later, he finally went back with me! After I got back, I continued to work and earn money! In order to collect medical expenses, I almost fell into a nightclub as a lady! Fortunately, I met the nobleman I hit! Live with me in a slum Sister Li! Sister Li told me that there is a way to make money conveniently and quickly! That is to get pregnant for others! In order to collect medical expenses, I did not hesitate to follow Sister Li to find their little head Fei Ge! Brother Fei asked me for a photo and asked me to go home and wait for news! I have been waiting at home for a month. I thought it would be a stone, but I didn’t expect that Brother Fei suddenly told me to help him make a big deal. After that, you can get a high reward of five million!"

Listening to what Ye mother said, Ye Anxin could almost guess the next thing!

She may be the product of her mother's surrogacy!

Sure enough, Ye Mu's next words confirmed her guess.

"I thought at the time that with these five million, I can not only heal your grandfather's illness, but also allow your grandfather to live a carefree life for the rest of his life! So I agreed to Fei Ge's request! The famous Nan family does surrogacy! The Nan family is powerful and powerful in the capital. The head of the Nan family is Nan Mingchuan. He has a wife! But he and his wife have been married for ten years, and his wife only gave birth to a daughter for her, and then pregnant with one. The boy had a miscarriage due to various reasons. Since then, Nan Mingchuan’s wife has been diagnosed with no childbearing anymore! It is impossible for the Nan family to have such a big family business in the hands of his daughter, so he thought of finding someone to give birth to a boy. After some careful selection, I was selected by the Nan family to become a surrogate mother! If I can give birth to my son, I will keep the son, and I will leave with five million! If it is a daughter, the child must be knocked out! However, it would give me a million pension! At that time, I was desperate, so I agreed! Before conception, I took a lot of Chinese medicine to regulate my body. After a few nights, I was successfully pregnant! After that, no matter what TCM pulse, B-ultrasound, or amniotic fluid examination, all of which is a boy in my stomach! Nan Mingchuan is naturally very happy, not only bought me a villa to settle down, but also found the best doctor to treat your grandpa. ! Those ten months were the happiest ten months in my life! Except for your grandpa, no man has ever treated me so nicely! But that is limited to the case when the child in the belly is a boy !"

Having said that, Mother Ye sighed, sucked her nose, wiped her tears, and continued to say, “In those ten months, Nan Mingchuan stayed with me almost day and night in order to give birth to the baby in my stomach. Guarding my belly every day! At that time, I thought he loved me, and I even wondered if I gave birth to a boy for him, would he keep me by his side? Even if I don’t have a status, I’ll just be him I am willing to be the lover of Jinwu Zangjiao! It’s a pity that it’s just my wishful thinking from beginning to end! After the pregnancy in October, I gave birth! The result was beyond everyone’s expectations! I gave birth to a daughter weighing eight kilograms! The moment I was born, I was happy in my heart! After all, this is my first child. Whether it is a daughter or a son, I was born in October of pregnancy! I like it all! But when I learned that I gave birth to one After the daughter, the Nan family was disappointed and ruthless! Not only did they not want you to enter the Nan family, they gave me a million to drive our mother and daughter out! Your grandfather was also driven out of the hospital! After coming out of the delivery room, I will never again I haven’t seen Nan Mingchuan! After I left Nan’s home, I took a million cheques to find your grandfather with you, who was still in your baby! However, I never expected that Nan Mingchuan’s wife would make trouble with this incident. Go to your grandfather! After your grandfather learned that I had done such a shameful thing, he was embarrassed and embarrassed. Under the guilt, he chose to jump into the lake and commit suicide.

Having said that, Ye Mu started crying sadly again!

What happened 26 years ago, every time I think about it, it will make her sad once!

That incident was an indelible scar to her! Although the wound has healed, the scar still exists!

Ye Anxin thought for a while, and said thoughtfully, "Is Nan Mingchuan the same as the head of the Nan family at the Yueyue wedding?"

[First three chapters! There is one more chapter to post after I have eaten! Don't worry, everyone! muah! (*^__^*)】

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