Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 484: : Changes in Ye's Father

Mu Beiting looked at Ye Anxin and said solemnly: "I like you and happy!"

The more serious Mu Beiting spoke, the happier Ye An felt, "Uncle, the day after tomorrow will be the weekend. Are you busy? Or, let's take Xiaobai out to play! It's not good to be bored all day long at home!"

"You decide!" Mu Beiting did not agree or refuse, but left everything to Ye Anxin to arrange.

Ye Anxin nodded, smiling like a flower: "Okay! Then I'll see where to take him to play!"

Mu Beiting solemnly reminded, "You are pregnant now, you can't travel far!"

"Yeah! I know! In fact, I think it's pretty good. I only go out by car. As long as I don't climb the mountain, it's not a big problem!" Ye Anxin took Mu Beiting's hand and placed it on his still flat belly! Since pregnancy, except for the drastic changes in taste, there has been basically no response to the rest, as if no pregnancy at all!

Mu Beiting pursed his lips, still uneasy and said, "Be careful anyway!"

Ye Anxin nodded and said cleverly: "Yeah! I know! Let's go! Let's go back to the room to take a bath and sleep! Tomorrow I want to see my mother!"

"Yeah!" Mu Beiting nodded, and took Ye Anxin's hand, and went back to the room with her to take a bath and rest!


The next day, when Ye Anxin had breakfast, Mu Beiting went to the company, Xiaobai went to class, and Ye Anxin drove back to her family's home!

Five years ago, as long as she went out, no matter where she went, there would be a large group of bodyguards behind her, and besides staying with her uncle, she just stayed at home and didn't go out! But now it's completely different. Whenever she goes out, she has been since childhood. The uncle did not restrict her childhood, nor did she send a large group of people to follow her!

She knew that the reason why the uncle did not send someone to follow her was because in five years, the uncle had solved all the hidden dangers for her. She is now safe and has no enemies. Uncle is very relieved! The only thing that doesn't worry is the child in her stomach.

After Ye Anxin returned to her family's home, both Ye's father and Ye's mother were at home, and Ye's father followed Ye's mother and was lovingly helping Ye's mother to clean up the house.

However, Ye's father has been idle for so many years, where will he clean up? Not only did he not help, but he messed up the things Ye Mu's cleaned up, making Ye Mu feel angry and funny, and stopped and said, "It's done. Don’t ask for your help, what should you do! Good things are just messed up by you!"

After being told by Ye's mother, Ye father was not only not angry, but smiled happily, "I'm not afraid that you are tired? Pack your things and learn slowly! When you can't do anything later, I can help! "

Ye Mubai glanced at him, she narrowed her mouth and said, "If you have a glib tongue, when did you become so talkative, so considerate!"

Father Ye smiled and said, "Haha! I have owed you for so many years, I just want to make up for the debt to you and An Xin! I am a half-sleeved person, if I don’t treat you well, I will die. Will look down on purpose!"

Ye Mu didn't have a good air said, "I figured it out earlier, and An Xin and I won't suffer so much!"

"Haha! Don't the prodigal son change his money! It's not too late!" Ye's father's accusation of Ye's mother was not only a smile but a smile.

Ye Anxin stood at the door. After stopping their conversation, she pursed her lips, and finally couldn't recognize the interruption, "Mom, Dad is right! The prodigal son will not change his money. As long as Dad can change his face and be a new person, we will forgive him for his previous things. Come on! After all, we are a family, so what's the hard way!"

Hearing Ye Anxin's voice, Ye Father and Ye Mother, who were cleaning on the terrace, were surprised and hurriedly greeted them! Father Ye smiled and said, "An Xin came back? When did you come in, why didn't you say a word? How did you come in? Didn't hear your knock on the door?"

Ye Anxin took the key in her hand, turned around in front of Father Ye, and said proudly: "Mom gave me a set of keys here two days ago! So, whenever I want to come back, I can come back!"

Mother Ye walked over with a hurried smile, took Ye Anxin's arm, and pulled her home, "Okay, don't stand at the door talking, come in first!"

Ye Anxin sat down on the sofa, Ye's father hurriedly poured her a glass of water and handed it to her.

Seeing the tea offered by Ye's father with a smile, Ye Anxin felt a dream!

Her father really changed, completely different from before!

Before, every time he went home, Ye's father was basically not at home. Even at home, he would still be lying on the sofa and watching TV, where he would serve her tea!

This is simply the sun coming out from the west!

Ye Anxin held the tea that Father Ye handed over, warm in her heart, and said from the bottom of her heart: "Dad, you have really changed a lot!"

Father Ye smiled and touched his head embarrassedly.

Mother Ye sat down beside Ye Anxin, and agreed with a smile, "Yes! From the day before yesterday, I didn’t know what medicine I took wrong. The whole person was like a completely different person. Not only did she stop eating, drinking, and having fun, she also changed. Know that it is considerate!"

Listening to their conversation, fearing that they would have doubts about their changes, Father Ye rolled his eyes, sat down on the other side of the sofa, sighed intentionally, and said helplessly: "The day before yesterday, one of my brother's wife suddenly died in a car accident. I left my brother alone and went like this! At that time, I saw my brother crying so sad and not feeling well! At that time, I was thinking, if one day, you will leave me and marry again. Now, then I am really alone! You said, I don’t know anything, if you leave me, then I really only starve to death! So, after that day, I suddenly figured it out Our original time is running out, so why don’t we cherish our lives now! We are only fifty years old now. If we live well, we can live together for another 20 years!"

"Die in a car accident?" Ye Mu's eyes widened unbelievably, and said sadly: "It's so pitiful! There are a hundred dead people, but the people who are living in the world are suffering!"

Seeing that Ye's mother completely believed in his own statement, Ye's father hurriedly said with a smile, "Yeah! So, after that day, I suddenly figured it out. For the rest of the day, I will treat you and feel at ease, and we My grandson! I was so sorry to you before! I just hope you can forgive me and let me make up for what I owe you!"

Mother Ye glanced at Father Ye and said with expectation: "I hope you can really make a change!"

Ye Anxin patted Mother Ye's hand and smiled and said, "Mom, Dad is right. Life is short and should be cherished! Since he is willing to repent, we should trust him and give him this opportunity! You look forward to Dad Haven't repentance been looking forward to twenty catties? I should be happy now!"

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