Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 487: : Five years of change

"Do you have to buy it?" Ye Anxin raised his eyebrows, struggling for the last time.

Xiaobai nodded and said firmly: "It must be!"

Ye Anxin asked suspiciously, "What about after you buy it? Will it be too wasteful to leave the car like this?"

Xiao Bai rolled his eyes fiercely, looked at Mu Beiting, and said with disdain: "Dad, you care about this Mrs. Mu. It's so petty! If you let others know that she is the wife of the President of the Mu Family Group, you will look down on him. Yours! The wife of the president of the Dignified Mu Group, it is really shameful to feel sorry for the millions of people!"

"Ahem... just a few... millions...?" Ye Anxin was choked by her own saliva when she heard this number, and then began to cough violently.

Mu Beiting hurriedly stretched out his hand, gently smoothing her back.

Ye Anxin looked at Mu Beiting pitifully, "Uncle, is it really good for Xiaobai to be such a prodigal?"

"Xiao Bai has a sense of measure, knows what to do and what not to do!" The implication is that he does not agree with Ye Anxin's statement and does not think that Xiao Bai is a prodigal!

Ye Anxin naturally heard the meaning of Mu Beiting's words, and sighed helplessly, "Oh! Forget it! Anyway, if you have money, you can buy it! As long as you are willing to accompany me out to play, you can do whatever you want!"

She also knew that although her son was only five years old, he was very sensible and obedient!

They also bought this RV to make her happy! Since they are willing to accompany her, then she naturally shouldn't worry about the RV anymore!

For Ye Anxin's scornful look, Xiao Bai shrank her mouth in disdain, with a look of contempt.

Ye Anxin smiled embarrassedly and touched his head in kind.

After Ye Anxin told Mu Beiting and Xiaobai what happened after the picnic, the next day he began to prepare the picnic!

Simply, everything in the house is complete, and there are many new ones in the cabinet for future use!

Therefore, Ye Anxin has been preparing things for a picnic all day long! Sometimes, I suddenly remember what I forgot to bring, so I immediately pack it up and put it in the baby!

Finally, after a busy day, everything is finally organized!

In order to have enough energy to go out and play tomorrow, after dinner, Ye Anxin asked everyone to go back to the room to rest early, to replenish their energy and prepare for the picnic tomorrow!

Finally, in Ye Anxin's eager expectation, Saturday's picnic finally ushered in.

On Saturday morning, Ye Anxin got up at five o'clock. In order to cooperate with her, Mu Beiting and Xiaobai did not go for a run as usual. Instead, they put on a set of casual sportswear and sat on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, waiting for her. Commanded.

After everything was ready, Ye Anxin called Yan Qinghan, and after telling the meeting place, he got in Mu Beiting's newly bought RV and set off!

Sitting in the RV, Ye Anxin couldn't help but feel distressed!

Although every car of Mu Beiting is of great value, she has never felt so distressed!

After all, every one of his cars is useful, and this RV is completely used for only two days. After two days, it will be useless!

Millions! It's gone in two days! Ah... what a luxury!

People who were born into poverty like her, never thought of having such a luxurious day!

Xiaobai looked at Ye Anxin, knowing what she was thinking, and couldn't help but comfort her, "Mom, you have to use it! Otherwise, if you make so much money, isn't it a waste of money? It's a waste to leave it alone!"

"...! Okay! I'll get used to it!" Ye Anxin choked with his own saliva because of Xiao Bai's words, and nodded reluctantly.

Ugh! She knew for the first time that money was a waste of money!

Xiaobai took Ye Anxin's hand and said nothing!

The RV went all the way, and finally stopped at the destination three hours later!

Yan Qinghan chose a more famous beach in Jincheng! There are usually a lot of people here, during holidays, it is a very good choice for people who can't travel far!

In order to have a good picnic, Yan Qinghan deliberately wrapped up the entire beach. Except for the five family members, there was not a single person.

Unlike them, the remaining four families are all prepared tents!

However, their tent was not an ordinary tent, it was the kind of tent where a shepherd lived. The degree of luxury made Ye Anxin stunned.

When they first landed on the beach, a large number of people appeared, and then they started to pitch tents. After catching up, he immediately disappeared by car.

Mu Beiting's RV was parked beside the four tents!

Seeing this sandy beach filled with four luxury tents, Ye An's heart was broken!

This time, she fully realized what rich people are! The rich world is really crazy! Is it necessary to start a camp like this?

When they used to study, they did not participate in this kind of activities less. At that time, they used the simplest tents, the tents that would be blown away if the wind was a little bit bigger!

Although it was hard, they enjoyed it.

Ye Anxin stood on the beach, and after a short while, Yan Qinghan brought the other three families over!

After five years of absence, seeing Mu Beiting's brothers again, she suddenly felt that they had changed a lot!

Not only does everyone have a companion, but they also bring their own children!

"Hi, Sister-in-law! You haven't seen them yet! Let me introduce you to you!" Then, Yan Qinghan pointed at the beauty standing next to him and said with a smile, "This is my baby, Yue You saw your sister-in-law during her wedding, her name is Guan Nuannuan!" Then, she picked up the beautiful little girl standing beside them and said happily, "This is my little princess, and her nickname is small!"

The little girl who was in Yan Qinghan's arms had her hands on her waist, and said fiercely, "I'm not called Xiaodudian, I'm Yan Chuxia!"

Guan Nuannuan, who was standing next to Yan Qinghan, smiled embarrassedly, "Sorry, Chuxia was spoiled by her father! Because she was born in Chuxia, she named Chuxia!"

Ye Anxin smiled slightly, and extended his hand to Yan Chuxia friendly, "Hello Chuxia!"

"Hello!" Yan Chuxia reached out and shook hands with Ye Anxin in a serious manner.

After introducing the people around him, he pointed to Huo Yunmo's family and said, "They don't need me to introduce them! You know them all!"

Ye Anxin followed Yan Qinghan’s finger and saw that Huo Yunmo was holding a little girl in her hand. Ling Yueyue stood beside the little girl, and a boy as tall as her stood beside Ling Yueyue, boy. Seeing Ye Anxin looking at him, Jun blushed and bowed his head shyly.

"Is this every day?" Although I haven't seen each other in five years, Ye Anxin still recognized the boy in front of him at a glance!

[PS: Today’s update is complete! Tomb-sweeping Festival, Tu Tu is preparing to host activities, so many gifts! Don't miss it when you pass by! For specific matters, please refer to the top post in the message area! Or add a group to ask the administrator, the group number is: 232837388]

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