Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 502: : Where did Ruan Zhitong go?

With a full view of his expression, Ye Anxin smiled and touched his head, warmly said: "What? It hurts? Are you starting to regret being cruel to Chuxia?"

Hearing this, there was a suspicious blush on Xiao Baijun's face, his mouth slumped, and he didn't pretend to say: "I won't feel distressed, she's a crying lover, so annoying! I have a headache every time I cry! "

Ye Anxin raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? You really don't like her?"

Little Bai Nunu said, of course: "Of course!"

Ye Anxin, but smiled and said nothing!

Mu Beiting, who has been sitting next to him in silence, took Ye Anxin's shoulders, and said warmly, "Are you tired? Lie down and rest when you are tired! I'll call you when I get home!"

"Yeah!" Ye Anxin yawned lazily, touched Xiaobai's head, and asked softly, "Xiaobai, you haven't slept all night, so you should be sleepy too! Sleep with your mother!"

Xiaobai asked unclearly, "How do you know I haven't slept all night?"

Ye Anxin found out that she had accidentally leaked her mouth and hurriedly laughed and haha, "Look at you, your eyes are flushed with red blood. When everyone played today, you didn’t have the energy, didn’t you just sleepless? In this way, so I know it at a glance!"

Xiao Bai frowned and asked in disbelief, "Really? I'm not a kid, don't fool me!"

"Oh, it's true of course! Could my mother lie to you! Go to sleep! Dad will ask us to get up when we get home!" As he said, he hugged Xiao Bai and lay on the bed together.

Xiao Bai blinked. Although he didn't believe Ye Anxin's words, he didn't ask anything. Instead, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in Ye Anxin's arms!

Listening to Xiaobai's even breathing sound, Ye Anxin fell asleep deeply after a while!

Mu Beiting sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Ye Anxin and Xiaobai who were sleeping tightly together. A soft light flashed deep under his eyes, and his thin lips were slowly raised, raising a nice arc.

Because of her pregnancy, she didn't get a good rest. The two days of play really made Ye Anxin tired. After returning home, having dinner and taking a shower, Ye Anxin went back to the room to rest!

Time quietly passed, and another seven days passed in a blink of an eye!

In the past seven days, Ye Anxin was the same as usual. She went out shopping when she was bored and Yueyue. Sometimes she would call her mother, but every time she came out, Ye father would come out with him. The task was to help them screw things!

Along the way, Ye Anxin felt very satisfied from the bottom of his heart when he watched Ye's father greet Ye Mu with warmth and thoughtfulness!

Her mother is the most uneasy in her life. Seeing her happy now, with a smile on her face, she will also be happy with her!

After this period of observation, Ling Yueyue also gradually threw the initial suspicion of Father Ye away from the sky!

On this day, the four of them went shopping together again. Halfway through the shopping, Ye Father and Ye Mother went shopping on their own, leaving Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue behind!

Ye Anxin was tired from shopping, so she found a bench to sit down and rest, took out the mineral water and drank two guts!

Ling Yueyue sat aside with her, fanning herself with her hands.

Ye Anxin drank the water and suddenly seemed to remember something. He pulled Ling Yueyue and asked curiously, "Yueyue, do you know what happened to Gu Xingchen and Ruan Zhitong? Why did Gu Xingchen marry Lin Shengxia, he didn't and Ruan Zhitong? Are you engaged? And, where is Ruan Zhitong now? I have been back for so long, why haven't I seen her?"

Ling Yueyue raised her eyebrows, and said dismissively: "This is the Gu family's business, and I don't know much! However, three years ago, Gu Xingchen and Ruan Zhitong suddenly cancelled their engagement and married Lin Shengxia at the same speed as a rocket! Then Ruan Zhitong disappeared. After that, no one saw her again. She seemed to have completely disappeared from this world! At first I was curious and asked my Mr. Huo, but Mr. Huo seemed to be totally different about this matter. situation!"

"Three years ago?" Ye Anxin muttered these three words, frowning, as if thinking about something!

Seeing her serious look, Ling Yueyue asked in wonder, "What happened three years ago?"

Ye Anxin said, "Su Yuexin was also sent to prison by the uncle three years ago! How could it be such a coincidence?"

Upon hearing this, Ling Yueyue smiled, and said indifferently: "Perhaps it was a pure coincidence! I guess it should be Lin Shengxia who was pregnant with Gu Xingchen's child at the time. Gu Xingchen cancelled the agreement to be responsible to her. Ruan Zhitong’s marriage contract! But Ruan Zhitong could not stand the shock, so he quietly left Jincheng! You think, eleven years ago, the most loved man, Mu Beiting! He lost his favorite man again three years ago! This I can't bear the matter to anyone! What's more, it is such a soft and weak woman as Ruan Zhitong!"

Ye Anxin shook his head and said thoughtfully: "Why do I always feel that Ruan Zhitong is involved in Su Yuexin's imprisonment? Otherwise, why did everything happen just three years ago?"

Ling Yueyue patted Ye Anxin on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I tell you, if you told me like this five years ago, I would definitely believe you and support you! But since I saw it five years ago After that scene, I feel that Ruan Zhitong is indeed a good woman, the kind of woman who pays without asking for a return, and will not force it if she misses it!"

Ye Anxin's brow furrowed tighter when he heard the words, and said in doubt, "Five years ago, what did you see?"

"Five years ago, that was the time when you just left! Although I don't know why you left suddenly, but I know that Mu Beiting must be bad to you, otherwise, as you love him. In the deep situation, how could I abandon him and leave with the child! So, almost whenever I have time, I go to Mu's house, wanting to get justice for you! Once, when I arrived at the door of Mu's house, I saw Ruan Zhitong look anxious Wandering outside the door! Just as I was about to go and ask questions, Su Yuexin was suddenly blasted out of the house by the housekeeper! Su Yuexin stood at the door, crying and making bad words to the housekeeper. The scolding was terrible! Just when I couldn't listen, I was about to rush up and slap her a few times, I heard Ruan Zhitong speak! I felt that if she was really a bad woman, she would definitely not be able to tell such a thing. !"

Upon hearing this, Ye Anxin couldn't wait to ask, "What did Ruan Zhitong say?"

Ling Yueyue continued, "Ruan Zhitong said, since you can't get it, let it go! Miss Ye left, and Mu Beiting's heart died too! If he really loves you, he won't give it to you today. I have a status! School girl, forget it, don’t force it if you don’t get it, so that you can get free and find a man who suits you and loves yourself!"

[PS: Today’s update is complete! Tomb-sweeping Festival, Tu Tu is preparing to host activities, so many gifts! Don't miss it when you pass by! For specific matters, please refer to the top post in the message area! Or add a group to ask the administrator, the group number is: 232837388]

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