Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 504: : Prodigal Wives

Back home, Ye An couldn’t wait to take out the clothes he bought for Xiaobai and gestured on him, while excitedly saying: "Xiaobai, look, this is what my mother gave you today. The clothes I bought! Autumn is coming soon, and these are all new models this year! You are so fast that you can't wear last year's clothes, so my mother bought you a lot of new clothes today!"

Xiaobai glanced down at the light blue long-sleeved casual clothes that Ye Anxin was gesturing on her body. She squatted and said with disdain, "Too many. You bought me so many not long ago. Now you buy it again? Even if I do it every day. Wear one, you can't finish it in a year!"

Ye Anxin touched his head embarrassedly, and said with a smile, "The last time my mother bought you was summer clothes, this time it was autumn clothes! The last time I bought it, I forgot to change the season soon! It doesn't matter, I wear one piece a day. If we don’t finish, then we will wear two or three pieces a day, and we will definitely finish wearing them!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Mom, you are such a prodigal, does Dad know?"

"...!" Xiaobai was speechless for a while, Ye Anxin almost didn't vomit a mouthful of blood!

Ye Anxin lowered his head and blushed and said, "That... Mom bought you a little bit more clothes! However, this is because my mother has not been with you for the past five years and wants to make up for the debt to you! However, Mom, this is not a prodigal! Compared with the millions of RVs of your father and son, this is pediatrics!"

Xiaobai's mouth squashed, and calmly retorted, "We used that RV for two days! And these clothes can only be worn for a long time! Mom, who is the most prodigal?"

"...!" Ye Anxin looked at his son in surprise, why did he suddenly feel that his son has become so sharp!

She actually couldn't speak to him. When he said that, she even began to review herself, is she really too prodigal?

At this time, Mu Beiting's voice suddenly rang at the door of the room, "Don't listen to Xiaobai's nonsense!"

Ye Anxin and Xiaobai turned around and looked at the door of the room at the same time. Ye Anxin asked in wonder, "When did you stand there?"

"Just now, I just heard the last words of the two of you!" As he said, Mu Beiting walked in strode, picked up Ye Anxin who was resting on the ground, and took her to the bed and sat down. He took the clothes in his hand, threw it on the bed, and said indifferently: "If you feel too much, you will burn it! In this way, you will not only wear it for a long time! This way you will not lose the house!"

"...!" Hearing what he said about burning clothes was so natural, Ye Anxin was almost choked by his saliva!

What is invincible? Even if your clothes burn, you're invincible?

This is obviously more white, OK? Although there are too many clothes, it is really a waste to wear it for only half a day, but it is better than a fire, okay to wear it without wearing it!

Xiaobai pouted and said with dissatisfaction: "Dad, you are deliberately partial to mom!"

Mu Beiting took a long arm and lifted Ye Anxin from the bed, sat on his lap, gently touched her back, and confidently said: "She is my wife, is she not partial to her, is she partial to you?"

Xiaobai put her hands on her waist and said angrily: "But I am your son!"

Mu Beiting raised his eyebrows, and said calmly, "The son will marry a wife! His wife will stay with him for a lifetime!"

Being frustrated by Mu Beiting's words, Xiao Bai didn't even think about it, and said directly: "I won't marry, I want to live with you forever!"

However, his words not only didn't move Mu Beiting, but made Mu Beiting sneer, holding Ye Anxin silently and stood up, glanced at him coldly, and turned towards the door without looking back. Go!

Seeing them leaving, Xiao Bai hurriedly shouted: "Hey...! What are you doing!"

"Go back to the room and sleep!" Mu Beiting quietly dropped a word, and left without looking back, holding Ye An in his heart.

In this way, Xiao Bai was thrown into his room by a person!

Seeing them leaving behind, Xiaobai couldn't recover for a long time!

He said to spend a lifetime with them, shouldn't they be very happy and moved? Why didn't he think they were happy, but he looked disdainful!

It seems that he stayed with them for the rest of their lives. Is it something they detest?

Does he make them feel like that?

This time, Xiao Bai was completely injured! The young mind was hit like never before.

I don’t know, when he was disgusted by his parents, he disliked Yan Chuxia in the same way!

Mu Beiting hugged Ye Anxin and strode back to the room. Mu Beiting put her on the bed and said warmly, "Sit for a while, and I'll let you take a shower!"

Ye Anxin shook his head and said hurriedly: "No, I just need to stand and take a shower!"

"You have been shopping for a day today, you must be tired! It will be more comfortable to wash in the bathtub!" Ye Anxin could not refuse, turned around and walked towards the bathroom. After a while, there was a sound of running water.

When the water was almost ready, Mu Beiting walked out, took Ye Anxin into the bathroom, turned off the faucet, gently took off her clothes for Ye Anxin, and then carefully put her into the bathtub filled with warm water. .

When Mu Beiting rolled up his sleeves and was about to take a bath for Ye Anxin, Ye Anxin hurriedly grabbed the towel in his hand and blushed and said, "Uncle, I can do it by myself! You have been working for a day, and you are tired. Up!"

Mu Beiting pursed his lips and thought about it for a while, then nodded solemnly, "Yes, I am really tired this day!"

Ye Anxin blinked, thinking that he would leave the bathroom and go to the room to rest for a while!

Unexpectedly, Mu Beiting stood up and began to take off his clothes.

Upon seeing this, Ye Anxin couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and stammered: "Uncle, you...what are you going to do?"

"I'm tired!" Mu Beiting spit out three words faintly, and dropped the clothes he took off on the ground. The tall figure immediately slid into the water!

The bathtub overflowed because of his joining!

Ye Anxin swallowed her saliva again, and leaped wildly, "Uncle, you want me to bathe you?"

Although he only said three short words just now! However, after the husband and wife took so long, she gradually understood the meaning of his words.

Mu Beiting pursed his lips, but nodded gently.

Seeing him nodding, Ye Anxin obediently squeezed the shower gel on the palm of his hand, washing his white and tender palm slowly along his firm chest!

Although the two have been on blind date countless times, she still gets nervous and shy every time she has such close contact with him! The soft hands that touched Mu Beiting's body also trembled slightly because of tension!

Mu Beiting didn't seem to feel her nervousness at all, closed his eyes with enjoyment, and let her delicate little hands touch her regularly.

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