Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 506: : Sudden change

Xiao Bai's mouth was stubborn, and he turned his head stubbornly, and ignored her angrily!

Ye Anxin was not discouraged either, knowing that Xiaobai had always been hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. Although he said that he was unhappy, there was nothing in his heart, that is, the child was making trouble! I didn't care!

Xiao Bai stayed at the door until Mu Beiting and Ye Anxin left together in the commercial vehicle, and then turned and entered the house with the housekeeper!

Because Ye Anxin lives in the middle of the mountain, Ling Yueyue lives in the villa area, and they go out at about the same time, so Ling Yueyue arrives at Ye's father and mother's house before Ye Anxin!

When Ling Yueyue arrived, Father Ye and Mother Ye were cleaning the house, and the vegetables they bought were still on the table!

Ling Yueyue handed the gift to Ye's mother and said with a smile, "Auntie, this is the health care product I bought for you and uncle! These health care products can increase resistance and prevent some senile diseases!"

"Come here and buy any health care products! But since you gave it away, Auntie is not polite to you! I will accept it!" After some polite remarks, Ye Mu accepted it politely and let go On the coffee table!

At this moment, Father Ye brought a cup of warm water over, handed it to Ling Yueyue's hand, and said with a smile, "Yueyue, sit down on the sofa and have a sip of tea! It's still early, and your Aunt Ye and I The house is cleaned up, and when An Xin arrives, before cooking, the soup is already simmered on the stove. Later, you and An Xin must each drink two large bowls, otherwise you will be wasting a piece of your Aunt Ye's heart!"

"Thank you, uncle! Don't worry, I will take Anxin to drink two big bowls later, and I will definitely not waste a piece of my auntie's heart!" Ling Yueyue took the water that Ye father handed over, took a sip, and put it on the coffee table. Rolling up his sleeves, he said openly: "Uncle and Auntie, I'm bored anyway, let me clean up the house for you! Since marrying my husband, Mr. Huo, I haven't worked for a long time. Thinking about it now, it really is. Very nostalgic!"

Mother Ye pushed Ling Yueyue hurriedly, shook her head and refused, "No, no! You are a guest, how can I let you do it!"

"Auntie, what kind of guest do I count! Uncle and auntie watched me grow up, I had already regarded this as my own home!" Without waiting for Ye's father and mother to respond, he took the broom and started cleaning.

Ye Mu shook her head helplessly, then stopped saying anything, and continued to clean!

Because the house was originally small, it didn't take much effort to clean it up. With the efforts of three people, it was cleaned up in a short time!

When the three of them finished their work and just sat down on the sofa, they heard the sound of the key opening the door!

Ye Anxin is the only person who can have the key to this house except for Father Ye and Mother Ye!

Knowing that Ye Anxin was here, Father Ye didn't open the door, but first poured her a glass of water. After Ye Anxin entered the door, he pressed her onto the sofa and sat down and handed the water to her hand!

"Thank you, Dad!" Ye Anxin took the warm water from Father Ye, feeling warm in her heart!

Twenty-six years ago, this was the first glass of water that my father poured for myself, and it was bleak to say, she really hadn’t felt paternal love before!

For her, her father is nothing more than a decoration! Apart from dragging them down and leaving them with a lot of unrepayable loan sharks, they have never felt anything else in him!

Today, seeing his father pouring water for herself, Ye Anxin was very pleased and moved!

After Ye Anxin drank the tea and put the teacup on the table, Ye Mu took her hand and said softly: "We just finished cleaning the house. Let’s take a break. The soup is already stewed on the stove. Just copy a few of your favorite dishes to eat! It won’t take long!"

Ye Anxin shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just ate breakfast, and I am not hungry yet!"

Ling Yueyue smiled and said, "An Xin, I just promised my uncle that I would take you to drink two big bowls of soup. Later, you will have to be obedient, don't let me break my promise!"

Ye Anxin nodded without hesitation, and said with happiness: "No problem, I like to drink my mother's soup the most. Two bowls are necessary!"

After listening to their conversation, the corner of Ye's mouth sitting on the other side of the sofa couldn't help but raise a small smile, and there was a cold flash in the depths of his eyes!

It's a pity that Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue, who were talking and laughing, didn't notice, they were still chatting happily!

At half past ten, Ye Mu put on her apron and went into the kitchen to prepare meals!

Originally, Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue had to go in to help, but Ye Mu pressed them onto the sofa to let them watch TV!

In desperation, they had to sit on the sofa obediently, watching TV and chatting with Father Ye!

Father Ye talked for a while, but he was worried about Mother Ye and went into the kitchen to help!

Seeing Ye's father entering the kitchen, Ling Yueyue pulled Ye Anxin and couldn't help but teased with a voice that only two people could hear: "Hey, my uncle has changed a lot now! It's like changing a person! Yes! Wasn't it irritated before?"

Ye Anxin rolled her eyes and said with no good air: "Isn't it a good thing for my dad to change?"

But Ling Yueyue was holding her chin, her fingers patted her chin rhythmically, and thoughtfully: "It must be a good thing! You don't know, I just changed it and I was uncomfortable! Now I feel accustomed to it. It’s just that I can’t figure out why my uncle suddenly changed so much!"

Ye Anxin poke Ling Yueyue's forehead vigorously with his finger, "You, just like crazy thinking!"

Ling Yueyue clutched the painful place by Ye Anxin and yelled dissatisfiedly, "It hurts, don't you know!"

Ye Anxin raised his chin and deliberately said, "I did it on purpose!"

"Smelly girl, let's see how I can clean up you!" As he said, he breathed in his hand, and then scratched at Ye Anxin's slender waist!

"Ah...itch, don't...!" As Ye Anxin screamed, the two twisted together on the sofa!

Father Ye and Mother Ye are busy working for lunch in the kitchen, and Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue are having fun outside!

After an hour and a half, Father Ye brought the prepared dishes to the table outside, and shouted with a smile: "Okay, don't be crazy, wash your hands and come and eat!"

"Okay, come right away!" Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue responded at the same time, and the two twisted figures finally separated, rushing to the bathroom in a hurry!

This is their way of getting along. They have been playing and fighting since they were young, but their relationship has never been affected by the fighting.

After the two of them washed their hands, they sat along the dining table according to the position they had been sitting in since childhood!

When they sat down, Ye's father had brought all the food to the table, and gave each of them a bowl of rice and handed it to them, "Come on, eat first!"

"Thank you Dad!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Ye Anxin and Ling Yueyue smiled and thanked them at the same time, and then began to eat unceremoniously.

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