Cutesy Wife Sweet Like Honey

Chapter 522: : Life for life

"Five years ago, I did something that hurt her, and she let me go without thinking about the villain! After that, I learned from the pain, and decided to go abroad! I stayed abroad for five years! A few days ago, my aunt called me and she said that Ling Yueyue fell into her hands and she let me take care of it so that I could come back as soon as possible! She also said that there is a way for me and my brother-in-law Together! I am obedient and know that this is not easy! Although I don’t like Ling Yueyue, she is kind to me anyway! So, I came back as soon as possible! After coming back, I first notify my brother-in-law to come Save Ling Yueyue! Then Ling Yueyue told me that you were missing with her! So I secretly probed my aunt's mouth and learned that you were transported to Africa by water by her! Then, I secretly notified Ling Yueyue, let her go to Mu Beiting to save you!" Nan Jianning finished all the words in one breath, and then continued: "Ye Anxin, although I am not usually pleasing, my aunt only did it. A lot of things that hurt you! But, in the final analysis, she also has her helplessness. Since the death of sister Janes, auntie has been living in this life of suffering! She always feels that she will lose everything one day, this The days of panic and restlessness are really painful! I know that my aunt has hurt you a lot this time, but... Please see that because I saved Ling Yueyue and saved your life, please let her go. I promise you that if you let her go this time, I will take her to the United States and never come back!"

Listening to Nan Jianning's sincere words, Ye Anxin couldn't help but be moved. "She has been using you to hold her right and position in the Nan family. Why do you treat her so well?"

Hearing that, Nan Jianning finally managed to stop the tears streaming down, lowered his head, and whispered, "I don't know if my aunt treated me well or not, I only know one thing! My parents died early. If it weren’t for my uncle and aunt, I wouldn’t have such a superior life! What’s more, my aunt always treats me like my own daughter. I have a lot of things that Jane’s cousin has, and I have a lot! I have the same education! It’s because I didn’t live up to it, and I let down my uncle and aunt’s expectations of me! Since my parents died, my aunt has been the best person to me! I am grateful to her and have long regarded her as my own. Treat it like a mother! How can you watch your mother go to jail as a daughter? What's more, this incident was caused by me. I betrayed her. If not, my aunt's plan would not be discovered! "

After hearing Nan Jianning's words, Ye An couldn't help but look at her with admiration!

Is this the same Nan Jianning she saw five years ago?

Five years ago, Nan Jianning was arrogant and self-willed, and did not have the cultivation and connotation that a young lady should have!

At Yueyue’s wedding, he could fight with Yueyueda, and when Tiantian was born, he could take people to the hospital and make a big noise!

But now she has not only reduced her sharpness, but has also become a lot more mature! For many things, it seems to have the ability to distinguish right from wrong!

After hearing what Nan Jianning said, Xue Rong's eyes flickered, and she sneered: "I don't have a daughter like you, I tell you, I have used you from beginning to end, and I am not really good to you at all! This time I betrayed me again, I will never forgive you! You go quickly, get out... I don't want to see you again!"

For Xue Rong's harsh words, Nan Jianning just lowered his head and cried silently!

Seeing this cautious Nan Jianning, Ye An felt a little sour in his heart. While sympathizing with her, he also showed a slight admiration for her.

Seeing that Ye Anxin never spoke, Nan Jianning lowered his head and lowered his posture, begging bitterly: "Ye Anxin, I beg you, let go of my uncle and aunt, let go of Nanshang Group! It’s their hard work! If I can, I’m willing to use my life to pay them off!” As he said, he actually stood up and ran into the coffee table in front of the sofa when everyone had no time to react!

"Don't...!" When Ye Anxin discovered her intentions, it was too late to stop, and he watched her bump into the corner of the coffee table.

When the forehead hit the coffee table, time seemed to stand still. Everyone stared at the scene before them and forgot to react!

Do not……!

Xue Rong was the first to react. She broke free of the two men holding her, flew to Nan Jianning's side, hugged her tightly in her arms, and touched the blood and tears that kept coming out of her forehead. Brushing down, trembling and excited: "Jenning, what are you doing? Why are you so stupid! I have always used you to consolidate power and status! I have never really dealt with you! Why are you? So stupid, to do it for someone who is not worthy of your treatment!"

When his forehead hit the coffee table, Nan Jianning felt his head faint, his sight gradually became distracted, his strength seemed to be taken out of his body, and the whole person lying softly in Xue Rong's arms, with a weak smile, breathed like silk. "Auntie, in my heart, I have regarded you as my own biological mother! No matter how you treat me, my feelings for you will not change! I will always remember that you were kind to me! So... You, I would rather trade my life!" At this point, I could no longer hold back and fainted in Xue Rong's arms.

" wake up! Jianning...Don't leave me! Sisi has left me, and I'm just a daughter like you. If you leave me, I What should I do in the next half of my life? How do I live!" Xue Rong cried heartbreakingly, her heart broken! Holding Nan Jianning tightly with both hands, I was afraid that if she was not careful, she would completely disappear from her arms!

Nan Mingchuan was still calm. Seeing this situation, he hurriedly picked up the landline in the living room and dialed 120.

Seeing this sensational scene in front of them, Ye Anxin and Ye Mu's eyes were red, and Ye Mu lowered their heads and cried silently.

Ye Anxin wiped away tears, feeling very complicated, sour and astringent!

Her hatred for Nan Mu disappeared the moment Nan Jianning hit the coffee table!

After this incident, she seemed to have changed her mind about Nanmu!

Before, she always thought that Nan Mu was using Nan Jian Ning. She has raised Nan Jian Ning for more than 20 years, but it is just a chess piece she carefully cultivated!

But now she feels that perhaps Nan Jianning had already regarded Nan Jianning as her biological daughter before she knew it!

She had already moved all her feelings for her sister Jian Si to Nan Jianning! It's just that she never knew it, thinking that being good to Nan Jianning was just a disguise!

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